from ctypes import * LIBCALC = cdll.LoadLibrary("bin/") def dot_prod(arr1, arr2): func_dp = LIBCALC.dot_product func_dp.restype = c_double func_dp.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double),POINTER(c_double),c_int] alen = len(arr1) arrdoubles = c_double * alen carr1 = arrdoubles() carr2 = arrdoubles() for i in range(alen): carr1[i] = float(arr1[i]) carr2[i] = float(arr2[i]) resp = func_dp(carr1,carr2,alen) return resp def get_rand_array(size): func_getrand = LIBCALC.gen_random_array func_getrand.restype = POINTER(c_double) func_getrand.argtypes = [c_int] func_free = LIBCALC.free_ptr func_free.argtypes = [c_void_p] temparr = func_getrand(size) # have to copy from c pointer resp = [float(temparr[i]) for i in range(size)] func_free(temparr) return resp