AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: "ROS CICD Pipeline" Globals: Function: Timeout: 3 Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: "Network Configuration" Parameters: - VpcCIDR - PublicSubnet1CIDR - PublicSubnet2CIDR - Label: default: "RoboMaker Application Configuration" Parameters: - ROSDistro - GazeboVersion - RobotAppBundleS3KeyName - SimulationAppBundleS3KeyName - ScenarioDefinitionDocument Parameters: VpcCIDR: Description: Please enter the IP range (CIDR notation) for this VPC Type: String Default: PublicSubnet1CIDR: Description: Please enter the IP range (CIDR notation) for the public subnet in the first Availability Zone Type: String Default: PublicSubnet2CIDR: Description: Please enter the IP range (CIDR notation) for the public subnet in the second Availability Zone Type: String Default: ScenarioDefinitionDocument: Description: Please enter the filename for the scenario definition document used to define scenarios to launch. Type: String Default: "scenarios.json" ROSDistro: Description: Please enter the ROS disribution to use. Type: String Default: "Melodic" AllowedValues: - Melodic - Foxy GazeboVersion: Description: Please enter the ROS disribution to use. Type: String Default: "9" AllowedValues: - "9" - "11" RobotAppBundleS3KeyName: Description: Please enter the key name for your robot application bundle in S3 Type: String Default: "bundles/x86/robotApp.tar" SimulationAppBundleS3KeyName: Description: Please enter the key name for your simulation application bundle in S3 Type: String Default: "bundles/x86/simulationApp.tar" Resources: RobotApplication: Type: "AWS::RoboMaker::RobotApplication" Properties: Sources: - S3Bucket: !Ref S3Bucket S3Key: !Ref RobotAppBundleS3KeyName Architecture: "X86_64" RobotSoftwareSuite: Name: "ROS" Version: !Ref ROSDistro Tags: "Name" : "RobotApplication" "Type" : "CICD_Auto_Generate" SimulationApplication: Type: "AWS::RoboMaker::SimulationApplication" Properties: Sources: - S3Bucket: !Ref S3Bucket S3Key: !Ref SimulationAppBundleS3KeyName Architecture: "X86_64" RobotSoftwareSuite: Name: "ROS" Version: !Ref ROSDistro SimulationSoftwareSuite: Name: "Gazebo" Version: !Ref GazeboVersion RenderingEngine: Name: "OGRE" Version: "1.x" Tags: "Name" : "SimulationApplication" "Type" : "CICD_Auto_Generate" VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: CidrBlock: !Ref VpcCIDR Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AWS::StackName InternetGateway: Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AWS::StackName InternetGatewayAttachment: Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway VpcId: !Ref VPC PublicSubnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC AvailabilityZone: !Select [ 0, !GetAZs '' ] CidrBlock: !Ref PublicSubnet1CIDR MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} ${AWS::Region} Public Subnet (AZ1) PublicSubnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC AvailabilityZone: !Select [ 1, !GetAZs '' ] CidrBlock: !Ref PublicSubnet2CIDR MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} ${AWS::Region} Public Subnet (AZ2) PublicRouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} ${AWS::Region} Public Routes RoboMakerSimulationRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: RoboMakerSimRole PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: s3:ListBucket Resource: - Fn::Join: - / - - Fn::GetAtt: - S3Bucket - Arn - '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - s3:Get* - s3:List* Resource: - Fn::Join: - / - - Fn::GetAtt: - S3Bucket - Arn - '*' - Effect: Allow Action: s3:Put* Resource: - Fn::Join: - / - - Fn::GetAtt: - S3Bucket - Arn - '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents - logs:DescribeLogStreams Resource: - '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - ec2:CreateNetworkInterfacePermission Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - ec2:AssociateRouteTable - ec2:CreateSubnet - ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface - ec2:DeleteSubnet - ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces - ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups - ec2:DescribeSubnets - ec2:DescribeVpcs Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:DescribeLogStreams - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: - '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - cloudwatch:PutMetricData Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - robomaker:TagResource - robomaker:CancelSimulationJob Resource: '*' StepFunctionsLambda: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: StepFunctionsLambdaPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - lambda:InvokeFunction - codepipeline:PollForJobs - s3:GetAccessPoint - s3:GetObject - xray:PutTraceSegments - cloudwatch:PutMetricData - robomaker:DescribeSimulationJobBatch - robomaker:BatchDescribeSimulationJob - robomaker:DescribeRobotApplication - robomaker:CreateSimulationJob - codepipeline:PutThirdPartyJobFailureResult - logs:CreateLogStream - codepipeline:PutJobFailureResult - s3:HeadBucket - codepipeline:PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult - s3:PutAccountPublicAccessBlock - s3:ListAccessPoints - codepipeline:PutJobSuccessResult - robomaker:DescribeSimulationApplication - s3:ListJobs - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:PutLogEvents - logs:DescribeLogGroups - robomaker:StartSimulationJobBatch - robomaker:DescribeSimulationJob - robomaker:ListSimulationJobBatches - robomaker:TagResource - s3:GetAccountPublicAccessBlock - codepipeline:PutApprovalResult - s3:ListAllMyBuckets - s3:CreateJob - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - iam:PassRole - iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile Resource: !GetAtt RoboMakerSimulationRole.Arn - Effect: Allow Action: states:StartExecution Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - s3:* Resource: - Fn::GetAtt: S3Bucket.Arn DefaultPublicRoute: Type: AWS::EC2::Route DependsOn: InternetGatewayAttachment Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway PublicSubnet1RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet1 PublicSubnet2RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet2 S3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulationsFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: processAndLaunchBatchSimulations/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.8 Role: !GetAtt StepFunctionsLambda.Arn Tracing: Active Environment: Variables: S3_BUCKET: !Ref S3Bucket ROBOT_APP_ARN: !Ref RobotApplication SIMULATION_APP_ARN: !Ref SimulationApplication IAM_ROLE: !GetAtt RoboMakerSimulationRole.Arn SUBNET_1: !Ref PublicSubnet1 SUBNET_2: !Ref PublicSubnet2 SECURITY_GROUP: !GetAtt VPC.DefaultSecurityGroup CheckStatusFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: checkStatus/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.8 Tracing: Active Role: !GetAtt StepFunctionsLambda.Arn SendSimSummaryFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: sendSimSummary/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.8 Tracing: Active Role: !GetAtt StepFunctionsLambda.Arn ErrorLaunchingSimulationsFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: errorLaunchingSimulations/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.8 Tracing: Active Role: !GetAtt StepFunctionsLambda.Arn TriggerStepFunctions: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: triggerStepFunctions/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.8 Role: !GetAtt StepFunctionsLambda.Arn Tracing: Active Environment: Variables: STATE_MACHINE_ARN: !Ref SimulationRunnerStepFunction SCENARIO_DEFINITIONS_FILENAME: !Ref ScenarioDefinitionDocument SimulationRunnerStepFunction: Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine DependsOn: - SendSimSummaryFunction - CheckStatusFunction - ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulationsFunction Properties: DefinitionString: !Sub |- { "StartAt": "ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulations", "States": { "ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulations": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "${ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulationsFunction.Arn}", "Next": "IsBatchSimRunning", "Catch": [ { "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"], "Next": "ErrorLaunchingSimulations", "ResultPath": "$.error" } ] }, "IsBatchSimRunning": { "Type": "Choice", "Choices": [ { "Variable": "$.isDone", "BooleanEquals": true, "Next": "SendSimSummary" } ], "Default": "Wait" }, "Wait": { "Type": "Wait", "Seconds": 30, "Next": "CheckStatus" }, "CheckStatus": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "${CheckStatusFunction.Arn}", "InputPath": "$", "Next": "IsBatchSimRunning", "Catch": [ { "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"], "Next": "ErrorLaunchingSimulations", "ResultPath": "$.error" } ] }, "SendSimSummary": { "Type": "Task", "InputPath": "$", "Resource": "${SendSimSummaryFunction.Arn}", "Catch": [ { "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"], "Next": "ErrorLaunchingSimulations", "ResultPath": "$.error" } ], "End": true }, "ErrorLaunchingSimulations": { "Type": "Task", "InputPath": "$", "Resource": "${ErrorLaunchingSimulationsFunction.Arn}", "ResultPath": "$.error", "End": true } } } RoleArn: !GetAtt StepFunctionsLambda.Arn StateMachineName: Fn::Sub: SimulationRunnerStateMachine-${AWS::StackName} Outputs: ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulationsFunction: Description: "Process And Launch Sim Input Function ARN" Value: !GetAtt ProcessAndLaunchBatchSimulationsFunction.Arn CheckStatusFunction: Description: "CheckStatus Function ARN" Value: !GetAtt CheckStatusFunction.Arn SendSimSummaryFunction: Description: "SendSimSummary Function ARN" Value: !GetAtt SendSimSummaryFunction.Arn BucketName: Description: "S3 bucket for testing application" Value: !Ref S3Bucket