import sys import os import re import time import datetime import argparse import tempfile import shutil import gzip import json import boto3 argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Export Panorama device level / application level logs in a Zip file' ) argparser.add_argument('--region', dest='region', action='store', default=None, help='Region name such as us-east-1') argparser.add_argument('--device-id', dest='device_id', action='store', default=None, help='Panorama device-id') argparser.add_argument('--app-id', dest='app_id', action='store', default=None, help='Panorama application instance id') argparser.add_argument('--s3-path', dest='s3_path', action='store', default=None, help='S3 path as a working place') argparser.add_argument('--start-datetime', dest='start_datetime', action='store', default=None, help='Start date-time in UTC, in YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format') argparser.add_argument('--end-datetime', dest='end_datetime', action='store', default=None, help='End date-time in UTC, in YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format') args = argparser.parse_args() if args.device_id is None: print( "Missing argument --device-id" ) argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if args.s3_path is None: print( "Missing argument --s3-path" ) argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if args.start_datetime is None: print( "Missing argument --start-datetime" ) argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if args.end_datetime is None: print( "Missing argument --end-datetime" ) argparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # --- def splitS3Path( s3_path ): re_pattern_s3_path = "s3://([^/]+)/(.*)" re_result = re.match( re_pattern_s3_path, s3_path ) bucket = key = key = key.rstrip("/") return bucket, key def getLogGroup( device_id, application_instance_id=None ): if application_instance_id is None: log_group = f"/aws/panorama/devices/{device_id}" else: log_group = f"/aws/panorama/devices/{device_id}/applications/{application_instance_id}" return log_group def exportSingleLogGroup( log_group, local_dirname ): # Export to S3 logs = boto3.client( "logs", region_name = args.region ) s3_bucket, s3_prefix = splitS3Path(args.s3_path) start_datetime_utc = datetime.datetime.strptime( args.start_datetime, "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" ) end_datetime_utc = datetime.datetime.strptime( args.end_datetime, "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" ) response = logs.create_export_task( logGroupName = log_group, fromTime = int( start_datetime_utc.timestamp() * 1000 ), to = int( end_datetime_utc.timestamp() * 1000 ), destination = s3_bucket, destinationPrefix = s3_prefix, ) export_task_id = response["taskId"] while True: completed = False response = logs.describe_export_tasks( taskId = export_task_id ) for export_task in response["exportTasks"]: if export_task["taskId"] == export_task_id: status_code = export_task["status"]["code"] if "message" in export_task["status"]: status_message = export_task["status"]["message"] else: status_message = "" print( "Export task status :", status_code, status_message ) if status_code in ("COMPLETED", "CANCELLED", "FAILED"): completed = True if completed: break time.sleep(10) # Download files to local s3 = boto3.client( "s3" ) exported_s3_prefix = s3_prefix + "/" + export_task_id response = s3.list_objects_v2( Bucket = s3_bucket, Prefix=exported_s3_prefix ) for s3_object in response["Contents"]: exported_s3_key = s3_object["Key"] assert exported_s3_key.startswith( exported_s3_prefix ) log_stream_name_and_filename = exported_s3_key[ len(exported_s3_prefix) : ].lstrip("/") downloaded_local_filepath = os.path.join( local_dirname, log_stream_name_and_filename ) os.makedirs( os.path.split(downloaded_local_filepath)[0], exist_ok=True ) print( "Downloading", exported_s3_key ) s3.download_file( Bucket = s3_bucket, Key = exported_s3_key, Filename = downloaded_local_filepath, ) def convertToPlainTextAndNormalize( src_dirname, dst_dirname ): for place, dirs, files in os.walk( src_dirname ): line_group_list = [] # read all .gz files under a single log stream for filename in files: if filename.endswith(".gz"): src_filepath = os.path.join( place, filename ) assert src_filepath.startswith( src_dirname ) print( "Reading :", src_filepath ) with src_filepath ) as fd_gz: d = lines = d.splitlines() for line in lines: # format: 2022-06-24T16:50:57.033Z re_result = re.match( rb"[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{3}Z .*", line ) if re_result is not None: line_group_list.append( [ line ] ) else: #assert len(line)==0 or line.startswith(b"\t") or line.startswith(b" "), str([ line ]) line_group_list[-1].append(line) # sort lines and write a log file at log stream level if line_group_list: dst_filepath = os.path.join( dst_dirname, place[len(src_dirname):].lstrip("/\\") + ".log" ) print( "Writing", dst_filepath ) line_group_list.sort() lines = [] for line_group in line_group_list: lines += line_group d = b"\n".join(lines) # Normalize d = d.replace( b"\0", b"\\0" ) os.makedirs( os.path.split(dst_filepath)[0], exist_ok=True ) with open( dst_filepath, "wb" ) as fd_log: fd_log.write(d) def createAccountInfoFile( dirname ): sts = boto3.client( "sts", region_name = args.region ) account_id = sts.get_caller_identity()["Account"] region_name = sts.meta.region_name filename = os.path.join( dirname, "info.json" ) with open( filename, "w" ) as fd: d = { "account_id" : account_id, "region_name" : region_name, } fd.write( json.dumps(d) ) def createZipFile( dirname_to_zip, zip_filename_wo_ext ): print( "Creating a Zip file", zip_filename_wo_ext + ".zip" ) shutil.make_archive( zip_filename_wo_ext, 'zip', dirname_to_zip ) def exportLogsAndCreateZip(): utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as export_dir: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as plaintext_dir: # export application level logs if args.app_id is not None: exportSingleLogGroup( getLogGroup( device_id=args.device_id, application_instance_id=args.app_id ), local_dirname = os.path.join( export_dir, args.app_id ) ) # export device level logs exportSingleLogGroup( getLogGroup( device_id=args.device_id ), local_dirname = os.path.join( export_dir, args.device_id ) ) # convert to plain text, sort, and normalize convertToPlainTextAndNormalize( export_dir, plaintext_dir ) # create account info file createAccountInfoFile( plaintext_dir ) # create a Zip file from plain text files createZipFile( plaintext_dir, "./panorama_exported_logs_%s" % utcnow.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") ) exportLogsAndCreateZip()