""" Produce Word Document transcriptions using the automatic speech recognition from AWS Transcribe. Requires the following non-standard Amazon Linux libraries: """ from parsets import TranscribeParser from docx import Document from docx.table import Table from docx.shared import Cm, Mm, Inches, RGBColor from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH, WD_COLOR_INDEX from pathlib import Path from time import perf_counter from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline import json, datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import statistics import sys import parsets import os # Column offsets in Transcribe output document table COL_STARTTIME = 0 COL_ENDTIME = 1 COL_SPEAKER = 2 COL_CONTENT = 3 COL_SENTIMENT = 4 COL_SENTIMENT_SCORE = 5 # Sentiment helpers MIN_SENTIMENT_NEGATIVE = 0.4 MIN_SENTIMENT_POSITIVE = 0.4 COMPREHEND_ENTITY = "onsei" def convertTimeStamp(timeInSeconds: float) -> str: """ Function to help convert timestamps from s to H:M:S:MM """ timeDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(timeInSeconds)) tsFront = timeDelta - datetime.timedelta(microseconds=timeDelta.microseconds) tsSmall = timeDelta.microseconds return str(tsFront) + "." + str(int(tsSmall / 10000)) def getTextColour(confidence: float) -> RGBColor: """ Get an RGB colour to represent this confidence range - it's a float, so can't easily be a simple lookup. This is used for any work rendering """ if confidence >= 0.95: textColour = RGBColor(0, 0, 0) elif confidence >= 0.90: textColour = RGBColor(32, 0, 0) elif confidence >= 0.75: textColour = RGBColor(64, 0, 0) elif confidence >= 0.6: textColour = RGBColor(128, 0, 0) elif confidence >= 0.5: textColour = RGBColor(191, 0, 0) else: textColour = RGBColor(255, 0, 0) return textColour def addNextConfidenceRow(confTable: Table, rowName: str, rowStatsLookup: int, parsedWords: int): # Repeated code to build up the word confidence table row_cells = confTable.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = rowName row_cells[1].text = str(rowStatsLookup) row_cells[2].text = str(round(rowStatsLookup / parsedWords * 100, 2)) + "%" def writeOutTranscribeTable(outputTable, transcribeSegments): # Create a row populate it for each segment that we have for segment in transcribeSegments: # Start with the easy stuff row_cells = outputTable.add_row().cells row_cells[COL_STARTTIME].text = convertTimeStamp(segment["SegmentStartTime"]) row_cells[COL_ENDTIME].text = convertTimeStamp(segment["SegmentEndTime"]) row_cells[COL_SPEAKER].text = segment["SegmentSpeaker"] # Then do each word with confidence-level colouring for eachWord in segment["WordConfidence"]: run = row_cells[COL_CONTENT].paragraphs[0].add_run(eachWord["Text"]) confLevel = eachWord["Confidence"] run.font.color.rgb = getTextColour(confLevel) # If the confidence is < 75% then additionally highlight it if confLevel < 0.75: run.font.highlight_color = WD_COLOR_INDEX.GRAY_25 # Finish with the base sentiment for the segment - don't write out score # if it turns out that this segment ie neither Negative nor Positive if bool(segment["SentimentIsPositive"]): row_cells[COL_SENTIMENT].text = "Positive" row_cells[COL_SENTIMENT_SCORE].text = str(segment["SentimentScore"])[:4] elif bool(segment["SentimentIsNegative"]): row_cells[COL_SENTIMENT].text = "Negative" row_cells[COL_SENTIMENT_SCORE].text = str(segment["SentimentScore"])[:4] def write(inputFilename, docxFilename, transcribeParser): """ Write a transcript from the .json transcription file and other data generated by the results parser, putting it all into a human-readable Word document """ json_filepath = Path(inputFilename) parseJobInfo = json.load(open(json_filepath.absolute(), "r", encoding="utf-8")) analysisJobInfo = parseJobInfo["ConversationAnalytics"] speechSegmentList = parseJobInfo["SpeechSegments"] transcribeJjobInfo = analysisJobInfo["SourceInformation"][0]["TranscribeJobInfo"] # Stats dictionary stats = { "timestamps": [], "accuracy": [], "9.8": 0, "9": 0, "8": 0, "7": 0, "6": 0, "5": 0, "4": 0, "3": 0, "2": 0, "1": 0, "0": 0, "parsedWords": 0 } # Word accuracy count for segment in speechSegmentList: for confidenceList in segment["WordConfidence"]: stats["timestamps"].append(float(confidenceList["StartTime"])) wordConf = float(confidenceList["Confidence"]) stats["accuracy"].append(wordConf * 100.0) if wordConf >= 0.98: stats["9.8"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.9: stats["9"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.8: stats["8"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.7: stats["7"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.6: stats["6"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.5: stats["5"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.4: stats["4"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.3: