--- # Group Specification # # List of IAM group resources managed within the Central Auth account. # # Each group has the following attributes: # Name (str): The group name. # Ensure (str): One of 'present' (default) or 'absent'. Setting to # 'absent' will cause the group to be deleted, but # only if the group contains no users. # Members (list(str), 'ALL'): # List of IAM users who are members of this group. # If set to 'ALL', all managed users in the Central # Auth account become members. # ExcludeMembers (list(str)): # If 'Members' attribute is set to 'ALL', any users # listed in 'ExcludeMembers' are excluded from the group. # Policies (list(str)): # List of IAM policies to attach to this group. groups: - Name: all-users Members: ALL Policies: - UserSelfService - Name: admins Members: - paul - Name: devops Members: - jane - john