import csv import re import sys # Supported Languages SUPPORTED_LANGS = ["en", "tr"] newIPAList = [] # Check the parameters numArgs = len(sys.argv) if (numArgs < 2) or (numArgs > 3): print("Usage: vocab-validation csvFilename {language}") # Extract the filename and language code (default to en) filename = sys.argv[1] if numArgs == 3: langCode = sys.argv[2].lower() if langCode not in SUPPORTED_LANGS: print("Usage: vocab-validation csvFilename {language}") print("-- {0} is not in the supported language list: {1}".format(langCode, SUPPORTED_LANGS)) else: langCode = "en" # Pick out correct codes if langCode == "en": # English values VALID_COMB = [{"Split": "a ʊ", "Combo": "aʊ"}, {"Split": "a ɪ", "Combo": "aɪ"}, {"Split": "e ɪ", "Combo": "eɪ"}, {"Split": "ɔ ɪ", "Combo": "ɔɪ"}, {"Split": "o ʊ", "Combo": "oʊ"}, {"Split": "n ̩", "Combo": "n̩"}, {"Split": "l ̩", "Combo": "l̩"}] VALID_PAIR = ["aʊ", "aɪ", "eɪ", "ɔɪ", "oʊ", "n̩", "l̩"] VALID_CHAR = ["w", "ɪ", "z", "b", "æ", "d", "ð", "ŋ", "f", "ɑ", "g", "ɔ", "h", "i", "ə", "j", "ɛ", "k", "ɝ", "l", "ɡ", "m", "ɹ", "n", "ʃ", "ʊ", "ʌ", "p", "ʍ", "s", "ʒ", "t", "ʤ", "u", "ʧ", "v", "θ"] VALID_PHRASE = "^[a-zA-Z.'-]+$" VALID_SOUNDS = "^[a-zA-Z.'-]+" elif langCode == "tr": VALID_COMB = [{"Split": "a ː", "Combo": "aː"}, {"Split": "e ː", "Combo": "eː"}, {"Split": "i ː", "Combo": "iː"}, {"Split": "o ː", "Combo": "oː"}, {"Split": "u ː", "Combo": "uː"}, {"Split": "y ː", "Combo": "yː"}, {"Split": "ø ː", "Combo": "øː"}, {"Split": "ɯ ː", "Combo": "ɯː"}] VALID_PAIR = ["aː", "eː", "iː", "oː", "uː", "yː", "øː", "ɯː"] VALID_CHAR = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "y", "z", "ø", "ŋ", "ɟ", "ɣ", "ɫ", "ɯ", "ɾ", "ʃ", "ʒ", "ʔ", "ʤ", "ʧ"] VALID_PHRASE = "^[a-zA-Z.'-ÇÖÜâäçèéêíîóöûüĞğİıŞşšž]+$" VALID_SOUNDS = "^[a-zA-Z.'-ÇÖÜâäçèéêíîóöûüĞğİıŞşšž]+" with open(filename, newline='') as csvfile: vocab = csv.reader(csvfile) line = 0 for row in vocab: line += 1 if line > 1: # Pick out a random training line for this entry phrase = row[0] displayAS = row[1] soundsLike = row[2] ipaNewText = row[3] # Ensure that the Phrase is only [A-Z], [a-z] and [.-'] if not, phrase) or phrase.endswith("-"): print("Failed: phrase [" + phrase + "] violates allowed characters") line = -1 # Ensure that SoundsLike is also only [A-Z], [a-z] and [.-'] if " " in soundsLike: print("Failed: soundsLike [" + soundsLike + "] contains SPACE characters") line = -1 if (soundsLike != "") and not, soundsLike): print("Failed: soundsLike [" + soundsLike + "] violates allowed characters") line = -1 # Do some substitutions / replacements in the IPA string (from standard IPA forms) if " " in ipaNewText: print("Failed: IPA phrase [" + ipaNewText + "] contains SPACE characters") # Only worry about the IPA if there is something there if ipaNewText != "": # Now format the IPA phrase for the correct character separation ipaNewText = " ".join(ipaNewText) for combo in VALID_COMB: if combo["Split"] in ipaNewText: ipaNewText = ipaNewText.replace(combo["Split"], combo["Combo"]) # Ensure no disallowed characters exist in the IPA ipaNewText = ipaNewText.split(' ') for token in ipaNewText: if token not in VALID_CHAR: if token not in VALID_PAIR: print("Failed: found [" + token + "] in " + phrase) line = -1 if line == -1: break # Print success and store set, generating new finalIPA = " ".join(ipaNewText) print("Phrase: " + phrase + " : " + finalIPA + soundsLike) newIPAList.append({'Phrase': phrase, 'DisplayAs': displayAS, 'SoundsLike': soundsLike, 'IPA': finalIPA}) with open(filename+'.txt', 'w', newline='') as file: fieldnames = ['Phrase', 'DisplayAs', 'IPA', 'SoundsLike'] file.write('\t'.join(fieldnames) + '\n') for entry in newIPAList: file.write(entry['Phrase'] + '\t' + entry['DisplayAs'] + '\t' + entry['IPA'] + '\t' + entry["SoundsLike"] + '\n')