# AWS Panorama Immersion Day contents ## How to set up 1. Create a CloudFormation stack with [this template file](./cloudformation/cf-panorama-workshop.yaml). ``` $ aws cloudformation create-stack \ --template-body file://./cloudformation/cf-panorama-workshop.yaml \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \ --stack-name panorama-workshop-1 ``` 1. Visit [SageMaker Notebooks instances page](https://console.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/home#/notebook-instances) and find "PanoramaWorkshop". Click "Open JupyterLab". 1. When you see the dialog ("Loading... The loading screen is taking a long time..."), please click "Keep Waiting" button, and wait until JupyterLab screen opens. ![](images/loading_taking_time_dialog.png) 1. Setup is continuing in the background. Please wait for the `"SETUP_COMPLETED.txt"` file to appear in the top level directory. ![](images/setup_completed_file.png) ## How to run the first lab 1. In the file browser pane in left hand side, browse to `"aws-panorama-immersion-day/labs/1. Object detection"`, and open `"1. Object detection.ipynb"`. 1. Open the [AWS Panorama Immersion Day - workshop studio](https://catalog.workshops.aws/panorama-immersion-day/en-US/20-lab1-object-detection) document, in a different browser window so that you can see the document and JupyterLab side-by-side. 1. Follow the instructions in the workshop studio document, and execute the notebook step by step. ## How to clean up 1. Delete the CloudFormation stack. ``` $ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name panorama-workshop-1 ``` ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.