Resources: DataBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: aws:kms PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: true BlockPublicPolicy: true IgnorePublicAcls: true RestrictPublicBuckets: true UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete DeletionPolicy: Delete Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataBucket/Resource DataSecret: Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret Properties: GenerateSecretString: GenerateStringKey: password SecretStringTemplate: '{"username": "user"}' UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete DeletionPolicy: Delete Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataSecret/Resource DataTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: KeySchema: - AttributeName: id KeyType: HASH AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: id AttributeType: S BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST SSESpecification: SSEEnabled: true UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete DeletionPolicy: Delete Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataTable/Resource WriteDataFunctionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: sts:AssumeRole Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Version: '2012-10-17' ManagedPolicyArns: - Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - :iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/WriteDataFunctionRole/Resource WriteDataFunctionRoleDefaultPolicy8547BA9E: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: - s3:PutObject - s3:DeleteObject Effect: Allow Resource: Fn::Join: - '' - - Fn::GetAtt: - DataBucket - Arn - /data-object - Action: - ssm:PutParameter - ssm:DeleteParameter Effect: Allow Resource: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - ':ssm:' - Ref: AWS::Region - ':' - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :parameter/data-parameter - Action: - dynamodb:PutItem - dynamodb:DeleteItem Effect: Allow Resource: Fn::GetAtt: - DataTable - Arn Version: '2012-10-17' PolicyName: WriteDataFunctionRoleDefaultPolicy8547BA9E Roles: - Ref: WriteDataFunctionRole Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/WriteDataFunctionRole/DefaultPolicy/Resource WriteDataFunction: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: Code: ZipFile: |2+ import json import boto3 import uuid import cfnresponse ssm = boto3.client('ssm') s3 = boto3.client('s3') ddb = boto3.client('dynamodb') def on_event(event, context): print(json.dumps(event)) request_type = event['RequestType'] try: if request_type == 'Create': return on_create(event, context) if request_type == 'Update': return on_update(event, context) if request_type == 'Delete': return on_delete(event, context) except Exception as e: print(e) cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.FAILED, {}) raise e raise Exception("Invalid request type: %s" % request_type) def on_create(event, context): props = event["ResourceProperties"] print("create new resource with props %s" % props) ssm.put_parameter( Name=props['param_name'], Value=uuid.uuid4().hex, Type='SecureString', Overwrite=True ) s3.put_object( Bucket=props['s3_bucket_name'], Key=props['s3_object_key'], Body=bytes(uuid.uuid4().hex, 'utf-8') ) ddb.put_item( TableName=props['ddb_table_name'], Item={ "id": { "S": props['ddb_item_key'] }, "value": { "S": uuid.uuid4().hex } } ) cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, { "s3_object_key" : props['s3_object_key'] }) return 'Created' def on_update(event, context): print("update resource - doing nothing") cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, {}) return 'Updated' def on_delete(event, context): props = event["ResourceProperties"] print("deleting resources with props %s" % props) try: ssm.delete_parameter( Name=props['param_name'] ) except Exception as e: print(e) try: s3.delete_object( Bucket=props['s3_bucket_name'], Key=props['s3_object_key'] ) except Exception as e: print(e) try: ddb.delete_item( TableName=props['ddb_table_name'], Key={ "id": { "S": props['ddb_item_key'] } } ) except Exception as e: print(e) cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, {}) return 'Deleted' Role: Fn::GetAtt: - WriteDataFunctionRole - Arn Handler: index.on_event Runtime: python3.9 Timeout: 300 DependsOn: - WriteDataFunctionRoleDefaultPolicy8547BA9E - WriteDataFunctionRole Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/WriteDataFunction/Resource WriteData: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource Properties: ServiceToken: Fn::GetAtt: - WriteDataFunction - Arn param_name: data-parameter s3_bucket_name: Ref: DataBucket s3_object_key: data-object ddb_table_name: Ref: DataTable ddb_item_key: data-item UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete DeletionPolicy: Delete Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/WriteData/Default DataRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: sts:AssumeRole Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - ':iam::' - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :root Version: '2012-10-17' Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataRole/Resource DataRoleDefaultPolicy0486B57A: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue - secretsmanager:DescribeSecret Effect: Allow Resource: Ref: DataSecret - Action: - s3:GetObject* - s3:GetBucket* - s3:List* Effect: Allow Resource: - Fn::GetAtt: - DataBucket - Arn - Fn::Join: - '' - - Fn::GetAtt: - DataBucket - Arn - /* - Action: - dynamodb:BatchGetItem - dynamodb:GetRecords - dynamodb:GetShardIterator - dynamodb:Query - dynamodb:GetItem - dynamodb:Scan - dynamodb:ConditionCheckItem - dynamodb:DescribeTable Effect: Allow Resource: - Fn::GetAtt: - DataTable - Arn - Ref: AWS::NoValue - Action: - ssm:GetParameter - ssm:GetParameters Effect: Allow Resource: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - ':ssm:' - Ref: AWS::Region - ':' - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :parameter/data-parameter Version: '2012-10-17' PolicyName: DataRoleDefaultPolicy0486B57A Roles: - Ref: DataRole Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataRole/DefaultPolicy/Resource DataEventsBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: aws:kms PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: true BlockPublicPolicy: true IgnorePublicAcls: true RestrictPublicBuckets: true UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain DeletionPolicy: Retain Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataEventsBucket/Resource DataEventsBucketPolicy23490203: Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy Properties: Bucket: Ref: DataEventsBucket PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: s3:GetBucketAcl Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Resource: Fn::GetAtt: - DataEventsBucket - Arn - Action: s3:PutObject Condition: StringEquals: aws:SourceArn: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - ':cloudtrail:' - Ref: AWS::Region - ':' - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :trail/data-events-trail s3:x-amz-acl: bucket-owner-full-control Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Resource: Fn::Join: - '' - - Fn::GetAtt: - DataEventsBucket - Arn - /AWSLogs/ - Ref: AWS::AccountId - /* Version: '2012-10-17' Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataEventsBucket/Policy/Resource DataEventsTrail: Type: AWS::CloudTrail::Trail Properties: IsLogging: true S3BucketName: Ref: DataEventsBucket EventSelectors: - DataResources: - Type: AWS::S3::Object Values: - Fn::Join: - '' - - Fn::GetAtt: - DataBucket - Arn - / - Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Values: - Fn::GetAtt: - DataTable - Arn IncludeManagementEvents: false IncludeGlobalServiceEvents: false TrailName: data-events-trail Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataEventsTrail DataFunctionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: sts:AssumeRole Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Version: '2012-10-17' ManagedPolicyArns: - Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - :iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataFunctionRole/Resource DataFunctionRoleDefaultPolicyF2A93448: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Properties: PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: securityhub:BatchImportFindings Effect: Allow Resource: Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - ':securityhub:' - Ref: AWS::Region - ':' - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :product/ - Ref: AWS::AccountId - /default Version: '2012-10-17' PolicyName: DataFunctionRoleDefaultPolicyF2A93448 Roles: - Ref: DataFunctionRole Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataFunctionRole/DefaultPolicy/Resource DataFunction: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: Role: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunctionRole - Arn Environment: Variables: MATCH_ROLE_ARN: Fn::GetAtt: - DataRole - Arn Handler: index.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.9 Code: ZipFile: | import boto3 import json import re import traceback import os FINDING_SEVERITY_LABEL='HIGH' FINDING_TYPE="Unusual Behaviors" COMPANY_NAME="Custom" PRODUCT_NAME="DecoyDetector" ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE_REGEX = re.compile('User: (.*) is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: (.