AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: Service Catalog DynamoDB Product (fdp-1qj64b3i0) Parameters: PortfolioProvider: Type: String Description: Owner and Distributor Name LaunchConstraintARN: Type: String Description: ARN of the launch constraint role for DynamoDB products PortfolioId: Type: String Description: The ServiceCatalog portfolio this product will be attached to RepoRootURL: Type: String Description: Root url for the repo containing the product templates Resources: SCDynamoDBproduct: Type: AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct Properties: Name: Amazon DynamoDB Table Description: This product builds an Amazon DynamoDB table Owner: !Ref PortfolioProvider Distributor: !Ref PortfolioProvider SupportDescription: Operations Team SupportEmail: AcceptLanguage: en SupportUrl: ProvisioningArtifactParameters: - Description: baseline version Info: LoadTemplateFromURL: !Sub ${RepoRootURL}dynamodb/sc-dynamodb-ra.yml Name: v1.0 AssociateDynamoDB: Type: AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation Properties: PortfolioId: !Ref PortfolioId ProductId: !Ref SCDynamoDBproduct ConstraintDynamoDB: Type: AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint DependsOn: AssociateDynamoDB Properties: PortfolioId: !Ref PortfolioId ProductId: !Ref SCDynamoDBproduct RoleArn: !Ref LaunchConstraintARN Description: !Ref LaunchConstraintARN