import sys import os import time import json import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler import IPython import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 import dlr import panorama_test_utility_graph # ------- # configure DLR dlr.counter.phone_home.PhoneHome.disable_feature() # configure logging logging.basicConfig(filename="SimulatorLog.log") log_p = logging.getLogger('panoramasdk') log_p.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = RotatingFileHandler("SimulatorLog.log", maxBytes=100000000, backupCount=2) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') handler.setFormatter(formatter) log_p.addHandler(handler) # configure matplotlib plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 20) # ------- # Globals _c = None # ------- # Custom exceptions class TestUtilityBaseError(Exception): pass class TestUtilityEndOfVideo(TestUtilityBaseError): pass # ------- def _configure( config ): global _c _c = config class media(object): """ This class mimics the Media object in Panoroma SDK . ... Attributes ---------- inputpath : str input path is a string path to a video file gen : video_reader instance Methods ------- video_reader(key) CV2 based Generator for Video image : Property Gets the next frame using the generator image : Property Setter If we want to set the value of stream.image add_label: Add text to frame add_rect: add rectangles to frame time_stamp: returns the current timestamp stream_uri: returns a hardcoded value for now """ def __init__(self, array): self.image = array self.w, self.h, self.c = array.shape @property def image(self): return self.__image @image.setter def image(self, array): self.__image = array def add_label(self, text, x1, y1): if x1 > 1 or y1 > 1: raise ValueError('Value should be between 0 and 1') # font font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # org org = (int(x1 * self.h), int(y1 * self.w)) # fontScale fontScale = 1 # White in BGR color = (255, 255, 255) # Line thickness of 2 px thickness = 2 # Using cv2.putText() method self.__image = cv2.putText(self.__image, text, org, font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) def add_rect(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): if x1 > 1 or y1 > 1 or x2 > 1 or y2 > 1: raise ValueError('Value should be between 0 and 1') # Red in BGR color = (0, 0, 255) # Line thickness of 2 px thickness = 2 start_point = (int(x1 * self.h), int(y1 * self.w)) end_point = (int(x2 * self.h), int(y2 * self.w)) self.__image = cv2.rectangle( self.__image, start_point, end_point, color, thickness) @property def time_stamp(self): micro = 1000000 t = int( time.time() * micro ) return ( t // micro, t % micro ) @property def stream_uri(self): """Hardcoded Value for Now""" return 'cam1' class Video_Array(object): """ This class is implemented so we can use the opencv VideoCapture Method ... Attributes ---------- inputpath : Input is a path to a video Methods ------- get_frame returns a frame at a time until it exceeds _c.video_range """ def __init__(self, inputpath): self.input_path = inputpath assert _c.video_range.start >= 0, "Config.video_range.start has to be >= 0." assert _c.video_range.stop > 0, "Config.video_range.stpp has to be positive integer." assert _c.video_range.step > 0, "Config.video_range.step has to be positive integer." def get_frame(self): if not os.path.exists(self.input_path): raise FileNotFoundError( self.input_path ) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.input_path) frame_num = 0 # Skip first frames based on video_range.start for i in range(0,_c.video_range.start): _, frame = frame_num += 1 if frame is None: return while (frame_num <= _c.video_range.stop): _, frame = frame_num += 1 if frame is None: return # Reading frame one by one to reduce memory space yield frame # Skip frames based on video_range.step for i in range(1,_c.video_range.step): _, frame = frame_num += 1 class PortImpl: pass class MediaSourceRtspCameraPort(PortImpl): def __init__(self): self.video_obj = Video_Array(_c.videoname).get_frame() def get(self): try: return [media(next(self.video_obj))] except StopIteration: raise TestUtilityEndOfVideo("Reached end of video") class ParameterPort(PortImpl): def __init__( self, producer_node ): self.producer_node = producer_node def get(self): return self.producer_node.node_elm["value"] class HdmiDataSinkPort(PortImpl): def __init__(self): self.screenshot_n_frame = 0 def put( self, data ): media_list = data if _c.screenshot_dir: for i_media, media_obj in enumerate(media_list): filename = f"{_c.screenshot_dir}/screenshot_%d_%04d.png" % ( i_media, self.screenshot_n_frame ) cv2.imwrite( filename, media_obj.image ) self.screenshot_n_frame += 1 if _c.render_output_image_with_pyplot: for media_obj in media_list: IPython.display.clear_output(wait=True) plt.imshow( cv2.cvtColor(media_obj.image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ) class port: def __init__( self, producer_node=None, consumer_node=None ): assert producer_node or consumer_node assert producer_node is None or consumer_node is None self.producer_node = producer_node self.consumer_node = consumer_node if self.producer_node: if isinstance( self.producer_node, panorama_test_utility_graph.MediaSourceRtspCameraNode ): self.impl = MediaSourceRtspCameraPort() elif isinstance( self.producer_node, panorama_test_utility_graph.ParameterNode ): self.impl = ParameterPort( self.producer_node ) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported producer node type", type(self.producer_node) ) else: if isinstance( self.consumer_node, panorama_test_utility_graph.HdmiDataSinkNode): self.impl = HdmiDataSinkPort() else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported consumer node type", type(self.consumer_node) ) def get(self): if not self.producer_node: raise ValueError( "port.get is supported only by input ports" ) return self.impl.get() def put( self, data ): if not self.consumer_node: raise ValueError( "port.put is supported only by output ports" ) return self.impl.put(data) class node(object): """ This class is implemented to mimic Panoroma Node Class. ... Attributes ---------- Methods ------- """ # Add properties and methods to the instance @staticmethod def _initialize(instance): graph = panorama_test_utility_graph.Graph() graph.load( app_dir_top = f"./{_c.app_name}", app_name = _c.app_name, ) class Ports: pass instance.inputs = Ports() for name, producer_node in graph.business_logic_node.inputs.items(): print( "Initializing input port", name, producer_node ) setattr( instance.inputs, name, port(producer_node = producer_node) ) instance.outputs = Ports() for name, consumer_node in graph.business_logic_node.outputs.items(): print( "Initializing output port", name, consumer_node ) setattr( instance.outputs, name, port(consumer_node = consumer_node) ) # Create node instance # This method is automatically called even if it is not called explicitly def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super(node,cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) node._initialize( instance ) node._dlr_models = {} return instance # Instantiate DLRModel when it is used for the first time, # and check if the model node/interface are correctly defined in JSON files def _load_dlr_model( self, name ): # Instantiate DLRModel model_path = _c.models[ name ] + "-" + _c.compiled_model_suffix model = dlr.DLRModel( model_path ) self._dlr_models[name] = model def call( self, input, name, time_out = None ): if name not in self._dlr_models: self._load_dlr_model(name) assert name in self._dlr_models dlr_model = self._dlr_models[ name ] output = input ) assert isinstance( output, list ), f"Unexpected output type {type(output)}" return tuple(output)