*)') IPV4_REGEX = re.compile('^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$') MATCH_ROLE_ARN = os.environ.get('MATCH_ROLE_ARN') USER_IDENTITY_TO_ASFF = { 'accessKeyId': 'AccessKeyId', 'accountId': 'AccountId', 'principalId': 'PrincipalId', 'type': 'PrincipalType', 'userName': 'PrincipalName' } ATTRIBUTES_TO_ASFF = { 'creationDate': 'CreationDate', 'mfaAuthenticated': 'MfaAuthenticated' } SESSION_ISSUER_TO_ASFF = { 'accountId': 'AccountId', 'arn': 'Arn', 'principalId': 'PrincipalId', 'type': 'Type', 'userName': 'UserName' } session = boto3.session.Session() sts = session.client('sts') caller_id = sts.get_caller_identity() my_arn = caller_id['Arn'] my_account = caller_id['Account'] my_region = session.region_name my_partition = session.get_partition_for_region(session.region_name) sh = session.client('securityhub') def get_resource_arn(resource_list, type): for r in resource_list: if(r['type'] == type): if('ARN' in r): return r['ARN'] elif('ARNPrefix' in r): return r['ARNPrefix'] return None def map_keys(source, mapping): dest = {} for source_key, source_value in source.items(): if(source_key in mapping): dest_key = mapping[source_key] dest[dest_key] = source_value return dest def add_user_identity(resources, event, detail): user_identity = detail['userIdentity'] # append information about the Access Key: access_key_resource = { 'Id': user_identity['accessKeyId'], 'Type': 'AwsIamAccessKey', 'ResourceRole': 'Actor', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'], 'Details': {} } aws_iam_access_key = map_keys(user_identity, USER_IDENTITY_TO_ASFF) if('sessionContext' in user_identity): session_context = {} if('attributes' in user_identity['sessionContext']): attr = map_keys(user_identity['sessionContext']['attributes'], ATTRIBUTES_TO_ASFF) if(len(attr) != 0): # Change type of 'MfaAuthenticated' to boolean if('MfaAuthenticated' in attr): if(attr['MfaAuthenticated'] == 'true'): attr['MfaAuthenticated'] = True else: attr['MfaAuthenticated'] = False session_context['Attributes'] = attr if('sessionIssuer' in user_identity['sessionContext']): si = map_keys(user_identity['sessionContext']['sessionIssuer'], SESSION_ISSUER_TO_ASFF) if(len(si) != 0): session_context['SessionIssuer'] = si if(len(session_context) != 0): aws_iam_access_key['SessionContext'] = session_context if(len(aws_iam_access_key) != 0): access_key_resource['Details']['AwsIamAccessKey'] = aws_iam_access_key resources.append(access_key_resource) # Now add either an AwsIamUser or AwsIamRole depending on the type of identity type = user_identity['type'] if(type == 'AssumedRole'): role = { 'Id': user_identity['sessionContext']['sessionIssuer']['arn'], 'Type': 'AwsIamRole', 'ResourceRole': 'Actor', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'], } resources.append(role) elif(type == 'IAMUser'): user = { 'Id': user_identity['arn'], 'Type': 'AwsIamUser', 'ResourceRole': 'Actor', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'], } resources.append(user) def add_s3_fields(finding, event, detail): add_fields = { "Title": f"Suspicious activity detected accessing private decoy S3 bucket {detail['requestParameters']['bucketName']}", "Description": f"Private decoy S3 bucket {detail['requestParameters']['bucketName']} was accessed by {detail['userIdentity']['arn']}. This S3 bucket has been provisioned to monitor and generate security events when accessed and can be an indicator of unintended or unauthorized access to your AWS Account.", 'Resources': [ { 'Id': get_resource_arn(detail['resources'], 'AWS::S3::Bucket'), 'Type': 'AwsS3Bucket', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] }, { 'Id': get_resource_arn(detail['resources'], 'AWS::S3::Object'), 'Type': 'AwsS3Object', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] } ] } finding.update(add_fields) def add_dynamodb_fields(finding, event, detail): table_arn = get_resource_arn(detail['resources'], 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table') add_fields = { "Title": f"Suspicious activity detected accessing private decoy DynamoDB table {table_arn}", "Description": f"Private decoy DynamoDB table {table_arn} was accessed by {detail['userIdentity']['arn']}. This DynamoDB table has been provisioned to monitor and generate security events when accessed and can be an indicator of unintended or unauthorized access to your AWS Account.", 'Resources': [ { 'Id': table_arn, 'Type': 'AwsDynamoDbTable', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] } ] } finding.update(add_fields) def add_sts_fields(finding, event, detail): if('errorCode' in detail and detail['errorCode'] == 'AccessDenied'): # Handle STS AccessDenied errors by parsing out IAM Role ARN from errorMessage error_message = detail['errorMessage'] result = ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE_REGEX.fullmatch(error_message) if(result): principal_arn = target_role_arn = if(target_role_arn != MATCH_ROLE_ARN): raise Exception(f"STS AssumeRole AccessDenied: target role {target_role_arn} does not match {MATCH_ROLE_ARN}") else: raise Exception('STS AssumeRole AccessDenied: errorMessage did not match expected pattern') else: principal_arn = detail['userIdentity']['arn'] target_role_arn = detail['requestParameters']['roleArn'] add_fields = { "Title": f"Suspicious activity detected accessing private decoy IAM role {target_role_arn}", "Description": f"Private decoy IAM role {target_role_arn} was accessed by {principal_arn}. This IAM role has been provisioned to monitor and generate security events when accessed and can be an indicator of unintended or unauthorized access to your AWS Account.", 'Resources': [ { 'Id': target_role_arn, 'Type': 'AwsIamRole', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] } ] } finding.update(add_fields) def add_kms_fields(finding, event, detail): if(detail['requestParameters'] == None): # this