import os import sys import boto3 import ruamel.yaml from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from pkg_resources import parse_version import orgtool from orgtool.utils import flatten_OUs from orgtool.utils import lookup from orgtool.utils import valid_account_id from orgtool.utils import yamlfmt from orgtool.validator import file_validator # import yaml # from cerberus import Validator, schema_registry # Spec parser defaults DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "~/.orgtool/config.yaml" DEFAULT_SPEC_DIR = "~/.orgtool/spec.d" yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() def scan_config_file(log, args): if args["--config"]: config_file = args["--config"] else: config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE config_file = os.path.expanduser(config_file) # # # log.debug("current directory: {}".format(os.getcwd())) if not os.path.isfile(config_file): log.error(f"config_file not found: {config_file}") return None log.debug(f"loading config file: {config_file}") with open(config_file) as f: try: # config = yaml.safe_load( config = yaml.load( except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, UnicodeDecodeError): log.error(f"{config_file} not a valid yaml file") return None except Exception as e: log.error(f"can't load config_file '{config_file}': {e}") return None log.debug(f"config: {yamlfmt(config)}") return config def get_master_account_id(log, args, config): """ Determine the Org Master account id. Try in order: cli option, config file, client.describe_organization() """ if "--master-account-id" in args and args["--master-account-id"]: master_account_id = args["--master-account-id"] else: master_account_id = config.get("master_account_id") if master_account_id: if not valid_account_id(log, master_account_id): log.critical("config option 'master_account_id' is not valid account Id") sys.exit(1) else: log.debug("'master_account_id' not set in config_file or as cli option") try: master_account_id = boto3.client("organizations").describe_organization()[ "Organization" ]["MasterAccountId"] except ClientError as e: log.critical(f"can not determine master_account_id: {e}") sys.exit(1) log.debug("master_account_id: %s" % master_account_id) return master_account_id def get_spec_dir(log, args, config): """ Determine the spec directory. Try in order: cli option, config file, DEFAULT_SPEC_DIR. """ if "--spec-dir" in args and args["--spec-dir"]: spec_dir = args["--spec-dir"] elif config["spec_dir"]: spec_dir = config["spec_dir"] if spec_dir.startswith("--/"): config_dir = os.path.split(args["--config"])[0] spec_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, spec_dir.replace("--/", "")) else: spec_dir = DEFAULT_SPEC_DIR spec_dir = os.path.expanduser(spec_dir) log.debug("spec_dir: %s" % spec_dir) return spec_dir def load_config(log, args): """ Assemble config options from various sources: cli options, config_file params, defaults, etc., and merge them into 'args' dict. When we are done we should have found all of the following: master_account_id org_access_role spec_dir (except when handling reports) auth_account_id (except when called by orgtool) """ config = scan_config_file(log, args) args["--master-account-id"] = get_master_account_id(log, args, config) args["--spec-dir"] = get_spec_dir(log, args, config) if not ("--org-access-role" in args and args["--org-access-role"]): args["--org-access-role"] = config.get("org_access_role") if not ("--auth-account-id" in args and args["--auth-account-id"]): args["--auth-account-id"] = config.get("auth_account_id") return args def validate_spec_file(log, spec_file, validator, errors): with open(spec_file) as f: try: # spec_from_file = yaml.safe_load( spec_from_file = yaml.load( except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, UnicodeDecodeError): log.warn(f"{spec_file} not a valid yaml file. skipping") return (None, errors) except Exception as e: log.error(f"can't load spec_file '{spec_file}': {e}") return (None, errors) if validator.validate(spec_from_file): return (spec_from_file, errors) else: log.error(f"schema validation failed for spec_file: {spec_file}") log.debug(f"validator errors:\n{yamlfmt(validator.errors)}") errors += 1 return (None, errors) def validate_spec_dict(log, spec, validator, errors): if validator.validate(spec): return (spec, errors) else: log.error( "schema validation failed for specification '{}'.".format( list(spec.keys())[0], ), ) log.debug("\n" + yamlfmt(spec)) log.debug(f"validator errors:\n{yamlfmt(validator.errors)}") errors += 1 return (None, errors) def validate_package_version(log, spec_dir): common_file_name = next( (file for file in os.listdir(spec_dir) if file.startswith("common")), None, ) if common_file_name is None: log.critical(f"cannot locate common spec file in spec_dir '{spec_dir}'") sys.exit(1) common_spec_file = os.path.join(spec_dir, common_file_name) log.debug(f"common spec file: {common_spec_file}") with open(common_spec_file) as f: try: # common_spec = yaml.safe_load( common_spec = yaml.load( except Exception as e: log.critical( f"can't load common spec file '{common_spec_file}': {e}", ) sys.exit(1) log.debug("minimum_version: {}".format(common_spec["minimum_version"])) if not parse_version(orgtool.__version__) >= parse_version( common_spec["minimum_version"], ): log.critical( 'Installed orgtool package does not meet minimum version requirement. Please update your orgtool package to version "{}" or higher.'.format( common_spec["minimum_version"], ), ) sys.exit(1) return def validate_spec(log, args, recursive=True): """ Load all spec files in spec_dir and validate against spec schema """ "New feature for recursive distributed configuration - Laurent Delhomme AWS June 2020", ) # validate spec_files spec_dir = args["--spec-dir"] if not os.path.isdir(spec_dir): log.error(f"spec_dir not found or not a directory: {spec_dir}") sys.exit(1) validate_package_version(log, spec_dir) validator = file_validator(log) spec_object = {} errors = 0 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(spec_dir, topdown=True): dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d.startswith(".")] for f in filenames: log.debug(f"considering file {f}") spec_from_file, errors = validate_spec_file( log, os.path.join(dirpath, f), validator, errors, ) if spec_from_file: spec_object.update(spec_from_file) if errors: log.critical( "schema validation failed for {} spec files. run in debug mode for details".format( errors, ), ) sys.exit(1) log.debug(f"spec_object:\n{yamlfmt(spec_object)}") # # # # validate aggregated spec_object # # # # validator = spec_validator(log) # # # validator = file_validator(log) # # # if not validator.validate(spec_object): # # # log.critical("spec_object validation failed:\n{}".format(yamlfmt(validator.errors))) # # # sys.exit(1) # # # log.debug("spec_object validation succeeded") # scan_manage_ou_path(spec_object['organizational_units'], '/') if recursive: OUs = flatten_OUs(spec_object, log) # ous = search_spec(spec_object['organizational_units'][0], 'Path', 'Child_OU') for path in OUs: ou = OUs[path] if "IncludeConfigPath" in ou: child_args = {} child_args["--config"] = ou["IncludeConfigPath"] child_args = load_config(log, child_args) child_spec = validate_spec(log, child_args) # merge child_spec in spec_object # check if included config fit with current config error = 0 if child_args["--master-account-id"] != args["--master-account-id"]: log.critical( "included config validation failed for {}. Value shoiuld be the same!".format( "--master-account-id", ), ) error = error + 1 if child_args["--org-access-role"] != args["--org-access-role"]: log.critical( "included config validation failed for {}. Value shoiuld be the same!".format( "--org-access-role", ), ) error = error + 1 if child_args["--auth-account-id"] != args["--auth-account-id"]: log.critical( "included config validation failed for {}. Value shoiuld be the same!".format( "--auth-account-id", ), ) error = error + 1 # check if monted point fit with included location if len(child_spec["organizational_units"]) != 1: log.critical( "included config validation failed. The included org tree should start with one single OU, corresponding to the Parent OU mounting point", ) error = error + 1 if child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["Name"] != ou["Name"]: log.critical( "included config validation failed. The included org tree should start with one single OU with the same Name as the corresponding Parent OU mounting point", ) error = error + 1 # if os.path.join(child_spec['organizational_units'][0]['MountingOUPath'], child_spec['organizational_units'][0]['Name']) != ou['Path']: # if os.path.join(child_spec['organizational_units'][0]['MountingOUPath'], child_spec['organizational_units'][0]['Name']) != path: if ( child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["MountingOUPath"] + "/" + child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["Name"] ) != path: log.critical( "included config validation failed. The included org Mounting point should