#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# math2html: convert LaTeX equations to HTML output.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Alex Fernández
# Released under the terms of the `2-Clause BSD license'_, in short:
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved.
# This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
# .. _2-Clause BSD license: http://www.spdx.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
# Based on eLyXer: convert LyX source files to HTML output.
# http://alexfernandez.github.io/elyxer/
# --end--
# Alex 20101110
# eLyXer standalone formula conversion to HTML.
import sys
class Trace(object):
"A tracing class"
debugmode = False
quietmode = False
showlinesmode = False
prefix = None
def debug(cls, message):
"Show a debug message"
if not Trace.debugmode or Trace.quietmode:
Trace.show(message, sys.stdout)
def message(cls, message):
"Show a trace message"
if Trace.quietmode:
if Trace.prefix and Trace.showlinesmode:
message = Trace.prefix + message
Trace.show(message, sys.stdout)
def error(cls, message):
"Show an error message"
message = '* ' + message
if Trace.prefix and Trace.showlinesmode:
message = Trace.prefix + message
Trace.show(message, sys.stderr)
def fatal(cls, message):
"Show an error message and terminate"
Trace.error('FATAL: ' + message)
def show(cls, message, channel):
"Show a message out of a channel"
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
channel.write(message + '\n')
debug = classmethod(debug)
message = classmethod(message)
error = classmethod(error)
fatal = classmethod(fatal)
show = classmethod(show)
import os.path
import sys
class BibStylesConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
abbrvnat = {
u'@article':u'$authors. $title. $journal,{ {$volume:}$pages,} $month $year.{ doi: $doi.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'default':u'$authors. $title. $publisher, $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
alpha = {
u'@article':u'$authors. $title.{ $journal{, {$volume}{($number)}}{: $pages}{, $year}.}{ $url.}{ $filename.}{ $note.}',
u'default':u'$authors. $title.{ $journal,} $year.{ $url.}{ $filename.}{ $note.}',
authordate2 = {
u'@article':u'$authors. $year. $title. $journal, $volume($number), $pages.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@book':u'$authors. $year. $title. $publisher.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'cite':u'$surname, $year',
u'default':u'$authors. $year. $title. $publisher.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
default = {
u'@article':u'$authors: “$title”, $journal,{ pp. $pages,} $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@book':u'{$authors: }$title{ ($editor, ed.)}.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@booklet':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@conference':u'$authors: “$title”, $journal,{ pp. $pages,} $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@inbook':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@incollection':u'$authors: $title{ in $booktitle{ ($editor, ed.)}}.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@inproceedings':u'$authors: “$title”, $booktitle,{ pp. $pages,} $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@manual':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@mastersthesis':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@misc':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,}{ $howpublished,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@phdthesis':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@proceedings':u'$authors: “$title”, $journal,{ pp. $pages,} $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@techreport':u'$authors: $title, $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@unpublished':u'$authors: “$title”, $journal, $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'default':u'$authors: $title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
