# Setup variables NAME = ecommerce-platform PYENV := $(shell which pyenv) JQ := $(shell which jq) PYTHON_VERSION = 3.9.7 MAKEOPTS += -j4 # Service variables SERVICES = $(shell tools/services 2>/dev/null) SERVICES_ENVONLY = $(shell tools/services --env-only 2>/dev/null) export DOMAIN ?= ecommerce export ENVIRONMENT ?= dev # Colors ccblue = \033[0;96m ccend = \033[0m ################### # SERVICE TARGETS # ################### # Run pipeline on services all: @for service_line in $(shell tools/services --graph --env-only); do \ ${MAKE} ${MAKEOPTS} $$(echo all-$$service_line | sed 's/,/ all-/g') QUIET=true || exit 1 ; \ done all-%: @${MAKE} lint-$* @${MAKE} build-$* @${MAKE} tests-unit-$* @${MAKE} check-deps-$* @${MAKE} package-$* @${MAKE} deploy-$* @${MAKE} tests-integ-$* # Run CI on services ci: $(foreach service,${SERVICES}, ci-${service}) ci-%: @${MAKE} lint-$* @${MAKE} build-$* @${MAKE} tests-unit-$* # All but for dependencies deps-%: @for service_line in $(shell tools/services --graph --env-only --deps-of $*); do \ ${MAKE} ${MAKEOPTS} $$(echo all-$$service_line | sed 's/,/ all-/g') QUIET=true || exit 1 ; \ done # Artifacts services artifacts: $(foreach service,${SERVICES_ENVONLY}, all-${service}) artifacts-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)artifacts $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* artifacts # Build services build: $(foreach service,${SERVICES}, build-${service}) build-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)build $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* build # Check-deps services check-deps: $(foreach service,${SERVICES_ENVONLY}, check-deps-${service}) check-deps-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)check-deps $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* check-deps # Clean services clean: $(foreach service,${SERVICES}, clean-${service}) clean-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)clean $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* clean deploy: $(foreach service,${SERVICES_ENVONLY}, deploy-${service}) deploy-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)deploy $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* deploy # Lint services lint: $(foreach service,${SERVICES}, lint-${service}) lint-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)lint $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* lint # Package services package: $(foreach service,${SERVICES_ENVONLY}, package-${service}) package-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)package $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* package # Teardown services teardown: @for service_line in $(shell tools/services --graph --reverse --env-only); do \ ${MAKE} ${MAKEOPTS} $$(echo teardown-$$service_line | sed 's/,/ teardown-/g') QUIET=true || exit 1 ; \ done teardown-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)teardown $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* teardown # Integration tests tests-integ: $(foreach service,${SERVICES_ENVONLY}, tests-integ-${service}) tests-integ-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)tests-integ $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* tests-integ # Unit tests tests-unit: $(foreach service,${SERVICES}, tests-unit-${service}) tests-unit-%: @echo "[*] $(ccblue)tests-unit $*$(ccend)" @${MAKE} -C $* tests-unit # End-to-end tests tests-e2e: @tools/tests-e2e # Performance tests tests-perf: @tools/tests-perf ################# # SETUP TARGETS # ################# # Validate that necessary tools are installed validate: validate-pyenv validate-jq # Validate that pyenv is installed validate-pyenv: ifndef PYENV $(error Make sure pyenv is accessible in your path. You can install pyenv by following the instructions at 'https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer'.) endif ifndef PYENV_SHELL $(error Add 'pyenv init' to your shell to enable shims and autocompletion.) endif ifndef PYENV_VIRTUALENV_INIT $(error Add 'pyenv virtualenv-init' to your shell to enable shims and autocompletion.) endif # Validate that jq is installed validate-jq: ifndef JQ $(error 'jq' not found. You can install jq by following the instructions at 'https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/'.) endif # setup: configure tools setup: validate @echo "[*] Download and install python $(PYTHON_VERSION)" @pyenv install $(PYTHON_VERSION) @pyenv local $(PYTHON_VERSION) @echo "[*] Create virtualenv $(NAME) using python $(PYTHON_VERSION)" @pyenv virtualenv $(PYTHON_VERSION) $(NAME) @$(MAKE) activate @$(MAKE) requirements @$(MAKE) npm-install # setup for Cloud9 environments setup-cloud9: @echo "[*] Install required libraries" sudo yum install -y @development zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel openssl-devel xz xz-devel libffi-devel findutils jq @echo "[*] Resize Cloud 9 volume" aws ec2 modify-volume --volume-id $$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id $$(curl | jq -r .Reservations[0].Instances[0].BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeId) --size 20 while [ "$$(aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications --volume-id $$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id $$(curl | jq -r .Reservations[0].Instances[0].BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeId) --filters Name=modification-state,Values="optimizing","completed" | jq '.VolumesModifications | length')" != "1" ]; do sleep 1; done if [ $$(readlink -f /dev/xvda) = "/dev/xvda" ]; then sudo growpart /dev/xvda 1; else sudo growpart /dev/nvme0n1 1; fi sudo xfs_growfs -d / @echo "[*] Install pyenv" curl https://pyenv.run | bash echo -e 'export PYENV_ROOT="$$HOME/.pyenv"\nexport PATH="$$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$$PATH"\neval "$$(pyenv init --path)"' >> ~/.profile echo -e 'eval "$$(pyenv init -)"\neval "$$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc @echo "[*] Install node 12" sudo yum remove -y nodejs npm curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo bash - sudo yum install -y nodejs @echo "****************************" @echo "* BEFORE CONTINUING PLEASE *" @echo "* RUN THESE COMMANDS: *" @echo @echo " source ~/.profile " @echo " exec /bin/bash " @echo @echo "* THEN CONTINUE WITH THE *" @echo "* FOLLOWING COMMAND: *" @echo @echo " make setup " @echo @echo "****************************" # Activate the virtual environment activate: validate-pyenv @echo "[*] Activate virtualenv $(NAME)" $(shell eval "$$(pyenv init -)" && eval "$$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" && pyenv activate $(NAME) && pyenv local $(NAME)) # Install python dependencies requirements: @echo "[*] Install Python requirements" @pip install -r requirements.txt # Install npm dependencies npm-install: @echo "[*] Install NPM tools" @npm install -g speccy # Create the entire pipeline bootstrap-pipeline: # Deploy in different environments @${MAKE} all ENVIRONMENT=tests @${MAKE} all ENVIRONMENT=staging @${MAKE} all ENVIRONMENT=prod # Deploy the pipeline @${MAKE} all-pipeline # Seed the git repository @echo "[*] seed repository" @git remote add aws $(shell aws ssm get-parameter --name /ecommerce/pipeline/repository/url | jq -r '.Parameter.Value') @git push aws HEAD:main