schema: format: openapi: "3.0.0" service_input_type: "ECSFargateSvcInputs" pipeline_input_type: "PipelineInputs" types: ECSFargateSvcInputs: type: object description: "Input properties for a loadbalanced Fargate service" properties: port: title: "Container port" type: number description: "The container port to route traffic to" default: 80 minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 desired_count: title: "Desired count" type: number description: "The default number of Fargate tasks you want running" default: 1 minimum: 1 task_size: title: "Task size" type: string description: "The size of the task you want to run" enum: ["x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large"] default: "x-small" image: title: "Container image URI" type: string description: "The name/url of the container image" default: "" minLength: 1 maxLength: 200 service_discovery_name: title: "Service discovery name" type: string description: "The name of the service to register in service discovery" minLength: 3 maxLength: 24 load_balanced: title: "Enable Application Load Balancing" type: boolean description: "If enabled, Application Load Balancer will get created and point to the default port of the container" default: false load_balanced_public: title: "Public Facing LB" type: boolean description: "This determines where the load balancer is placed in the network - internet facing or private to the vpc" default: public PipelineInputs: type: object description: "Pipeline input properties" properties: dockerfile: type: string description: "The location of the Dockerfile to build" default: "Dockerfile" minLength: 1 maxLength: 100 buildspecfile: type: string description: "The location of the BuildSpec File to build" default: "containerized-saas-application/buildspec.yml" minLength: 1 maxLength: 100 totalwaves: type: number description: "total number of deployment waves" default: 1 minLength: 1