policies: - name: s3-bucket-encryption-policy-absent resource: s3 description: s3 buckets without encryption required filters: - type: no-encryption-statement actions: - type: post-finding severity_normalized: 60 types: - "Software and Configuration Checks/AWS Security Best Practices" - name: vpc-flow-log-check resource: vpc filters: - not: - type: flow-logs enabled: true set-op: or op: equal traffic-type: all log-group: myVPCFlowLogs status: active actions: - type: post-finding severity_normalized: 30 types: - "Software and Configuration Checks/AWS Security Best Practices" - name: ec2-invalid-ami resource: ec2 comment: | Find all running EC2 instances that are using invalid AMIs and stop them filters: - "State.Name": running - type: value key: ImageId op: in value: - ami-b66ed3de # Invalid actions: - type: post-finding severity_normalized: 90 types: - "Software and Configuration Checks/AWS Security Best Practices" - name: ebs-mark-unattached-deletion resource: ebs comments: | Finds any unattached EBS Volumes that are not encrypted filters: - Attachments: [] - Encrypted: false actions: - type: post-finding severity_normalized: 70 types: - "Software and Configuration Checks/AWS Security Best Practices"