import boto3 import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) SINGLE_LINE_LENGTH = 80 DOUBLE_LINE_LENGTH = 47 FOOTER_TEXT = os.environ['AdditionalEmailFooterText'] HEADER_TEXT = 'Weekly Security Hub Report \n' FOOTER_URL = '' # this function will add a horizontal line to the email def add_horizontal_line(text_body, line_char, line_length): y = 0 while y <= line_length: text_body += line_char y += 1 text_body += '\n' return text_body def lambda_handler(event, context): insightArns = [] insightLabels = [] #this is the placement number of insights that are grouped by severity, this is used for reversing the sort severityTypeInsights = [1,2,3,4] #fetch arns for custom insights from lambda environment variables insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight01']) insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight02']) insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight03']) insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight04']) insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight05']) insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight06']) insightArns.append(os.environ['ARNInsight07']) #fetch the SNS arn to send the email body to, from lambda environment variables snsTopicArn = os.environ['SNSTopic'] #determine region from the arns arnParsed = insightArns[0].split(':') region = arnParsed[3] #create list of section labels insightLabels.append('AWS Foundational Security Best Practices security checks:') insightLabels.append('AWS Foundational Security Best Practices failed security checks by severity:') insightLabels.append('GuardDuty threat detection findings by severity:') insightLabels.append('IAM Access Analyzer findings by severity:') insightLabels.append('Unresolved findings by severity:') insightLabels.append('New findings in the last 7 days:') insightLabels.append('Top 10 Resource Types with findings:') #format Email header snsBody = '' snsBody = add_horizontal_line(snsBody, '=', DOUBLE_LINE_LENGTH) snsBody += HEADER_TEXT snsBody = add_horizontal_line(snsBody, '=', DOUBLE_LINE_LENGTH) snsBody += '\n\n' #create boto3 client for Security Hub API calls sec_hub_client = boto3.client('securityhub') #for each custom insight get results and format for email i = 0 while i < len(insightArns): #call security hub api to get results for each custom insight response = sec_hub_client.get_insight_results( InsightArn=insightArns[i] ) insightResults = response['InsightResults']['ResultValues'] #format into an email - section header snsBody += str(insightLabels[i]) + '\n' snsBody = add_horizontal_line(snsBody,'-', SINGLE_LINE_LENGTH) #check for blank custom insights if len(insightResults) == 0: snsBody += 'NO RESULTS \n' #determine how many rows are in this section, cap at 10 totalRows = len(insightResults) if totalRows > 10: totalRows = 10 #determine if this is the first section to customize the label if i == 0: firstSection = True else: firstSection = False #determine if this is an insight that needs an updated sort if (i in severityTypeInsights): #reverse the sort insightResults.reverse() #convert the API results into rows for email formatting x = 0 while x < totalRows: snsBody += str(insightResults[x]['Count']) #add the value snsBody += '\t - \t' #add a divider if firstSection: #add two extra labels (TOTAL and CHECKS) to the values for the foundational summary snsBody += 'TOTAL ' snsBody += str(insightResults[x]['GroupByAttributeValue']) #add the label snsBody += ' CHECKS' else: snsBody += str(insightResults[x]['GroupByAttributeValue']) #add the label snsBody += '\n' #next line x += 1 #add table footer snsBody = add_horizontal_line(snsBody,'-', SINGLE_LINE_LENGTH) snsBody +=' \n' #create and add deep link for this section insightLink = 'https://' + region + '' insightLink += region + '#/insights/' + insightArns[i] snsBody += insightLink snsBody += ' \n\n' i += 1 #add footer text snsBody += FOOTER_TEXT snsBody += '\n' snsBody = add_horizontal_line(snsBody,'-', SINGLE_LINE_LENGTH) snsBody += FOOTER_URL #send to SNS sns_client = boto3.client('sns') response = sns_client.publish( TopicArn=snsTopicArn, Message=snsBody ) return { 'statusCode': 200, }