# RDS and Fargate Round - Getting Started ## Accessing AWS Event Engine !!! info "To get started at an *AWS event* where the *Event Engine* is being used" _The CloudFormation Stack for this event should already be deployed._ 1. Click here to open the Event Engine dashboard in a separate browser tab. 2. Enter the **team hash** code that you were provided and click **Proceed**.. 3. Click **AWS Console**. 4. Click **Open Console**. 5. Make sure you are in the correct region. 6. Click **[here](RDS.md)** to proceed to the RDS Phase of the workshop. --- ??? info "Click here if you're *not at an AWS event* or are using your own account" In order to complete these workshops, you'll need a valid, usable AWS Account. Use a personal account or create a new AWS account to ensure you have the necessary access and that you do not accidentally modify corporate resources. Do **not** use an AWS account from the company you work for. __We stronly recommend that you use a non-production AWS account for this workshop such as a training, sandbox or personal account. If multiple participants are sharing a single account you should use unique names for the stack set and resources created in the console.__ **Create an admin user** If you don't already have an AWS IAM user with admin permissions, please use the following instructions to create one: 1. Browse to the AWS IAM console. 2. Click **Users** on the left navigation and then click **Add User**. 3. Enter a **User Name**, check the checkbox for **AWS Management Console access**, enter a **Custom Password**, and click **Next:Permissions**. 4. Click **Attach existing policies directly**, click the checkbox next to the **AdministratorAccess**, and click **Next:review**. 5. Click **Create User** 6. Click **Dashboard** on the left navigation and use the **IAM users sign-in link** to login as the admin user you just created. **Add credits (optional**) If you are doing this workshop as part of an AWS sponsored event, you will receive credits to cover the costs. Below are the instructions for entering the credits: 1. Browse to the AWS Account Settings console. 2. Enter the **Promo Code** you received (these will be handed out at the beginning of the workshop). 3. Enter the **Security Check** and click **Redeem**. You are now setup for the workshop!