## Infrastructure Identity in AWS This hands-on workshop is where you will learn about a number of AWS services that will enable you to securely administer your systems in AWS as we walk through real-world threat scenarios. Learn about the secure administration capabilities of AWS Session Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management and Amazon EC2 Instance Connect. For each hands-on scenario, we review methods to access Amazon EC2 instances as well as a servers on-premise, and we'll securely access Amazon RDS. We will use the following services: AWS Session Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management, and EC2-Connect and we'll audit the access with AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail. ## Start the workshop: Visit the site to get started: [https://idm-infrastructure.awssecworkshops.com/](https://idm-infrastructure.awssecworkshops.com/) ## License Summary This sample code is made available under a modified MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.