Procuring software on AWS Marketplace for customers in regulated spaces Customers operating in highly-regulated spaces often tell us about the compliance challenges that they face when procuring commercial software in the cloud. This is especially true for federal customers subject to the GSA Schedule , or state and local customers operating under NASPO Value Point. Procurements in this space often require negotiated purchasing agreements and custom terms between the vendor and buyer. For these customers, it’s paramount that purchasing agreements are made by a central governing group to minimize the risk of noncompliant agreements. To solve this challenge for customers, we’ve created a centralized software procurement and distribution solution using AWS Marketplace Private Offers, License Manager, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) that gives customers the flexibility to procure using custom purchasing agreements while maintaining complete governance. In this post, we present a method for centralizing the procurement and distribution of AWS Marketplace software that is intended to get customers into highly-regulated environments up and running with AWS Marketplace. We utilize IAM roles to govern who has access to the AWS Marketplace subscribe and license distribution actions. Then, we set up AWS License Manager for the distribution of AWS Marketplace software licenses from a central account. After setting up the solution, we demonstrate its use through the experiences of the three personas, defined as follows: Procurement Manager – This persona is responsible for negotiating terms and conditions with the AWS Marketplace software vendor. This persona has the permission to accept AWS Marketplace offers. Software Manager – This persona is responsible for distributing access to the procured software using license grants in License Manager. This persona has permission to distribute and activate licenses, but it can’t accept AWS Marketplace offers. End User – This persona is a consumer of the procured software. This persona can’t accept AWS Marketplace offers. This persona can only accept software licenses that have been sent to them by the Software Manager.