import json import sys from s3_helper import S3Client def lambda_handler(event, context): """This is a sample Annotation Consolidation Lambda for custom labeling jobs. It takes all worker responses for the item to be labeled, and output a consolidated annotation. Parameters ---------- event: dict, required Content of an example event { "version": "2018-10-16", "labelingJobArn": , "labelCategories": [], # If you created labeling job using aws console, labelCategories will be null "labelAttributeName": , "roleArn" : "string", "payload": { "s3Uri": } "outputConfig":"s3://" } Content of payload.s3Uri [ { "datasetObjectId": , "dataObject": { "s3Uri": , "content": }, "annotations": [{ "workerId": , "annotationData": { "content": , "s3Uri": } }] } ] As SageMaker product evolves, content of event object & payload.s3Uri will change. For a latest version refer following URL Event doc: context: object, required Lambda Context runtime methods and attributes Context doc: Returns ------ consolidated_output: dict AnnotationConsolidation [ { "datasetObjectId": , "consolidatedAnnotation": { "content": { "": { # ... label content } } } } ] Return doc: """ # Event received print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2)) labeling_job_arn = event["labelingJobArn"] label_attribute_name = event["labelAttributeName"] label_categories = None if "label_categories" in event: label_categories = event["labelCategories"] print(" Label Categories are : " + label_categories) payload = event["payload"] role_arn = event["roleArn"] output_config = None # Output s3 location. You can choose to write your annotation to this location if "outputConfig" in event: output_config = event["outputConfig"] # If you specified a KMS key in your labeling job, you can use the key to write # consolidated_output to s3 location specified in outputConfig. kms_key_id = None if "kmsKeyId" in event: kms_key_id = event["kmsKeyId"] # Create s3 client object s3_client = S3Client(role_arn, kms_key_id) # Perform consolidation return do_consolidation(labeling_job_arn, payload, label_attribute_name, s3_client) def do_consolidation(labeling_job_arn, payload, label_attribute_name, s3_client): """ Core Logic for consolidation :param labeling_job_arn: labeling job ARN :param payload: payload data for consolidation :param label_attribute_name: identifier for labels in output JSON :param s3_client: S3 helper class :return: output JSON string """ # Extract payload data if "s3Uri" in payload: s3_ref = payload["s3Uri"] payload = json.loads(s3_client.get_object_from_s3(s3_ref)) print(payload) # Payload data contains a list of data objects. # Iterate over it to consolidate annotations for individual data object. consolidated_output = [] success_count = 0 # Number of data objects that were successfully consolidated failure_count = 0 # Number of data objects that failed in consolidation for p in range(len(payload)): response = None try: dataset_object_id = payload[p]['datasetObjectId'] log_prefix = "[{}] data object id [{}] :".format(labeling_job_arn, dataset_object_id) print("{} Consolidating annotations BEGIN ".format(log_prefix)) annotations = payload[p]['annotations'] print("{} Received Annotations from all workers {}".format(log_prefix, annotations)) # Iterate over annotations. Log all annotation to your CloudWatch logs for i in range(len(annotations)): worker_id = annotations[i]["workerId"] annotation_content = annotations[i]['annotationData'].get('content') annotation_s3_uri = annotations[i]['annotationData'].get('s3uri') annotation = annotation_content if annotation_s3_uri is None else s3_client.get_object_from_s3( annotation_s3_uri) annotation_from_single_worker = json.loads(annotation) print("{} Received Annotations from worker [{}] is [{}]" .format(log_prefix, worker_id, annotation_from_single_worker)) # Notice that, no consolidation is performed, worker responses are combined and appended to final output # You can put your consolidation logic here consolidated_annotation = {"annotationsFromAllWorkers": annotations} # TODO : Add your consolidation logic # Build consolidation response object for an individual data object response = { "datasetObjectId": dataset_object_id, "consolidatedAnnotation": { "content": { label_attribute_name: consolidated_annotation } } } success_count += 1 print("{} Consolidating annotations END ".format(log_prefix)) # Append individual data object response to the list of responses. if response is not None: consolidated_output.append(response) except: failure_count += 1 print(" Consolidation failed for dataobject {}".format(p)) print(" Unexpected error: Consolidation failed." + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) print("Consolidation Complete. Success Count {} Failure Count {}".format(success_count, failure_count)) print(" -- Consolidated Output -- ") print(consolidated_output) print(" ------------------------- ") return consolidated_output