# Deep Learning on AWS Open Data Registry: Automatic Building and Road Extraction from Satellite and LiDAR ### For [SpatialAPI 20](https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/spatialapi20) participants: we recommend registering an AWS account to allow immersive tutorial with hands-on experience. - [Create a regular AWS account](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account/) - [Create an educational AWS account](https://aws.amazon.com/education/awseducate/apply/) ### All tutorial contents can be reproduced within free tier services at no cost. If you have difficulty registering an AWS account, we offer a limited amount of temporary event account on a first-come, first-served basis. This is the repository for OpenData tutorial content by MLSL. ## Setup ### Create a SageMaker instance The tutorial can be run with any SageMaker instance type, but we highly recommend instance type with GPU support. For example, `ml.p?.?xlarge` series. The EBS volume size should be more than 60GB in order to store all necessary data. Network training/inference is a memory-intensive process. If you run into out of GPU memory or out of RAM error, consider decrease the number of `batch_size` in the `yml` config files in the `configs` folder. ### Clone this repository Once the SageMaker instance is successfully launched, open a terminal and follow the commands below: ```shell $ cd ~/SageMaker/ $ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-open-data-satellite-lidar-tutorial.git $ cd aws-open-data-satellite-lidar-tutorial ``` This will download the repository and take you to the repository directory. ### Create Conda environment Next, set up a Conda environment by running `setup-env.sh` as shown below. You can change the environment name from `tutorial_env` to any other names. ```shell $ ./setup-env.sh tutorial_env ``` This may take 10--15 minutes to complete. Then check to make sure you have a new Jupyter kernel called `conda_tutorial_env`, or `conda_[name]` if you change the environment name to `[name]`. You may need to wait for a couple of minutes and refresh the Jupyter page. ### Download from S3 buckets Next, download necessary files ([data browser](https://aws-satellite-lidar-tutorial.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html)) from S3 bucket prepared for this tutorial by running `download-from-s3.sh`: ```shell $ ./download-from-s3.sh ``` This may take 5 minutes to complete, and requires at least 23GB of EBS disk size. ## Launch notebook Finally, you can launch the notebooks `Building-Footprint.ipynb` or `Road-Network.ipynb` and learn to reproduce the tutorial. Note that if the notebook shows "No Kernel", or prompts to "Select Kernel", select the Jupyter kernel created in the previous step. ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. The [NOTICE](THIRD-PARTY) includes third-party licenses used in this repository.