## CSV Manager for AWS Security Hub CSV Manager for AWS Security Hub exports Security Hub findings to a CSV file and allows you to mass-update SecurityHub findings by modifying that CSV file. For more information, please consult the `README.pdf` file in this repository. ## Build To build this app, you need to be in the cdk project root folder [`csv_manager_sechub_cdk`](/csv_manager_sechub_cdk/). Then run the following: npm install -g aws-cdk npm install npm run build $ npm install -g aws-cdk $ npm install $ npm run build ### IMPORTANT: You will need to add additional IAM principal(s) to access the S3 bucket where findings will be exported, add a valid IAM principal ARN to [`config.json`](/csv_manager_sechub_cdk/config.json). ## Deploy $ cdk bootstrap aws:/// $ cdk deploy ## CDK Toolkit The [`cdk.json`](/csv_manager_sechub_cdk/cdk.json) file in the root of this repository includes instructions for the CDK toolkit on how to execute this program. After building your TypeScript code, you will be able to run the CDK toolkits commands as usual: $ cdk ls $ cdk synth $ cdk deploy $ cdk diff ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.