import json import boto3 import logger from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key from crhelper import CfnResource helper = CfnResource() try: client = boto3.client('dynamodb') dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') except Exception as e: helper.init_failure(e) @helper.create @helper.update def do_action(event, _): """ The URL for Tenant APIs(Product/Order) can differ by tenant. For Pooled tenants it is shared and for Silo (Platinum tier tenants) it is unique to them. This method keeps the URL for Pooled tenants inside Settings Table, since it is shared across multiple tenants, And for Silo tenants inside the tenant management table along with other tenant settings, for that tenant Args: event ([type]): [description] _ ([type]): [description] """"Updating Tenant Details table") tenant_details_table_name = event['ResourceProperties']['TenantDetailsTableName'] settings_table_name = event['ResourceProperties']['SettingsTableName'] tenant_id = event['ResourceProperties']['TenantId'] tenant_api_gateway_url = event['ResourceProperties']['TenantApiGatewayUrl'] if(tenant_id.lower() =='pooled'): # Note: Tenant management service will use below setting to update apiGatewayUrl for pooled tenants in TenantDetails table settings_table = dynamodb.Table(settings_table_name) settings_table.put_item(Item={ 'settingName': 'apiGatewayUrl-Pooled', 'settingValue' : tenant_api_gateway_url }) else: tenant_details = dynamodb.Table(tenant_details_table_name) response = tenant_details.update_item( Key={'tenantId': tenant_id}, UpdateExpression="set apiGatewayUrl=:apiGatewayUrl", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':apiGatewayUrl': tenant_api_gateway_url }, ReturnValues="NONE") @helper.delete def do_nothing(_, __): pass def handler(event, context): helper(event, context)