Using AWS Secrets Manager with Amazon RDS and AWS Fargate - Build Phase
Environment setup
To get started at an AWS event where the Event Engine is being used
The CloudFormation Stack for this event should already be deployed.
Click here if you're not using AWS Event Engine or are using your own account
To setup the workshop environment, make sure you are logged in as an admin user and launch the CloudFormation stack below in the preferred AWS region using the "Deploy to AWS" links below. This will automatically take you to the console to run the template. In order to complete these workshops, you'll need a valid, usable AWS Account. Use a personal account or create a new AWS account to ensure you have the necessary access and that you do not accidentally modify corporate resources. Do not use a production AWS account from the company you work for. We strongly recommend that you use a non-production AWS account for this workshop such as a training, sandbox or personal account. If multiple participants are sharing a single account you should use unique names for the stack set and resources created in the console.
Click Next on the Specify Template section.
On the Specify stack details step, update the following parameters depending on how you are doing this workshop:
Field name Field value Stack name You can choose or just use smdemo Enter the name of the database Accept the default value of smdemo Enter the TCP port for the database endpoint Accept the default value of 3306 Enter a prefix for the Name tag Accept the default value of smdemo Enter the value for the Project tag Accept the default value of smproj Enter the SSM AMI Id Parameter Accept the default value for the most recent AMI -
Click Next
Click Next on the Configure stack options section.
Finally, acknowledge that the template will create IAM roles under Capabilities and click Create.
This will bring you back to the CloudFormation console. You can refresh the page to see the stack starting to create. Before moving on, make sure the stack is in a CREATE_COMPLETE status. This should take ~8 minutes.
You can now proceed to the RDS Phase.