#!/usr/bin/bash source ~/.bash_profile export VAULT_NS="vault" export VAULT_ROLE="vault-role-${RANDOM_STRING}" echo "Deleting Vault Root Token and Unseal Keys from Secrets Manager" export SECRETS=$(aws secretsmanager list-secrets \ --query 'SecretList[?starts_with(Name, `UNSEAL_KEY_'${RANDOM_STRING}'_`) == `true` || starts_with(Name, `VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN_'${RANDOM_STRING}'`) == `true`].Name' \ --output text | xargs ) for SECRET in ${SECRETS} do aws secretsmanager delete-secret \ --secret-id ${SECRET} \ --force-delete-without-recovery done echo "Uninstalling Vault Engine" helm uninstall vault --namespace ${VAULT_NS} echo "Delete Vault Engine Namespace" kubectl delete ns ${VAULT_NS} echo "Deleting Tenant Namespaces" kubectl delete ns tenanta kubectl delete ns tenantb kubectl delete ns tenantc kubectl delete ns tenantd # Delete VPC Endpoints DDB_ENDPOINT_ID=$( aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints \ --query 'VpcEndpoints[?ServiceName==`com.amazonaws.'${AWS_REGION}'.dynamodb`].VpcEndpointId' \ --output text ) KMS_ENDPOINT_ID=$( aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints \ --query 'VpcEndpoints[?ServiceName==`com.amazonaws.'${AWS_REGION}'.kms`].VpcEndpointId' \ --output text ) aws ec2 delete-vpc-endpoints \ --vpc-endpoint-ids ${DDB_ENDPOINT_ID} ${KMS_ENDPOINT_ID} # Delete VPC Peering Routing Entries TOKEN=$(curl --silent --no-progress-meter \ -X PUT "" \ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600") CLOUD9_MAC_ID=$(curl --silent --no-progress-meter \ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" \ CLOUD9_VPC_ID=$(curl --silent --no-progress-meter \ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" \${CLOUD9_MAC_ID}vpc-id) CLOUD9_VPC_SUBNET=$(curl --silent --no-progress-meter \ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" \${CLOUD9_MAC_ID}subnet-id) echo "Deleting ECR Repositories" aws ecr delete-repository \ --force \ --repository-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-repo-${RANDOM_STRING}-aws-cli 2>&1 > /dev/null aws ecr delete-repository \ --force \ --repository-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-repo-${RANDOM_STRING}-vault 2>&1 > /dev/null aws ecr delete-repository \ --force \ --repository-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-repo-${RANDOM_STRING}-vault-k8s 2>&1 > /dev/null echo "Deleting EKS Cluster" eksctl delete cluster --name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --force rm -rf yaml # Remove routes for EKS Endpoint from Cloud9 subnet's route table or VPC main table CLOUD9_RT=$( aws ec2 describe-route-tables \ --query 'RouteTables[*].Associations[?SubnetId==`'${CLOUD9_VPC_SUBNET}'`].RouteTableId' \ --output text | xargs ) if [ "x$CLOUD9_RT" == "x" ] then CLOUD9_RT=$( aws ec2 describe-route-tables \ --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=${CLOUD9_VPC_ID}" \ | jq -r '.RouteTables[].Associations[] | select(.Main==true) | .RouteTableId' ) fi ROUTE_EXISTS=$( aws ec2 describe-route-tables \ --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=${CLOUD9_VPC_ID}" \ --query 'RouteTables[*].Routes[?DestinationCidrBlock==`"'${VPC_CIDR}'"`].State' \ --output text ) if [ "x$ROUTE_EXISTS" != "x" ] then aws ec2 delete-route \ --route-table-id ${CLOUD9_RT} \ --destination-cidr-block ${VPC_CIDR} fi # Delete VPC Peering Connection aws ec2 delete-vpc-peering-connection \ --vpc-peering-connection-id ${VPC_PEER_ID} echo "Removing KMS Key and Alias" export MASTER_ARN=$(aws kms describe-key \ --key-id alias/dynamic-policy-ref-arch-${RANDOM_STRING} \ --query KeyMetadata.Arn --output text) aws kms disable-key \ --key-id ${MASTER_ARN} aws kms delete-alias \ --alias-name alias/dynamic-policy-ref-arch-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting EC2 Key-Pair" aws ec2 delete-key-pair \ --key-name "dynamic-policy-saas-${RANDOM_STRING}" echo "Detaching IAM policies from Vault & Vault SA Roles" aws iam detach-role-policy \ --role-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-vault-sa-role-${RANDOM_STRING} \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/vault-sa-assumerole-policy-${RANDOM_STRING} aws iam detach-role-policy \ --role-name ${VAULT_ROLE} \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/dynamodb-policy-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting Vault & Vault SA Roles in IAM" aws iam delete-role \ --role-name ${VAULT_ROLE} aws iam delete-role \ --role-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-vault-sa-role-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting Vault STS Policy in IAM" aws iam delete-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/vault-sa-assumerole-policy-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting Vault DynamoDB Policy in IAM" aws iam delete-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/dynamodb-policy-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting Products DynamoDB Table" aws dynamodb delete-table \ --table-name Products_${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Detaching IAM policies from IRSA" aws iam detach-role-policy \ --role-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-s3-access-role-${RANDOM_STRING} \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/s3-object-access-policy-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting IRSA" aws iam delete-role \ --role-name ${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-s3-access-role-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting S3 Object Access Policy for IRSA" aws iam delete-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/s3-object-access-policy-${RANDOM_STRING} echo "Deleting S3 Bucket for Vault Agent Templates" aws s3 rm s3://${VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET}/ \ --recursive aws s3 rm s3://${VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET}-access-logs/ \ --recursive aws s3api delete-bucket \ --bucket ${VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET} \ --region ${AWS_REGION} aws s3api delete-bucket \ --bucket ${VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET}-access-logs \ --region ${AWS_REGION} # Reset Cloud9 Instance to IMDSv1 TOKEN=$(curl --silent --no-progress-meter \ -X PUT "" \ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600") CLOUD9_INSTANCE_ID=$(curl --silent --no-progress-meter \ -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" \ aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-options \ --region ${AWS_REGION} \ --instance-id ${CLOUD9_INSTANCE_ID} \ --http-tokens optional \ --http-endpoint enabled 2>&1 > /dev/null echo "Removing Environemnt Variables from .bash_profile" sed -i '/export ACCOUNT_ID/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export AWS_REGION/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export MASTER_ARN/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export IRSA/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export VAULT_IRSA/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export RANDOM_STRING/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export VPC_PEER_ID/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export VPC_CIDR/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export REPO_URI_AWSCLI/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export REPO_URI_VAULT/d' ~/.bash_profile sed -i '/export REPO_URI_VAULTK8S/d' ~/.bash_profile unset ACCOUNT_ID unset AWS_DEFAULT_REGION unset AWS_REGION unset MASTER_ARN unset EKS_CLUSTER_NAME unset IRSA unset VAULT_IRSA unset VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET unset RANDOM_STRING unset VAULT_AGENT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET unset VPC_PEER_ID unset VPC_CIDR unset REPO_URI_AWSCLI unset REPO_URI_VAULT unset REPO_URI_VAULTK8S rm -rf config rm -rf $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa