# Infrastructure Identity Workshop ## Workshop Delivery Instructions Anyone with interest, time and students can deliver this workshop. Everything needed to deliver the content is available in this repository. This workshop is designed take individuals with a 200-300 level understanding of AWS IAM and provide them additional knowledge. The following directions are meant for the prospective instructor(s). ### Workshop description you can share with students: This hands-on workshop is where you will learn about a number of AWS services that will enable you to securely administer your systems in AWS as we walk through real-world threat scenarios. Learn about the secure administration capabilities of AWS Session Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management and Amazon EC2 Instance Connect. For each hands-on scenario, we review methods to access Amazon EC2 instances as well as a servers on-premise, and we'll securely access Amazon RDS. We will use the following services: AWS Session Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management, and EC2-Connect and we'll audit the access with AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail. ### Initial setup and planning: 1. The workshop was designed to be delivered in about 2 hours. Even with this timing some students may not be able to finish the entire workshop. 2. The workshop has been delivered to audiences of between 20 and 150 people and there are no practical limits in audience size. 3. There is about 30 minutes of lecture and presentations and the rest of the time should be devoted to having the students work through the exercises. 4. The students should not use their work AWS accounts for the labs. Ideally new accounts should be created before the workshop for each student. 5. The workshop is designed for each student to work individually but there is no reason why the students couldn't work in groups with one person driving. ### Workshop Directions: #### Module 1 1. #### Module 2 1. #### Module 3 1. #### Module 4 1.