stats["3"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.2: stats["2"] += 1 elif wordConf >= 0.1: stats["1"] += 1 else: stats["0"] += 1 stats["parsedWords"] += 1 # Initiate Document document = Document() # A4 Size document.sections[0].page_width = Mm(210) document.sections[0].page_height = Mm(297) # Font font = document.styles["Normal"].font font.name = "Calibri" # Document title and intro title = "Transcription Output" document.add_heading(title, level=1) # Intro document.add_paragraph("Transcription using AWS Transcribe automatic speech recognition, parsed by custom library.") document.add_paragraph() # Spacing # Pull out header information just from the Transcribe job details table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=2) table.style = document.styles["Light List Accent 1"] table.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells hdr_cells[0].text = "Job Name" hdr_cells[1].text = transcribeJjobInfo["TranscriptionJobName"] row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "Language" row_cells[1].text = analysisJobInfo["LanguageCode"] row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "File Format" row_cells[1].text = transcribeJjobInfo["MediaFormat"] row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "Sample Rate" row_cells[1].text = str(transcribeJjobInfo["MediaSampleRateHertz"]) + "Hz" row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "Audio Ident" if transcribeJjobInfo["ChannelIdentification"]: row_cells[1].text = "Channel-separated" else: row_cells[1].text = "Speaker-separated" row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "Vocabulary" if "VocabularyName" in transcribeJjobInfo: row_cells[1].text = transcribeJjobInfo["VocabularyName"] else: row_cells[1].text = "n/a" row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "Avg. Accuracy" row_cells[1].text = str(round(transcribeJjobInfo["AverageAccuracy"] * 100.0, 2)) + "%" row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = "Parsed" row_cells[1].text = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %X") document.add_paragraph() # Spacing # Formatting transcript table widths widths = (Inches(1.2), Inches(3.0)) for row in table.rows: for idx, width in enumerate(widths): row.cells[idx].width = width # Display confidence count table - start with the fixed headers table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=3) table.style = document.styles["Light List Accent 1"] table.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells hdr_cells[0].text = "Confidence" hdr_cells[1].text = "Count" hdr_cells[2].text = "Percentage" parsedWords = stats["parsedWords"] confidenceRanges = ["98% - 100%", "90% - 97%", "80% - 89%", "70% - 79%", "60% - 69%", "50% - 59%", "40% - 49%", "30% - 39%", "20% - 29%", "10% - 19%", "0% - 9%"] confidenceRangeStats = ["9.8", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "0"] # Add on each row for confRange, rangeStats in zip(confidenceRanges, confidenceRangeStats): addNextConfidenceRow(table, confRange, stats[rangeStats], parsedWords) # Add paragraph for spacing document.add_paragraph() # Confidence of each word as scatter graph plt.scatter(stats["timestamps"], stats["accuracy"]) # Mean average as line across graph plt.plot([stats["timestamps"][0], stats["timestamps"][-1]], [statistics.mean(stats["accuracy"]), statistics.mean(stats["accuracy"])], "r") # Formatting plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)") # plt.xticks(range(0, int(stats['timestamps'][-1]), 60)) plt.ylabel("Accuracy (percent)") plt.yticks(range(0, 101, 10)) plt.title("Accuracy During Transcription") plt.legend(["Accuracy average (mean)", "Individual words"], loc="lower center") # Write out the chart accuracy_chart_file_name = "./" + "chart.png" plt.savefig(accuracy_chart_file_name) plt.clf() document.add_picture(accuracy_chart_file_name, width=Cm(14.64)) document.paragraphs[-1].alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER document.add_paragraph() # Process and display transcript by speaker segments table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=6) table.style = document.styles["Light List Accent 1"] hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells hdr_cells[COL_STARTTIME].text = "Start" hdr_cells[COL_ENDTIME].text = "End" hdr_cells[COL_SPEAKER].text = "Speaker" hdr_cells[COL_CONTENT].text = "Content" hdr_cells[COL_SENTIMENT].text = "Sentiment" hdr_cells[COL_SENTIMENT_SCORE].text = "Score" # Based upon our segment list, write out the transcription table writeOutTranscribeTable(table, speechSegmentList) # Formatting transcript table widthds widths = (Inches(0.8), Inches(0.8), Inches(0.8), Inches(4.5), Inches(0.8), Inches(0.4)) for row in table.rows: for idx, width in enumerate(widths): row.cells[idx].width = width # Generate