is most likely a KMS AccessDenied error, there's not much to add here raise Exception(f"Missing requestParameter details for KMS event") enc_context = detail['requestParameters']['encryptionContext'] if('PARAMETER_ARN' in enc_context): # Decryption of SSM Parameter add_fields = { "GeneratorId": '', "Title": f"Suspicious activity detected accessing private decoy Systems Manager parameter {enc_context['PARAMETER_ARN']}", "Description": f"Private decoy Systems Manager parameter {enc_context['PARAMETER_ARN']} was accessed by {detail['userIdentity']['arn']}. This Systems Manager parameter has been provisioned to monitor and generate security events when accessed and can be an indicator of unintended or unauthorized access to your AWS Account.", 'Resources': [ { 'Id': enc_context['PARAMETER_ARN'], 'Type': 'Other', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] } ] } elif('SecretARN' in enc_context): # Decryption of Secret add_fields = { "GeneratorId": '', "Title": f"Suspicious activity detected accessing private decoy secret {enc_context['SecretARN']}", "Description": f"Private decoy secret {enc_context['SecretARN']} was accessed by {detail['userIdentity']['arn']}. This secret has been provisioned to monitor and generate security events when accessed and can be an indicator of unintended or unauthorized access to your AWS Account.", 'Resources': [ { 'Id': enc_context['SecretARN'], 'Type': 'AwsSecretsManagerSecret', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] } ] } else: raise Exception(f"Unexpected encryption context: {enc_context}") # add the KMS Key resource key = { 'Id': get_resource_arn(detail['resources'], 'AWS::KMS::Key'), 'Type': 'AwsKmsKey', 'ResourceRole': 'Target', 'Partition': my_partition, 'Region': event['region'] } add_fields['Resources'].append(key) finding.update(add_fields) def map_finding(event): detail = event['detail'] # Add common fields for all events finding = { "SchemaVersion": "2018-10-08", "Id": detail['eventID'], "ProductArn": f"arn:aws:securityhub:{my_region}:{my_account}:product/{my_account}/default", "GeneratorId": detail['eventSource'], "AwsAccountId": event['account'], "CreatedAt": detail['eventTime'], "UpdatedAt": detail['eventTime'], "CompanyName": COMPANY_NAME, "ProductName": PRODUCT_NAME, "FindingProviderFields": { "Severity": { "Label": FINDING_SEVERITY_LABEL }, "Types": [ FINDING_TYPE ] }, "Action": { "ActionType": "AWS_API_CALL", "AwsApiCallAction": { "Api": detail['eventName'], "CallerType": 'remoteIp', "ServiceName": detail['eventSource'], "RemoteIpDetails": { "IpAddressV4": detail['sourceIPAddress'] } } } } # remove IpAddressV4 if it is not an actual IPv4 match = IPV4_REGEX.fullmatch(finding['Action']['AwsApiCallAction']['RemoteIpDetails']['IpAddressV4']) if(match == None): # Not an IPv4: this is likely an internal AWS API call: remove RemoteIpDetails del finding['Action']['AwsApiCallAction']['RemoteIpDetails'] # Add additional custom product-specific fields: custom_fields = {} if('errorCode' in detail): custom_fields = { 'apiResult': 'ERROR', 'errorCode': detail['errorCode'], 'errorMessage': detail['errorMessage'] } else: custom_fields = { 'apiResult': 'SUCCESS', } # Add other fields from CloudTrail Event: custom_fields['userAgent'] = detail['userAgent'] custom_fields['requestID'] = detail['requestID'] product_fields = {} for k, v in custom_fields.items(): pf_key = f"{COMPANY_NAME}/{PRODUCT_NAME}/{k}" product_fields[pf_key] = v finding['ProductFields'] = product_fields source = event['source'] if(source == 'aws.s3'): add_s3_fields(finding, event, detail) elif(source == 'aws.sts'): add_sts_fields(finding, event, detail) elif(source == 'aws.kms'): # KMS events are for SecretsManager and Systems Manager add_kms_fields(finding, event, detail) elif(source == 'aws.dynamodb'): add_dynamodb_fields(finding, event, detail) else: # An event source we don't recognize - this shoudn't happen so we log and ignore the event raise Exception(f"Unexpected event source {source}") add_user_identity(finding['Resources'], event, detail) return finding def import_event(event): try: finding = map_finding(event) except Exception as e: print('Exception mapping event:', e, ': ignoring and not sending to Security Hub') traceback.print_exc() return try: print('Mapped ASFF finding:') print(json.dumps(finding)) result = sh.batch_import_findings(Findings=[finding]) if(result['FailedCount'] != 0): failed = result['FailedFindings'][0] print(f"Failed to import finding id {failed['Id']}: ErrorCode: {failed['ErrorCode']}, ErrorMessage: {failed['ErrorMessage']}") else: print(f"Successfully imported finding id {finding['Id']}") except Exception as e: print('Exception calling Security Hub: ', e) traceback.print_exc() return def lambda_handler(event, context): print("Received EventBridge event:") print(json.dumps(event)) import_event(event) DependsOn: - DataFunctionRoleDefaultPolicyF2A93448 - DataFunctionRole - WriteData Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DataFunction/Resource aws:asset:path: