import json import uuid import pytest import boto3 from fixtures import listener # pylint: disable=import-error from helpers import get_parameter # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module @pytest.fixture def table_name(): """ DynamoDB table name """ return get_parameter("/ecommerce/{Environment}/delivery/table/name") @pytest.fixture def order(): return { "orderId": str(uuid.uuid4()), "address": { "name": "John Doe", "companyName": "Company Inc.", "streetAddress": "123 Street St", "postCode": "12345", "city": "Town", "state": "State", "country": "SE", "phoneNumber": "+123456789" } } def test_table_update_completed(table_name, listener, order): """ Test that the TableUpdate function reacts to changes to DynamoDB and sends events to EventBridge """ table = boto3.resource("dynamodb").Table(table_name) # pylint: disable=no-member # Add a new item order["status"] = "IN_PROGRESS" table.put_item(Item=order) # Set the item to COMPLETED order["status"] = "COMPLETED" # Listen for messages on EventBridge listener( "", lambda: table.put_item(Item=order), lambda m: order["orderId"] in m["resources"] and m["detail-type"] == "DeliveryCompleted" ) # Delete the item table.delete_item(Key={"orderId": order["orderId"]}) def test_table_update_failed(table_name, listener, order): """ Test that the TableUpdate function reacts to changes to DynamoDB and sends events to EventBridge """ table = boto3.resource("dynamodb").Table(table_name) # pylint: disable=no-member # Add a new item order["status"] = "NEW" table.put_item(Item=order) # Listen for messages on EventBridge through a listener SQS queue listener( "", lambda: table.delete_item(Key={"orderId": order["orderId"]}), lambda m: order["orderId"] in m["resources"] and m["detail-type"] == "DeliveryFailed" )