sentiment graphs, starting by pulling out our two data streams for just pos/neg items speaker0labels = ['ch_0', 'spk_0'] speaker1labels = ['ch_1', 'spk_1'] speaker0timestamps = [] speaker0data = [] speaker1timestamps = [] speaker1data = [] # Generate our raw data for segment in speechSegmentList: if bool(segment["SentimentIsPositive"]) or bool(segment["SentimentIsNegative"]): # Only interested in actual sentiment entries timestamp = float(segment["SegmentStartTime"]) # Positive re-calculation if bool(segment["SentimentIsPositive"]): score = 2 * ((1-(1-float(segment["SentimentScore"]))/(1 - MIN_SENTIMENT_POSITIVE))*0.5) # Negative re-calculation else: score = 2 * ((1-float(segment["SentimentScore"]))/(1 - MIN_SENTIMENT_NEGATIVE)*0.5-0.5) if segment["SegmentSpeaker"] in speaker1labels: speaker1data.append(score) speaker1timestamps.append(timestamp) elif segment["SegmentSpeaker"] in speaker0labels: speaker0data.append(score) speaker0timestamps.append(timestamp) else: # DEBUG - shouldn't happen print("Couldn't find " + segment.segmentSpeaker) # Spline fit needs at least 4 points for k=3, but 5 works better speaker1k = 3 speaker0k = 3 if len(speaker1data) < 5: speaker1k = 1 if len(speaker0data) < 5: speaker0k = 1 # Creater Speaker-0 graph plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) speaker0xnew = np.linspace(speaker0timestamps[0], speaker0timestamps[-1], int((speaker0timestamps[-1] - speaker0timestamps[0]) + 1.0)) speaker0spl = make_interp_spline(speaker0timestamps, speaker0data, k=speaker0k) speaker0powerSmooth = speaker0spl(speaker0xnew) plt.plot(speaker0timestamps, speaker0data, "ro") plt.plot(speaker0xnew, speaker0powerSmooth, "r", label="Speaker 1") # Create Speaker-1 graph speaker1xnew = np.linspace(speaker1timestamps[0], speaker1timestamps[-1], int((speaker1timestamps[-1] - speaker1timestamps[0]) + 1.0)) speaker1spl = make_interp_spline(speaker1timestamps, speaker1data, k=speaker1k) speaker1powerSmooth = speaker1spl(speaker1xnew) plt.plot(speaker1timestamps, speaker1data, "bo") plt.plot(speaker1xnew, speaker1powerSmooth, "b", label="Speaker 2") # Draw it out plt.title("Call Sentiment - Pos/Neg Only") plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)") plt.axis([0, max(speaker0timestamps[-1], speaker1timestamps[-1]), -1.5, 1.5]) plt.legend() plt.axhline(y=0, color='k') plt.axvline(x=0, color='k') plt.grid(True) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, max(speaker0timestamps[-1], speaker1timestamps[-1]), 60)) plt.yticks(np.arange(-1, 1.01, 0.25)) # Write out the chart sentiment_chart_file_name = "./" + "sentiment.png" plt.savefig(sentiment_chart_file_name) plt.clf() document.add_picture(sentiment_chart_file_name, width=Cm(14.64)) document.paragraphs[-1].alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER # Save the whole document document.save(docxFilename) # Now remove the helper image files, which we don't need os.remove(accuracy_chart_file_name) os.remove(sentiment_chart_file_name) def createDevReloadList(): return [ "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3f.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3f.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-" ] def generateDocument(): # Parameter extraction assert len(sys.argv) > 1, "Usage: tswrite {transcribeJobName} [--reload]]" transcribeJobName = sys.argv[1] fullReload = False if len(sys.argv) > 2: if sys.argv[2] == "--reload": fullReload = True # Workflow for process start = perf_counter() if not fullReload: # Just parsing a single a single document, so create a Word Doc on from the results transcribeParser = TranscribeParser(MIN_SENTIMENT_POSITIVE, MIN_SENTIMENT_NEGATIVE, COMPREHEND_ENTITY) transcribeParser.parseTranscribeFile(transcribeJobName) # Now write the JSON results to a local file, and create the Word document from that jsonOutputFilename = transcribeParser.getJSONOutputFilename() if len(sys.argv) > 2: outputDocName = sys.argv[2] else: outputDocName = jsonOutputFilename + ".docx" with open(jsonOutputFilename, 'w') as fileWrite: json.dump(transcribeParser.outputAsJSON(), fileWrite) write(jsonOutputFilename, outputDocName, transcribeParser) print(f"> Transcript {outputDocName} writen.") else: # Full reload - no Word output, just pile through them reloadList = createDevReloadList() print(f"Bulk re-processing: {len(reloadList)} files to process") for transcribeJobName in reloadList: print(f"Processing {transcribeJobName}...") transcribeParser = TranscribeParser(MIN_SENTIMENT_POSITIVE, MIN_SENTIMENT_NEGATIVE, COMPREHEND_ENTITY) transcribeParser.parseTranscribeFile(transcribeJobName) # Write out the performance statistics finish = perf_counter() duration = round(finish - start, 2) print(f"> Processing complete in {duration} seconds.") # Main entrypoint if __name__ == "__main__": generateDocument()