+++ title = "Setup Cloud9 Workspace" weight = 14 +++ In the ***bash*** terminal in Cloud9, you can run AWS CLI commands just like you would on your local computer. Verify that your user is logged in by running the following: ```plaintext aws sts get-caller-identity ``` You should see output indicating your account and user information: ```JSON { "Account": "123456789012", "UserId": "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice" } ``` Keep your AWS Cloud9 IDE opened in a tab throughout this workshop as you'll be using it for most activities. ### Expand Cloud9 storage In order to accomodate dependencies, the underlying drive has already been expanded and we only need to increase the partition size with these 2 commands: ```plaintext sudo growpart /dev/xvda 1 sudo resize2fs /dev/xvda1 ``` ### Download Workshop Code Download the WildRydes website artifacts to your Cloud9 IDE environment by running the following command in the Cloud9 terminal window: ```plaintext curl -O {{% siteparam "artifactUrlPrefix" %}}/website.tar.gz tar xvf website.tar.gz ``` ### Initialize your developer workspace 1. Run the following commands to upgrade your Node.js version to the latest version of Node.js 10. The [AWS Amplify](https://aws-amplify.github.io/) Javascript library which we will be using requires Node.js 10 or higher. ```plaintext nvm i 16 nvm alias default 16 ``` 2. Install the yarn package manager and website dependencies by running the following commands: ```plaintext npm install -g yarn cd ~/environment/website/ yarn install ``` {{% notice tip %}} Keep an open scratch pad in Cloud9 or a text editor on your local computer for notes. When the step-by-step directions tell you to note something such as an ID or Amazon Resource Name (ARN), copy and paste that into the scratch pad tab. {{% /notice %}}