# Update Region , VPC ID , SNS Topic variable "aws_region" { default = "us-west-2" } variable "vpc_id" { default = "vpc-idxxxxx" description = "VPC ID which will be monitored" } #10Gbps * 60 = 600 Gigabits/Min = 80530636800 Bytes /Min [75 GB] # 70% Threshold - High Alert # 56371445760 bytes / Min [ 52.5 Gb / Min ] #95% Threshold - Critical Alert #76504104960 bytes / Min [ 71.25 Gb / Min ] variable "alarm_critical_threshholdbytes" { default = 76504104960 description = "Critical Threshold limit - Bytes" } variable "alarm_threshholdbytes" { default = 56371445760 description = "High Threshold limit - Bytes" } variable "cloudwatch_loggroup" { default = "vpcendpointloggroup" description = "AWS Cloudwatch Log Group source to get data" } variable "name_space" { default = "vpcendpoint" description = "Cloudwatch Metric Custom Namespace" } variable "customer" { default = "CustomerNamexxx" description = "Customer Name identifier in Alarm Definition" } variable "sns_topic_arn" { default = "arn:aws:sns:xxxx" description = "SNS Topic for Cloudwatch Alarm configuration" } variable "timerange_min" { default = 1 description = "Last X Minute of log data to read. Match it with EventBridge Scheduler, default 1 Minute" } variable "debug" { default = "No" description = "Lambda debug mode. If enabled, will print more logging information, to help troubleshoot. Can be tweaked in Lambda Environment Settings also" } variable "alarm_forcegenerate" { default = "No" description = "If AlarmDefinition already exist for interface endpoint, skip processing it. Make it yes if some alarm definition values need to be overwritten like Thresholds" }