import json import logging from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from common import aws_clients logger = logging.getLogger() class SC_Monitor(aws_clients): def __init__(self, event): super().__init__(event) self._status = self.get_config_value("status") self._retries = self.get_config_value("retrythreshold") if self._retries is None: self._retries = 5 def HandleFailed(self): ''' Handles failed status flags and retry logic. Entries will either be retried or end up FAILED ''' # get the provisioning products and poll them for updates prov_items = self.dynamo_query("status",self._status)"Found {} items to Recover with status {}".format(len(prov_items), self._status)) count = 0 errors = 0 for drow in prov_items: # grab some initial values to be used later failed = False errordetails = None retry=False ppdetails = None # keep the error message if we have one if "errordetails" in drow: errordetails = drow["errordetails"] dbstatus = drow["status"] # this is the status key from dynamo - status used for this program to track param_dict = drow["launchparams"] guidkey = drow["guidkey"] #do we even have a product or did it fail before launcnh? if drow["scproductdetails"] is None: # product totatally failed, mark it as retry retry=True else: #continuing, if we have product details we can build the ppdetails object for later use ppid= drow["scproductdetails"]["ProvisionedProductId"] ppdetails = { 'ProvisionedProductId':ppid, 'RecordId':drow["scproductdetails"]['RecordId'], 'CreatedTime':str(drow["scproductdetails"]['CreatedTime']), 'Status':drow["scproductdetails"]['Status'] } try: # get the product then record the important parts of the response resp = self.sc_describe_prov_product(ppid) prod_status = resp['ProvisionedProductDetail']['Status'] # this is the status from SC we use this to set our own dbstatus value ppdetails['RecordId']=resp['ProvisionedProductDetail']['LastRecordId'] ppdetails['Status'] = prod_status # handle the status messages if prod_status == 'AVAILABLE': dbstatus = "AVAILABLE" elif prod_status in ['TAINTED','ERROR']: if dbstatus in ["PROVISIONING","STATUS-ERROR","PRODUCT-ERROR"]: # We are here becuase the product was marked as provisioning by us, but SC returned an error # if it failed to provision, lets terminate it in Service Catalog resp = self.sc_terminate_product(ppid) failed = True else: # failed at some other point - failed termination?? errors += 1 dbstatus = "PRODUCT-ERROR" else: # something else is wrong - lets just terminate resp = self.sc_terminate_product(ppid) failed = True except ClientError as ce: msg = ce.response['Error']['Message'] # tried to find the product details, but it is gone. So we asked it to be terminated and that has now happened if msg.startswith("Provisioned product not found: "): # instead of marking it terminated like normal, we mark it RETRY and let the provisioner run it again retry = True elif msg.startswith("Can't terminate provisioned product because it's still under change or its status does not allow further operation"): # its in a terminating state?? just wait on this one # leave the orginal error in place failed = True else: # something wrong from the API call. this is where you will see the Errors returned from SC errordetails =ce.response['Error'] logger.error("ClientError: {}".format(msg)) failed = True except Exception as e: # Something else wrong? logger.error(e) failed = True else: count += 1 if not 'retries' in param_dict: param_dict['retries'] = 0 if retry: # instead of marking it terminated like normal, we mark it RETRY and let the provisioner run it again param_dict['retries'] = param_dict['retries'] + 1 if param_dict['retries'] < self._retries: dbstatus = "RETRY" count += 1 else: # this is our final stop, we retried and could not proceed any further logger.error("Provision failed for {} after {} tries, giving up. Error Message:{}".format(guidkey, param_dict['retries'], errordetails)) errors += 1 dbstatus = "FAILED" if failed: errors += 1 if param_dict['retries'] < self._retries: logger.error("Provision failed for {} after {} tries, giving up. Error