defaulttags = {
u'YY':u'??', u'authors':u'', u'surname':u'',
ieeetr = {
u'@article':u'$authors, “$title”, $journal, vol. $volume, no. $number, pp. $pages, $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@book':u'$authors, $title. $publisher, $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'default':u'$authors, “$title”. $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
plain = {
u'@article':u'$authors. $title.{ $journal{, {$volume}{($number)}}{:$pages}{, $year}.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@book':u'$authors. $title. $publisher,{ $month} $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@incollection':u'$authors. $title.{ In $booktitle {($editor, ed.)}.} $publisher,{ $month} $year.{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@inproceedings':u'$authors. $title. { $booktitle{, {$volume}{($number)}}{:$pages}{, $year}.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
u'default':u'{$authors. }$title.{{ $publisher,} $year.}{ URL $url.}{ $note.}',
vancouver = {
u'@article':u'$authors. $title. $journal, $year{;{$volume}{($number)}{:$pages}}.{ URL: $url.}{ $note.}',
u'@book':u'$authors. $title. {$publisher, }$year.{ URL: $url.}{ $note.}',
u'default':u'$authors. $title; {$publisher, }$year.{ $howpublished.}{ URL: $url.}{ $note.}',
class BibTeXConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
replaced = {
u'--':u'—', u'..':u'.',
class ContainerConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
endings = {
u'Align':u'\\end_layout', u'BarredText':u'\\bar',
u'BoldText':u'\\series', u'Cell':u'':u'>',
html = {
iso885915 = {
u' ':u' ', u' ':u' ', u' ':u' ',
nonunicode = {
u' ':u' ',
class FormulaConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
alphacommands = {
u'\\AA':u'Å', u'\\AE':u'Æ',
u'\\AmS':u'AmS', u'\\Angstroem':u'Å',
u'\\DH':u'Ð', u'\\Koppa':u'Ϟ', u'\\L':u'Ł', u'\\Micro':u'µ', u'\\O':u'Ø',
u'\\OE':u'Œ', u'\\Sampi':u'Ϡ', u'\\Stigma':u'Ϛ', u'\\TH':u'Þ',
u'\\aa':u'å', u'\\ae':u'æ', u'\\alpha':u'α', u'\\beta':u'β',
u'\\delta':u'δ', u'\\dh':u'ð', u'\\digamma':u'ϝ', u'\\epsilon':u'ϵ',
u'\\eta':u'η', u'\\eth':u'ð', u'\\gamma':u'γ', u'\\i':u'ı',
u'\\imath':u'ı', u'\\iota':u'ι', u'\\j':u'ȷ', u'\\jmath':u'ȷ',
u'\\kappa':u'κ', u'\\koppa':u'ϟ', u'\\l':u'ł', u'\\lambda':u'λ',
u'\\mu':u'μ', u'\\nu':u'ν', u'\\o':u'ø', u'\\oe':u'œ', u'\\omega':u'ω',
u'\\phi':u'φ', u'\\pi':u'π', u'\\psi':u'ψ', u'\\rho':u'ρ',
u'\\sampi':u'ϡ', u'\\sigma':u'σ', u'\\ss':u'ß', u'\\stigma':u'ϛ',
u'\\tau':u'τ', u'\\tcohm':u'Ω', u'\\textcrh':u'ħ', u'\\th':u'þ',
u'\\theta':u'θ', u'\\upsilon':u'υ', u'\\varDelta':u'∆',
u'\\varGamma':u'Γ', u'\\varLambda':u'Λ', u'\\varOmega':u'Ω',
u'\\varPhi':u'Φ', u'\\varPi':u'Π', u'\\varPsi':u'Ψ', u'\\varSigma':u'Σ',
u'\\varTheta':u'Θ', u'\\varUpsilon':u'Υ', u'\\varXi':u'Ξ',
u'\\varbeta':u'ϐ', u'\\varepsilon':u'ε', u'\\varkappa':u'ϰ',
u'\\varphi':u'φ', u'\\varpi':u'ϖ', u'\\varrho':u'ϱ', u'\\varsigma':u'ς',
u'\\vartheta':u'ϑ', u'\\xi':u'ξ', u'\\zeta':u'ζ',
