# AWS Service Catalog Bulk Deployer
This reference architecture creates a framework of lambdas, Step functions, and Service Catalog products which demonstrate how to provision and track many Service Catalog Products.
## Bulk Deployment for Amazon WorkSpaces
### Prerequisites
There are several prerequisites you will need to deploy Amazon WorkSpaces in bulk.
** Note ** You can get this information if you use the Amazon WorkSpace Console to create 1 test WorkSpace instance.
You have to create a comma seprated value file (CSV) with this format:
The values contains:
- The Amazon WorkSpaces Drirectory to use
- A set of Amazon WorkSpaces Directory users
- The Amazon WorkSpaces Bundlel id to use
- An Amazon KMS key for encryption
The WorkSpace information is located in the Amazon WorkSpaces console
The KMS information is located in the Amazon KMS console (copy the ARN)
Once you have the information needed your CSV file should look like this.
- Upload the file to an Amazon S3 bucket in your account
- Make note of:
- The **bucket name** e.g. mybucket123
- The **key of your file** e.g content/keyfile.csv
### Install and Configuration
#### Base Components
This CloudFormation stack will install the base component needed. It will create conponents like:
- Roles for AWS Lambda and StepFunctions
- AWS Lambda
- AWS StepFunction
- S3 Bucket
- Select the **LaunchStack** button
Launch the stack:
- On the **Create stack** page select **Next**
- On the **Specify stack details** page inputs:
- **Stack name** use default
- **BulkDynamoTablename** use default
- **LinkedRole1** (Optional) The name of the Role who can **View** the AWS Service Catalog portfolio and launch the bulk provisioning process.
- **SourceBucket** use default (this is where the components live)
- Select **Next**
- On the **Configure stack options** page select **Next**
- On the **Review** page select :
- I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
- I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND
- Select **Create Stack**
- Wait untill the **Status** is **CREATE_COMPLETE**
- Select the **Output Tab**