#!/usr/bin/env bash # Author : Madhu Balaji # Description : This script will look for all the assessment reports for each application in a # specific region , describe the assessment , fetch reports, create summary report (html) and upload the artifacts to S3 bucket specified # Pre-req : Required Roles assigned to the user/profile used for execution, AWS CLI and jq Region="x" S3Bucket="x" HTMLContent="" # Exception - Throw error function throw(){ tput setaf 1; echo "Failure: $*" && tput sgr0 exit 1 } # Input var0 if [[ "$Region" == "x" ]]; then read -r -p "Region [us-east-1] : " Region fi if [ -z "$Region" ]; then Region="us-east-1" fi # Input var1 # Validate Input params if [[ "$S3Bucket" == "x" ]]; then read -r -p "S3 Bucket Name : " S3Bucket fi if [ -z "$S3Bucket" ]; then throw "S3 bucket name is mandatory." fi # Check Command to validate required libraries function check_command { type -P $1 &>/dev/null || throw "Unable to find $1, please install it and run this script again." } # Verify if AWS CLI Credentials are setup if ! grep -q aws_access_key_id ~/.aws/config; then if ! grep -q aws_access_key_id ~/.aws/credentials; then throw "AWS config not found or CLI not installed. Please run \"aws configure\"." fi fi # Verify AWS CLI profile if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then scriptname=`basename "$0"` echo "Usage: ./$scriptname profile" echo "Where profile is the AWS CLI profile name" echo "Using default profile" echo profile=default else profile=$1 fi # Check required commands check_command "aws" check_command "jq" #Not working 100%- Fix this function createbucket(){ aws s3 mb s3://$S3Bucket --region $Region } #Delete local JSON file (optional) function deleteJSONFile(){ rm -rf ./*.json } #Delete local report file (optional) function deleteHTMLFile(){ rm -rf ./*.html } function createHTMLTemplate(){ HEADER=" " BODY="

AWS Resilience Hub Assessment Report " TABLE=" region

App NameApp Compliance StatusAssessment Name Assessment Compliance StatusResiliency ScoreStart TimeEnd Time
" TR="" TD="" CLSTD="" CLSTR="" EMPTYTD=" " TDCOL4="" } #Main Function to download assessment reports function GetAppAssessments(){ # Create S3 bucket if it does't exists createbucket # List all the app assessments in a region Assessments=$(aws resiliencehub list-app-assessments --region $Region --output=json --profile $profile --query 'sort_by(assessmentSummaries, &appArn)[].{appArn: appArn,assessmentArn: assessmentArn, complianceStatus: complianceStatus,resiliencyScore: resiliencyScore}' 2>&1) #echo $Assessments > "applicationSummaries.json" #Initialize HTMl content createHTMLTemplate #Loop thru all the assessments to extract content, create JSON and Summary HTML, upload to S3 bucket counter=0 SUMMARYTBL="" FolderName=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M) echo $Assessments >> "assessment_list.json" for row in $(echo "${Assessments}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do _jq() { echo "${row}" | base64 --decode | jq -r "${1}" } apparn=$(_jq '.appArn') assessmentArn=$(_jq '.assessmentArn') resiliencyScore=$(_jq '.resiliencyScore') AppCompStatus=$(_jq '.complianceStatus') if [ "$AppCompStatus" == 'PolicyBreached' ]; then AppCompStatus="$AppCompStatus" elif [ "$AppCompStatus" == 'PolicyMet' ]; then AppCompStatus="$AppCompStatus" fi ROWCONTENT="" AppName=$(aws resiliencehub describe-app --app-arn $apparn --region $Region --profile $profile --query 'app.name' 2>&1) AName=${AppName:1:${#AppName}-2} DescribeAssessment=$(aws resiliencehub describe-app-assessment --assessment-arn $assessmentArn --region $Region --profile $profile 2>&1) AssessName=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .assessmentName') CompStatus=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .complianceStatus') if [ "$CompStatus" == 'PolicyBreached' ]; then CompStatus="$CompStatus" elif [ "$CompStatus" == 'PolicyMet' ]; then CompStatus="$CompStatus" fi StartTime=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .startTime') EndTime=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .endTime') AZRTOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .AZ | .rtoInSecs') AZRPOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .AZ | .rpoInSecs') HWRTOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .Hardware | .rtoInSecs') HWRPOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .Hardware | .rpoInSecs') SWRTOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .Software | .rtoInSecs') SWRPOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .Software | .rpoInSecs') REGRTOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .Region | .rtoInSecs') REGRPOTarget=$(echo "$DescribeAssessment" | jq -r '.assessment | .policy | .policy | .Region | .rpoInSecs') ROWCONTENT=$TR$TD$AName$CLSTD$TD$ROWCONTENT$AppCompStatus$CLSTD$TD$ROWCONTENT$AssessName$CLSTD$TD$ROWCONTENT$CompStatus$CLSTDSTD$TD$ROWCONTENT$resiliencyScore$CLSTD$TD$ROWCONTENT$StartTime$CLSTD$TD$ROWCONTENT$EndTime$CLSTD$CLSTR SUBROW="" UNREC="2592001" Results=$(aws resiliencehub list-app-component-compliances --assessment-arn $assessmentArn --region $Region --profile $profile 2>&1) ARNNAME=${assessmentArn:(-36)} echo $Results >> "assessment-components-"$ARNNAME".json" Output=$(echo "$Results" | jq -r '.componentCompliances') ROWCONTENT=$ROWCONTENT$TR$EMPTYTD"" SUBROW="" ADDSUBROW="" SUBROW=$SUBROW$ADDSUBROW for row in $(echo "${Output}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do _jqr() { echo "${row}" | base64 --decode | jq -r "${1}" } componentName=$(_jqr '.appComponentName') AZRTOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.AZ.currentRtoInSecs') if [ "$AZRTOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then AZRTOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi AZRTODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.AZ.rtoDescription') AZRPODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.AZ.rpoDescription') AZRPOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.AZ.currentRpoInSecs') if [ "$AZRPOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then AZRPOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi HWRTOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.Hardware.currentRtoInSecs') if [ "$HWRTOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then HWRTOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi HWRTODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.Hardware.rtoDescription') HWRPODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.Hardware.rpoDescription') HWRPOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.Hardware.currentRpoInSecs') if [ "$HWRPOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then HWRPOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi SWRTOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.Software.currentRtoInSecs') if [ "$SWRTOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then SWRTOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi SWRTODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.Software.rtoDescription') SWRPODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.Software.rpoDescription') SWRPOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.Software.currentRpoInSecs') if [ "$SWRPOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then SWRPOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi REGRTOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.Region.currentRtoInSecs') if [ "$REGRTOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then REGRTOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi REGRTODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.Region.rtoDescription') REGRPODesc=$(_jqr '.compliance.Region.rpoDescription') REGRPOEstimate=$(_jqr '.compliance.Region.currentRpoInSecs') if [ "$REGRPOEstimate" == "$UNREC" ]; then REGRPOEstimate="unrecoverable" fi SUBROW=$SUBROW$TR$TDCOL4$componentName$CLSTD$TD$SWRTOTarget$CLSTD$TD$SWRTOEstimate$CLSTD$TD$SWRPOTarget$CLSTD$TD$SWRPOEstimate$CLSTD SUBROW=$SUBROW$TD$HWRTOTarget$CLSTD$TD$HWRTOEstimate$CLSTD$TD$HWRPOTarget$CLSTD$TD$HWRPOEstimate$CLSTD SUBROW=$SUBROW$TD$AZRTOTarget$CLSTD$TD$AZRTOEstimate$CLSTD$TD$AZRPOTarget$CLSTD$TD$AZRPOEstimate$CLSTD SUBROW=$SUBROW$TD$REGRTOTarget$CLSTD$TD$REGRTOEstimate$CLSTD$TD$REGRPOTarget$CLSTD$TD$REGRPOEstimate$CLSTD$CLSTR done SUBROW=$SUBROW"
Component NameApplicationInfrastructureAvailability ZoneRegion
 Targeted RTO(s)Estimated RTO(s)Targeted RPO(s)Estimated RPO(s)Targeted RTO(s)Estimated RTO(s)Targeted RPO(s)Estimated RPO(s)Targeted RTO(s)Estimated RTO(s)Targeted RPO(s)Estimated RPO(s)Targeted RTO(s)Estimated RTO(s)Targeted RPO(s)Estimated RPO(s)
" ROWCONTENT=$ROWCONTENT$SUBROW$CLSTD$CLSTR Filename="assessment-"$ARNNAME echo $DescribeAssessment > $Filename.json aws s3 cp ./$Filename'.json' 's3://'$S3Bucket'/reports'$FolderName'/'$Filename'.json' --region $Region --profile $profile 2>&1 EMPTYROW=" " SUMMARYTBL=$SUMMARYTBL$ROWCONTENT$EMPTYROW$EMPTYROW counter=$[$counter +1] done HTMLFILE=$HEADER$BODY$Region$TABLE$SUMMARYTBL$FOOTER echo $HTMLFILE > 'report.html' aws s3 cp ./report.html 's3://'$S3Bucket'/reports'$FolderName'/report.html' --region $Region #Optional cleanup - Delete JSON and HTML files generated locally. Comment it if you want to persist local copy deleteJSONFile deleteHTMLFile } GetAppAssessments