## How to use CI/CD to deploy and configure AWS security services with Terraform This is sample code for the accompanying AWS Security Blog post How to use CI/CD to deploy and configure AWS security services with Terraform. A CodeBuild buildspec.yml and terraform config files to deploy a Global Web ACL & sample rules are provided. Other Terraform config files will be provided to give additional examples, however, the IAM policy provided through the blog will not cover most additional resources and you will need to make modifications. Readme's for each additional solution will live in their sub-folder. ### Solutions Architecture ![Architecture](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-security-services-with-terraform/blob/master/Architecture.jpg) 1. Push your artifacts, Terraform configuration files and a build specification to a CodePipeline source 2. CodePipeline automatically invokes CodeBuild and downloads the source files 3. CodeBuild installs and executes Terraform according to our build specification 4. Terraform stores our state files in S3 and a record of the deployment in DynamoDB 5. Our WAF Web ACL is deployed and ready for use by our application teams ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.