3 L]]@sdddlZddlmZddlZddlmZddlZddlZddlm Z ddl m Z Gddde Z dS)N)split)select)ProxyCommandFailure)ClosingContextManagerc@sPeZdZdZddZddZddZdd Zed d Z ed d Z ddZ dS) ProxyCommanda Wraps a subprocess running ProxyCommand-driven programs. This class implements a the socket-like interface needed by the `.Transport` and `.Packetizer` classes. Using this class instead of a regular socket makes it possible to talk with a Popen'd command that will proxy traffic between the client and a server hosted in another machine. Instances of this class may be used as context managers. cCs:ddlm}m}t||_||j|||dd|_d|_dS)a Create a new CommandProxy instance. The instance created by this class can be passed as an argument to the `.Transport` class. :param str command_line: the command that should be executed and used as the proxy. r)PopenPIPE)stdinstdoutstderrbufsizeN) subprocessrrshlsplitcmdprocesstimeout)selfZ command_linerrr4/tmp/pip-install-wfra5znf/paramiko/paramiko/proxy.py__init__+s  zProxyCommand.__init__cCsRy|jjj|Wn6tk rH}ztdj|j|jWYdd}~XnXt|S)z Write the content received from the SSH client to the standard input of the forked command. :param str content: string to be sent to the forked command  N) rr writeIOErrorrjoinrstrerrorlen)rcontenterrrsend=s &zProxyCommand.sendc Csyd}tj}xt||krd}|jdk rRtj|}||jkrHtj|j|}t|jjggg|\}}}|r|d|jjkr|tj|jjj |t|7}qW|Stjk r|r|SYn6t k r} zt dj |j | jWYdd} ~ XnXdS)z Read from the standard output of the forked program. :param int size: how many chars should be read :return: the string of bytes read, which may be shorter than requested Nrr)timerrsocketrrr osreadfilenorrrrr) rsizebufferstartZselect_timeoutelapsedrwxrrrrrecvNs*    zProxyCommand.recvcCstj|jjtjdS)N)r"killrpidsignalSIGTERM)rrrrcloseoszProxyCommand.closecCs |jjdk S)N)r returncode)rrrrclosedrszProxyCommand.closedcCs|jS)N)r3)rrrr_closedvszProxyCommand._closedcCs ||_dS)N)r)rrrrr settimeout{szProxyCommand.settimeoutN) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrr,r1propertyr3r4r5rrrrrs !  r) r"shlexrrr/rr!r Zparamiko.ssh_exceptionrZ paramiko.utilrrrrrrs