the corresponding to parent OU path", ) error = error + 1 if "Child_OU" in ou: log.critical( "Mounting point OU should not have child OU already defined", ) error = error + 1 if "Child_OU" not in child_spec["organizational_units"][0]: log.critical( "The OU tree to include in not present in the configuration to include", ) error = error + 1 # check if no duplicate for accounts if ( "accounts" in child_spec and child_spec["accounts"] and "accounts" in spec_object and spec_object["accounts"] ): for account in child_spec["accounts"]: if lookup(spec_object["accounts"], "Name", account["Name"]): log.critical( ( "Duplicate account ({}) found when merging included config {}." ).format(account["Name"], ou["IncludeConfigPath"]), ) error = error + 1 # check if no ducplicate for SCPs if ( "sc_policies" in child_spec and child_spec["sc_policies"] and "sc_policies" in spec_object and spec_object["sc_policies"] ): for scp in child_spec["sc_policies"]: if lookup( spec_object["sc_policies"], "PolicyName", scp["PolicyName"], ): log.critical( ( "Duplicate SCP ({}) found when merging included config {}." ).format(scp["PolicyName"], ou["IncludeConfigPath"]), ) error = error + 1 if ( "PrefixRequired" in ou and ou["PrefixRequired"] and not ( scp["PolicyName"].startswith(ou["PrefixRequired"] + ".") ) ): log.critical( ( "SCP ({}) doesn't match the namming convention defined with prefix {}." ).format(scp["PolicyName"], ou["PrefixRequired"]), ) error = error + 1 # check if no ducplicate for delegations if ( "delegations" in child_spec and child_spec["delegations"] and "delegations" in spec_object and spec_object["delegations"] ): for delegation in child_spec["delegations"]: if lookup( spec_object["delegations"], "RoleName", delegation["RoleName"], ): log.critical( ( "Duplicate delegation ({}) found when merging included config {}." ).format( delegation["RoleName"], ou["IncludeConfigPath"], ), ) error = error + 1 if ( "PrefixRequired" in ou and ou["PrefixRequired"] and not ( delegation["RoleName"].startswith( ou["PrefixRequired"] + ".", ) ) ): log.critical( ( "Delegation ({}) doesn't match the namming convention defined with prefix {}." ).format(delegation["RoleName"], ou["PrefixRequired"]), ) error = error + 1 if error: log.critical( "schema validation failed. Run in debug mode for details", ) sys.exit(1) # check if referenced accounts in the org tree of the included config are present into the accounts list ???? # check if referenced SCPs in the org tree of the included config are present into the SCPs list ???? # finally merge org ou tree # merge child_spec in spec_object if ( "Child_OU" in child_spec["organizational_units"][0] and child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["Child_OU"] ): ou["Child_OU"] = child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["Child_OU"] # merge SC_Policies at root level both config if "SC_Policies" in child_spec["organizational_units"][0]: if "SC_Policies" in ou and ou["SC_Policies"]: ou["SC_Policies"] += child_spec["organizational_units"][0][ "SC_Policies" ] else: ou["SC_Policies"] = child_spec["organizational_units"][0][ "SC_Policies" ] # merge OU Tags at root level both config if "Tags" in child_spec["organizational_units"][0]: if "Tags" in ou and ou["Tags"]: ou["Tags"] += child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["Tags"] else: ou["Tags"] = child_spec["organizational_units"][0]["Tags"] # ou['Child_OU'] = child_spec['organizational_units'][0]['Child_OU'] # finally merge accounts if "accounts" in child_spec and child_spec["accounts"]: if "accounts" in spec_object and spec_object["accounts"]: spec_object["accounts"] += child_spec["accounts"] else: spec_object["accounts"] = child_spec["accounts"] # finally merge SCPs if "sc_policies" in child_spec and child_spec["sc_policies"]: if "sc_policies" in spec_object and spec_object["sc_policies"]: spec_object["sc_policies"] += child_spec["sc_policies"] else: spec_object["sc_policies"] = child_spec["sc_policies"] # finally merge Delegations if "delegations" in child_spec and child_spec["delegations"]: if "delegations" in spec_object and spec_object["delegations"]: spec_object["delegations"] += child_spec["delegations"] else: spec_object["delegations"] = child_spec["delegations"] return spec_object # def scan_manage_ou_path(spec, path): # for ou in spec: # if 'MountingOUPath' in ou: # ou['Path'] = ou['MountingOUPath'] # else: # ou['Path'] = path + ou['Name'] # if 'Child_OU' in ou and ou['Child_OU']: # scan_manage_ou_path(ou['Child_OU'], ou['Path'] + '/')