import ast import boto3 import subprocess import sys import csv from io import StringIO from urllib.parse import urlparse import logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(funcName)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger() def get_bool_input(input_parameter): """Returns a boolean corresponding to a string "True/False" input Args: input_parameter (str): String input for a boolean Returns: bool: True/False input """ if input_parameter.lower().capitalize() in ["True","False"]: return ast.literal_eval(input_parameter.lower().capitalize()) else: return None class S3SyncUtils: def __init__(self): self.s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3') def __copy_if_exists(self,src_bucket, src_key, src_path,dst_path,delete_destination): s3_head_object_response = self.s3_resource.meta.client.head_object( Bucket=src_bucket, Key=src_key) if s3_head_object_response['ContentType'].startswith('application/x-directory'): # sync'Source is a directory! Syncing entire paths.') self.__s3_sync_helper(src_path,dst_path,delete_destination) else:'File Exists! Overwriting file') copy_source = { 'Bucket': src_bucket, 'Key': src_key } dst_bucket_key = dst_path.split('//')[1].split('/',1) self.s3_resource.meta.client.copy(CopySource=copy_source, Bucket=dst_bucket_key[0], Key=dst_bucket_key[1], ExtraArgs={ 'ACL':'bucket-owner-full-control' }) def __s3_sync_helper(self, src_path, dst_path, delete_destination): sync_cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/aws', 's3', 'sync', src_path, dst_path, '--acl','bucket-owner-full-control'] if delete_destination: sync_cmd.append('--delete') out =, capture_output=True) out = out.stdout.decode() def s3_copy_sync(self,input_s3_bucket,input_s3_key, skip_header=True, delete_destination=False): """ :param input_s3_bucket: bucket name of the input file :param input_s3_key: name of the file :param skip_header: boolean : skip first row if true :param delete_destination: boolean : delete destination if true :return: None """ csv_str = self.s3_resource.Object(input_s3_bucket,input_s3_key).get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') rdr = csv.reader(StringIO(csv_str), delimiter=',') if skip_header: next(rdr) #skip the header row #loop over each file/path given as src/destination. for row in rdr: source=row[0] dest=row[1]'Source:: {source} Dest:: {dest}') # split the S3 path for source into what would be bucket and key # EG: s3://bucket-name/some/path/file.txt --> bucket-name, some/path/file.txt parsed_s3_url = urlparse(source) bucket_src = parsed_s3_url.netloc key_src = parsed_s3_url.path[1:] # remove first "/" for a valid s3 key self.__copy_if_exists(bucket_src,key_src,source,dest,delete_destination) def main(argv): if len(argv) != 5:"Syntax: python <> <> <
> <>") sys.exit(1)"Received {len(argv)} arguments:\n" f"\tInput csv file bucket name ::: {argv[1]}\n" f"\tInput csv file file name ::: {argv[2]}\n" f"\tFile containing header ::: {argv[3]}\n" f"\tDelete destination files ::: {argv[4]}" ) S3_UTILS = S3SyncUtils() header_input = get_bool_input(argv[3]) delete_input = get_bool_input(argv[4]) if header_input is None or delete_input is None: LOGGER.error("Incorrect input, the HEADER must be true/false and delete files must be true or false") sys.exit(2) S3_UTILS.s3_copy_sync(argv[1],argv[2],header_input,delete_input) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)