import datetime import re import six import class Marshaller: PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (float, bool, bytes, six.text_type) + six.integer_types NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING = { 'int': int, 'long': int if six.PY3 else long, 'float': float, 'str': str, 'bool': bool, 'date':, 'datetime': datetime.datetime, 'object': object, } @classmethod def marshall(cls, obj): if obj is None: return None elif isinstance(obj, cls.PRIMITIVE_TYPES): return obj elif isinstance(obj, list): return [cls.marshall(sub_obj) for sub_obj in obj] elif isinstance(obj, tuple): return tuple(cls.marshall(sub_obj) for sub_obj in obj) elif isinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime, return obj.isoformat() if isinstance(obj, dict): obj_dict = obj else: obj_dict = {obj._attribute_map[attr]: getattr(obj, attr) for attr, _ in six.iteritems(obj._types) if getattr(obj, attr) is not None} return {key: cls.marshall(val) for key, val in six.iteritems(obj_dict)} @classmethod def unmarshall(cls, data, typeName): if data is None: return None if type(typeName) == str: if typeName.startswith('list['): sub_kls = re.match(r'list\[(.*)\]', typeName).group(1) return [cls.unmarshall(sub_data, sub_kls) for sub_data in data] if typeName.startswith('dict('): sub_kls = re.match(r'dict\(([^,]*), (.*)\)', typeName).group(2) return {k: cls.unmarshall(v, sub_kls) for k, v in six.iteritems(data)} if typeName in cls.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING: typeName = cls.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING[typeName] else: typeName = getattr(, typeName) if typeName in cls.PRIMITIVE_TYPES: return cls.__unmarshall_primitive(data, typeName) elif typeName == object: return cls.__unmarshall_object(data) elif typeName == return cls.__unmarshall_date(data) elif typeName == datetime.datetime: return cls.__unmarshall_datatime(data) else: return cls.__unmarshall_model(data, typeName) @classmethod def __unmarshall_primitive(cls, data, typeName): try: return typeName(data) except UnicodeEncodeError: return six.text_type(data) except TypeError: return data @classmethod def __unmarshall_object(cls, value): return value @classmethod def __unmarshall_date(cls, string): try: from dateutil.parser import parse return parse(string).date() except ImportError: return string @classmethod def __unmarshall_datatime(cls, string): try: from dateutil.parser import parse return parse(string) except ImportError: return string @classmethod def __unmarshall_model(cls, data, typeName): if (not typeName._types and not cls.__hasattr(typeName, 'get_real_child_model')): return data kwargs = {} if typeName._types is not None: for attr, attr_type in six.iteritems(typeName._types): if (data is not None and typeName._attribute_map[attr] in data and isinstance(data, (list, dict))): value = data[typeName._attribute_map[attr]] kwargs[attr] = cls.unmarshall(value, attr_type) instance = typeName(**kwargs) if (isinstance(instance, dict) and typeName._types is not None and isinstance(data, dict)): for key, value in data.items(): if key not in typeName._types: instance[key] = value if cls.__hasattr(instance, 'get_real_child_model'): type_name = instance.get_real_child_model(data) if type_name: instance = cls.unmarshall(data, type_name) return instance @classmethod def __hasattr(cls, object, name): return name in object.__class__.__dict__