import base64 import io import json import os from datetime import datetime import boto3 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw # Global S3CLIENT = boto3.client('s3') SNSCLIENT = boto3.client('sns') BUCKET = os.environ['data_bucket'] SNS_TOPIC = os.environ['sns_topic'] PREFIX_ETL_IMG = 'images/' PREFIX_ETL_CSV = 'responses/' def build_filename(timestamp, camera_ID): # 2019-03-05T20-11-22 ftime = timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S') return f'{ftime}-{camera_ID}' def resize_bbox(img, bbox): width, height = img.size return { 'Left': int(bbox['Left'] * width), 'Top': int(bbox['Top'] * height), 'Height': int(bbox['Height'] * height), 'Width': int(bbox['Width'] * width) } def draw_bounding_box(draw, bbox, color='#FF0000'): pt1 = (bbox['Left'], bbox['Top']) pt2 = (bbox['Left'] + bbox['Width'], bbox['Top'] + bbox['Height']) draw.rectangle([pt1, pt2], outline=color, width=2) def annotate_img(img, labels): image = draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) labels_to_annotate = { 'Person': '#0000FF', # blue 'Helmet': '#00FF00' # green } for label, color in labels_to_annotate.items(): for p in labels[label]['Instances']: bbox = resize_bbox(image, p['BoundingBox']) draw_bounding_box(draw, bbox, color) buffer = io.BytesIO(), 'JPEG') return buffer def upload_img_to_s3(img, base_key): key = PREFIX_ETL_IMG + base_key + '.jpg' S3CLIENT.put_object(Body=img, Bucket=BUCKET, Key=key, ACL='public-read', ContentType='image/jpeg') return f'https://{BUCKET}{key}' def upload_response_to_s3(response, base_key): key = PREFIX_ETL_CSV + base_key + '.csv' S3CLIENT.put_object(Body=response, Bucket=BUCKET, Key=key) return f'https://{BUCKET}{key}' def send_notification(timestamp, camera_ID, s3_path): # Mar 5, 2019, 8:11:22 PM (GMT) ftime = timestamp.strftime('%b %-d, %Y, %-I:%M:%S %p (GMT)') return SNSCLIENT.publish( TopicArn=SNS_TOPIC, MessageStructure='json', Subject=f'Alert: worker without PPE caught on {camera_ID}', Message=json.dumps({ 'default': f'Alert: worker without PPE caught on {s3_path}', 'email': f'Camera: {camera_ID}\nDate: {ftime}\nImage: {s3_path}', }) ) def lambda_handler(event, context): # Extract and transform camera_ID = event['camera_ID'] img = base64.b64decode(event['img']) labels = event['labels'] timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat(event['timestamp']) base_key = build_filename(timestamp, camera_ID) # Annotate and upload image buffer = annotate_img(img, labels) s3_path = upload_img_to_s3(buffer, base_key) # Send SNS notification send_notification(timestamp, camera_ID, s3_path) # Upload csv file response = ','.join([, timestamp.time().isoformat(timespec='seconds'), camera_ID, str(len(labels['Person']['Instances'])), str(len(labels['Helmet']['Instances']))]) upload_response_to_s3(response, base_key) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': base_key }