Dear User, You have been granted access to our central AWS authentication account. From here you can assume designated roles into other AWS accounts in our Organization. You must complete the following tasks to configure your access: 1) Use the credentials below to log into the AWS console. You will be required to change your password as you log in. The rules for good passwords are as follows: - Minimum password length: 14 - Require at least one uppercase character from Latin alphabet. (A-Z) - Require at least one lowercase character from Latin alphabet. (a-z) - Require at least one symbol. (!@#$$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|') - Require at least one number. (0-9) IMPORTANT: your one time password will expire after 24 hours. IAM User Name: $user_name One Time Password: $onetimepw Login URL: https://${trusted_account} 2) Set up your 'Virtual MFA Device' in the AWS console. Instructions: You can use either Duo or Google Authenticator as your virtual MFA device. Instructions for installing Google Authenticator: 3) Log out and log back in again. You will be queried for your 6 digit token code. 4) Verify you can switch role into any accounts where you have cross account access. From the delegation information listed below supply the account_alias or account_id in the 'Account' field. Supply the role_name in the 'Role' field. Instructions: 5) (optional) Set up 'AWS Access Keys' for your IAM user. Instructions: Your IAM user has been delegated cross account access to the following accounts. $delegations