asset.ae8b074293c2b283aaecb1cab0308580c1d5068fba43f032539df55f6c03fb9e aws:asset:is-bundled: false aws:asset:property: Code DDBRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: EventPattern: detail: eventName: - BatchExecuteStatement - BatchGetItem - BatchWriteItem - DeleteItem - ExecuteStatement - ExecuteTransaction - GetItem - PutItem - Query - Scan - TransactGetItems - TransactWriteItems - UpdateItem resources: ARN: - Fn::GetAtt: - DataTable - Arn type: - AWS::DynamoDB::Table detail-type: - AWS API Call via CloudTrail source: - aws.dynamodb State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Id: Target0 Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DDBRule/Resource DDBRuleAllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45ED9E05E7: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - DDBRule - Arn Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/DDBRule/AllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45 S3Rule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: EventPattern: detail: eventName: - HeadObject - GetObject - GetObjectAcl - GetObjectAttributes - GetObjectLegalHold - GetObjectLockConfiguration - GetObjectRetention - GetObjectTagging - GetObjectTorrent - PutObject - PutObjectAcl - PutObjectLegalHold - PutObjectLockConfiguration - PutObjectRetention - PutObjectTagging - SelectObjectContent - DeleteObject - DeleteObjects - DeleteObjectTagging resources: ARN: - Fn::GetAtt: - DataBucket - Arn type: - AWS::S3::Bucket detail-type: - AWS API Call via CloudTrail source: - aws.s3 State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Id: Target0 Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/S3Rule/Resource S3RuleAllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F459737E5BC: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - S3Rule - Arn Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/S3Rule/AllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45 STSRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: EventPattern: detail: eventName: - AssumeRole resources: ARN: - Fn::GetAtt: - DataRole - Arn type: - AWS::IAM::Role detail-type: - AWS API Call via CloudTrail source: - aws.sts State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Id: Target0 Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/STSRule/Resource STSRuleAllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45D5755E7F: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - STSRule - Arn Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/STSRule/AllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45 STSAccessDeniedRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: EventPattern: detail: eventName: - AssumeRole errorCode: - AccessDenied detail-type: - AWS API Call via CloudTrail source: - aws.sts State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Id: Target0 Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/STSAccessDeniedRule/Resource STSAccessDeniedRuleAllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45596438E0: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - STSAccessDeniedRule - Arn Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/STSAccessDeniedRule/AllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45 KMSSecretRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: EventPattern: detail: eventName: - Decrypt - Encrypt - GenerateDataKey requestParameters: encryptionContext: SecretARN: - Ref: DataSecret detail-type: - AWS API Call via CloudTrail source: - aws.kms State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Id: Target0 Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/KMSSecretRule/Resource KMSSecretRuleAllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F4580739098: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - KMSSecretRule - Arn Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/KMSSecretRule/AllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45 KMSParamRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: EventPattern: detail: eventName: - Decrypt requestParameters: encryptionContext: PARAMETER_ARN: - Fn::Join: - '' - - 'arn:' - Ref: AWS::Partition - ':ssm:' - Ref: AWS::Region - ':' - Ref: AWS::AccountId - :parameter/data-parameter detail-type: - AWS API Call via CloudTrail source: - aws.kms State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Id: Target0 Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/KMSParamRule/Resource KMSParamRuleAllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F454867B390: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: Fn::GetAtt: - DataFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - KMSParamRule - Arn Metadata: aws:cdk:path: ResourcesStack/KMSParamRule/AllowEventRuleResourcesStackDataFunction7E871F45 Outputs: SSMParameterName: Value: data-parameter S3ObjectKey: Value: data-object S3BucketName: Value: Ref: DataBucket S3ObjectUri: Value: Fn::Join: - '' - - s3:// - Ref: DataBucket - /data-object SecretArn: Value: Ref: DataSecret IAMRoleArn: Value: Fn::GetAtt: - DataRole - Arn DynamoDBTableName: Value: Ref: DataTable