import json import boto3 import time import os TABLE = os.environ["TableName"] # Total number of retry attempts to make RETRY_LIMIT = 2 def lambda_handler(event, context): # Pick off our event values transcribe = boto3.client("transcribe") jobName = event["detail"]["TranscriptionJobName"] response = transcribe.get_transcription_job(TranscriptionJobName = jobName)["TranscriptionJob"] jobStatus = response["TranscriptionJobStatus"] # Read tracking entry between Transcribe job and its Step Function ddbClient = boto3.client("dynamodb") tracking = ddbClient.get_item(Key={'PKJobId': {'S': jobName}}, TableName=TABLE) # It's unlikely, but if we didn't get a value due to some race condition # meaning that the job finishes before the token was written then wait # for 5 seconds and try again. Just once. This may never happen if "Item" not in tracking: # Just sleep for a few seconds and try again time.sleep(5) tracking = ddbClient.get_item(Key={'PKJobId': {'S': jobName}}, TableName=TABLE) # Did we have a result? if "Item" in tracking: # Delete entry in DDB table - there's no way we'll be processing this again ddbClient.delete_item(Key={'PKJobId': {'S': jobName}}, TableName=TABLE) # Extract the Step Functions task and previous event status taskToken = tracking["Item"]["taskToken"]['S'] eventStatus = json.loads(tracking["Item"]["taskState"]['S']) # If the job has FAILED then we need to check if it's a service failure, # as this can happen, then we want to re-try the job another time finalResponse = jobStatus if jobStatus == "FAILED": errorMesg = response["FailureReason"] if errorMesg.startswith("Internal"): # Internal failure - we want to retry a few times, but only once retryCount = eventStatus.pop("retryCount", 0) # Not retried enough yet - let's try another time if (retryCount < RETRY_LIMIT): eventStatus["retryCount"] = retryCount + 1 finalResponse = "RETRY" # All complete - continue our workflow with this status/retry count eventStatus["transcribeStatus"] = finalResponse sfnClient = boto3.client("stepfunctions") sfnClient.send_task_success(taskToken=taskToken, output=json.dumps(eventStatus)) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('Success.') } # Main entrypoint for testing # Note, Status could be COMPLETED or FAILED if __name__ == "__main__": event = { 'version': '0', 'id': '0029c6b1-7c8e-1f61-fed5-7ef256b3660b', 'detail-type': 'Transcribe Job State Change', 'source': 'aws.transcribe', 'account': '710514874879', 'time': '2020-08-05T13:32:03Z', 'region': 'us-east-1', 'resources': [], 'detail': { 'TranscriptionJobName': '0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-', 'TranscriptionJobStatus': 'COMPLETED' } } lambda_handler(event, "")