import numpy as np import cv2 import panoramasdk model_input_resolution = (600,480) box_color = (0,0,255) box_thickness = 1 # application class class Application(panoramasdk.node): # initialize application def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.frame_count = 0 # run top-level loop of application def run(self): while True: print( f"Frame : {self.frame_count}", flush=True ) # get video frames from camera inputs media_list = self.inputs.video_in.get() for i_media, media in enumerate(media_list): print( f"media[{i_media}] : media.image.dtype={media.image.dtype}, media.image.shape={media.image.shape}", flush=True ) # pass the video frame, and get formatted data for model input image_formatted = self.format_model_input(media.image) #print( f"image_formatted : image_formatted.dtype={image_formatted.dtype}, image_formatted.shape={image_formatted.shape}", flush=True ) # pass the formatted model input data, run people detection, and get detected bounding boxes detected_boxes = self.detect_people( image_formatted ) #print( f"detected_boxes : len(detected_boxes)={len(detected_boxes)}, detected_boxes={detected_boxes}", flush=True ) # render the detected bounding boxes on the video frame self.render_boxes( media.image, detected_boxes ) # put video output to HDMI self.outputs.video_out.put(media_list) self.frame_count += 1 # convert video frame from camera to model input data def format_model_input( self, image ): # scale to resolution expected by the model image = cv2.resize( image, model_input_resolution ) # uint8 -> float32 image = image.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # [480,600,3] -> [1,3,480,600] B = image[:, :, 0] G = image[:, :, 1] R = image[:, :, 2] image = [[[], [], []]] image[0][0] = R image[0][1] = G image[0][2] = B return np.asarray(image) # run people detection, and return detected bounding boxes def detect_people( self, data ): detected_boxes = [] model_node_name = "people_detection_model" score_threshold = 0.5 klass_person = 0 # call people detection model people_detection_results = {"data":data}, model_node_name ) # None result means empty if people_detection_results is None: return detected_boxes classes, scores, boxes = people_detection_results assert classes.shape == (1,100,1) assert scores.shape == (1,100,1) assert boxes.shape == (1,100,4) # scale bounding box to 0.0 ~ 1.0 space def to_01_space( box ): return box / np.array([ model_input_resolution[0], model_input_resolution[1], model_input_resolution[0], model_input_resolution[1] ]) # gather bounding boxes to return for klass, score, box in zip( classes[0], scores[0], boxes[0] ): if klass[0] == klass_person: if score[0] >= score_threshold: box = to_01_space( box ) detected_boxes.append( box ) return detected_boxes # render bounding boxes def render_boxes( self, image, boxes ): for box in boxes: # scale 0.0-1.0 space to camera image resolution h = image.shape[0] w = image.shape[1] box = (box * np.array([ w, h, w, h ])).astype(int) # render red rectancle cv2.rectangle( image, tuple(box[0:2]), tuple(box[2:4]), color = box_color, thickness = box_thickness, lineType = cv2.LINE_8, ) app = Application()