Message:{}".format(guidkey, param_dict['retries'], errordetails)) dbstatus = "FAILED" else: dbstatus = "TERMINATING-FAILURE" #update the dynamo table self.updateItem(guidkey,drow["status"],dbstatus, param_dict, ppdetails, errordetails) if len(prov_items) > 0:"Recovered {} of {} products with {} errors using status:{}".format(count, len(prov_items), errors, self._status)) return(self.generate_return(count)) def RemoveEntries(self, status_arr=None): ''' the function will clean up entries in Dynamo. use this mainly to remove TERMINATED status entries ''' if status_arr is None: status_arr = self._status count = 0 errors = 0 total = 0 prov_items = self.dynamo_query_multi("status",status_arr) total=len(prov_items)"Found {} items to remove with status {}".format(len(prov_items), status_arr)) failed = False for drow in prov_items: dbstatus = drow["status"] guidkey = drow["guidkey"] try: key = { "guidkey": guidkey, "status": dbstatus } self.dynamo_delete_item(key) except ClientError as ce: msg = ce.response['Error']['Message'] logger.error("ClientError: {}".format(msg)) failed = True except Exception as e: # Something else wrong? logger.error(e) failed = True else: count += 1 if failed: errors += 1 if total > 0:"Removed {} of {} entries with {} errors using status:{}".format(count, total, errors, status_arr)) return(self.generate_return(count)) def Run(self): ''' Main monitoring process. This will update status flags based on response from Service Catalog ''' # get the provisioning products and poll them for updates prov_items = self.dynamo_query("status",self._status)"Found {} items to Update with status {}".format(len(prov_items), self._status)) count = 0 errors = 0 for drow in prov_items: ppid= drow["scproductdetails"]["ProvisionedProductId"] dbstatus = drow["status"] param_dict = drow["launchparams"] guidkey = drow["guidkey"] ppdetails = { 'ProvisionedProductId':ppid, 'RecordId':drow["scproductdetails"]['RecordId'], 'CreatedTime':str(drow["scproductdetails"]['CreatedTime']), 'Status':drow["scproductdetails"]['Status'] } failed = False errordetails = None # keep the error message if we have one if "errordetails" in drow: errordetails = drow["errordetails"] try: # update the product and record the important parts of the response resp = self.sc_describe_prov_product(ppid) prod_status = resp['ProvisionedProductDetail']['Status'] ppdetails['RecordId']=resp['ProvisionedProductDetail']['LastRecordId'] ppdetails['Status'] = prod_status # handle the status messages if prod_status == 'AVAILABLE': dbstatus = "AVAILABLE" errordetails = None # if it worked, lets clear out the error message to avoid confusion elif prod_status in ['TAINTED','ERROR']: if dbstatus in ["PROVISIONING"]: # if it failed to provision, terminate it in Service Catalog errordetails = resp['ProvisionedProductDetail']['StatusMessage'] resp = self.sc_terminate_product(ppid) dbstatus = "TERMINATING-FAILURE" else: # failed at some other point - failed termination?? or something else dbstatus = "PRODUCT-ERROR" elif prod_status in ['UNDER_CHANGE','PLAN_IN_PROGRESS']: # is it terminating? if dbstatus != "TERMINATING": dbstatus = "PROVISIONING" except ClientError as ce: msg = ce.response['Error']['Message'] # tried to find the product details, but it is gone.... if msg.startswith("Provisioned product not found: "): #This was a good status termination, lets mark it and we're done with it now. dbstatus = "TERMINATED" ppdetails["Status"] = "TERMINATED" count += 1 else: # something wrong from the API call. this is where you will see the CFn Errors logger.error("ClientError: {}".format(msg)) errordetails = ce.response['Error'] failed = True except Exception as e: # Something else wrong? logger.error(e) failed = True else: count += 1 if failed: errors += 1 dbstatus = "STATUS-ERROR" #update the dynamo table self.updateItem(guidkey,drow["status"],dbstatus, param_dict, ppdetails, errordetails) self.RemoveEntries(["DUPLICATE"]) if len(prov_items) > 0:"Updated {} of {} products with {} errors using status:{}".format(count, len(prov_items), errors, self._status)) return(self.generate_return(count))