array = {
u'begin':u'\\begin', u'cellseparator':u'&', u'end':u'\\end',
bigbrackets = {
u'(':[u'⎛',u'⎜',u'⎝',], u')':[u'⎞',u'⎟',u'⎠',], u'[':[u'⎡',u'⎢',u'⎣',],
u']':[u'⎤',u'⎥',u'⎦',], u'{':[u'⎧',u'⎪',u'⎨',u'⎩',], u'|':[u'|',],
u'}':[u'⎫',u'⎪',u'⎬',u'⎭',], u'∥':[u'∥',],
bigsymbols = {
u'∑':[u'⎲',u'⎳',], u'∫':[u'⌠',u'⌡',],
bracketcommands = {
u'\\left':u'span class="symbol"',
u'\\middle':u'span class="symbol"', u'\\right':u'span class="symbol"',
combiningfunctions = {
u'\\"':u'̈', u'\\\'':u'́', u'\\^':u'̂', u'\\`':u'̀', u'\\acute':u'́',
u'\\bar':u'̄', u'\\breve':u'̆', u'\\c':u'̧', u'\\check':u'̌',
u'\\dddot':u'⃛', u'\\ddot':u'̈', u'\\dot':u'̇', u'\\grave':u'̀',
u'\\hat':u'̂', u'\\mathring':u'̊', u'\\overleftarrow':u'⃖',
u'\\overrightarrow':u'⃗', u'\\r':u'̊', u'\\s':u'̩',
u'\\textcircled':u'⃝', u'\\textsubring':u'̥', u'\\tilde':u'̃',
u'\\v':u'̌', u'\\vec':u'⃗', u'\\~':u'̃',
commands = {
u'\\ ':u' ', u'\\!':u'', u'\\#':u'#', u'\\$':u'$', u'\\%':u'%',
u'\\&':u'&', u'\\,':u' ', u'\\:':u' ', u'\\;':u' ', u'\\AC':u'∿',
u'\\APLcomment':u'⍝', u'\\APLdownarrowbox':u'⍗', u'\\APLinput':u'⍞',
u'\\APLinv':u'⌹', u'\\APLleftarrowbox':u'⍇', u'\\APLlog':u'⍟',
u'\\APLrightarrowbox':u'⍈', u'\\APLuparrowbox':u'⍐', u'\\Box':u'□',
u'\\Bumpeq':u'≎', u'\\CIRCLE':u'●', u'\\Cap':u'⋒',
u'\\CapitalDifferentialD':u'ⅅ', u'\\CheckedBox':u'☑', u'\\Circle':u'○',
u'\\Coloneqq':u'⩴', u'\\ComplexI':u'ⅈ', u'\\ComplexJ':u'ⅉ',
u'\\Corresponds':u'≙', u'\\Cup':u'⋓', u'\\Delta':u'Δ', u'\\Diamond':u'◇',
u'\\Diamondblack':u'◆', u'\\Diamonddot':u'⟐', u'\\DifferentialD':u'ⅆ',
u'\\Downarrow':u'⇓', u'\\EUR':u'€', u'\\Euler':u'ℇ',
u'\\ExponetialE':u'ⅇ', u'\\Finv':u'Ⅎ', u'\\Game':u'⅁', u'\\Gamma':u'Γ',
u'\\Im':u'ℑ', u'\\Join':u'⨝', u'\\LEFTCIRCLE':u'◖', u'\\LEFTcircle':u'◐',
u'\\LHD':u'◀', u'\\Lambda':u'Λ', u'\\Lbag':u'⟅', u'\\Leftarrow':u'⇐',
u'\\Lleftarrow':u'⇚', u'\\Longleftarrow':u'⟸',
u'\\Longleftrightarrow':u'⟺', u'\\Longrightarrow':u'⟹', u'\\Lparen':u'⦅',
u'\\Lsh':u'↰', u'\\Mapsfrom':u'⇐|', u'\\Mapsto':u'|⇒', u'\\Omega':u'Ω',
u'\\P':u'¶', u'\\Phi':u'Φ', u'\\Pi':u'Π', u'\\Pr':u'Pr', u'\\Psi':u'Ψ',
u'\\Qoppa':u'Ϙ', u'\\RHD':u'▶', u'\\RIGHTCIRCLE':u'◗',
u'\\RIGHTcircle':u'◑', u'\\Rbag':u'⟆', u'\\Re':u'ℜ', u'\\Rparen':u'⦆',
u'\\Rrightarrow':u'⇛', u'\\Rsh':u'↱', u'\\S':u'§', u'\\Sigma':u'Σ',
u'\\Square':u'☐', u'\\Subset':u'⋐', u'\\Sun':u'☉', u'\\Supset':u'⋑',
u'\\Theta':u'Θ', u'\\Uparrow':u'⇑', u'\\Updownarrow':u'⇕',
u'\\Upsilon':u'Υ', u'\\Vdash':u'⊩', u'\\Vert':u'∥', u'\\Vvdash':u'⊪',
u'\\XBox':u'☒', u'\\Xi':u'Ξ', u'\\Yup':u'⅄', u'\\\\':u'
u'\\_':u'_', u'\\aleph':u'ℵ', u'\\amalg':u'∐', u'\\anchor':u'⚓',
u'\\angle':u'∠', u'\\aquarius':u'♒', u'\\arccos':u'arccos',
u'\\arcsin':u'arcsin', u'\\arctan':u'arctan', u'\\arg':u'arg',
u'\\aries':u'♈', u'\\arrowbullet':u'➢', u'\\ast':u'∗', u'\\asymp':u'≍',
u'\\backepsilon':u'∍', u'\\backprime':u'‵', u'\\backsimeq':u'⋍',
u'\\backslash':u'\\', u'\\ballotx':u'✗', u'\\barwedge':u'⊼',
u'\\because':u'∵', u'\\beth':u'ℶ', u'\\between':u'≬', u'\\bigcap':u'∩',
u'\\bigcirc':u'○', u'\\bigcup':u'∪', u'\\bigodot':u'⊙',
u'\\bigoplus':u'⊕', u'\\bigotimes':u'⊗', u'\\bigsqcup':u'⊔',
u'\\bigstar':u'★', u'\\bigtriangledown':u'▽', u'\\bigtriangleup':u'△',
u'\\biguplus':u'⊎', u'\\bigvee':u'∨', u'\\bigwedge':u'∧',
u'\\biohazard':u'☣', u'\\blacklozenge':u'⧫', u'\\blacksmiley':u'☻',
u'\\blacksquare':u'■', u'\\blacktriangle':u'▲',
u'\\blacktriangledown':u'▼', u'\\blacktriangleleft':u'◂',
u'\\blacktriangleright':u'▶', u'\\blacktriangleup':u'▴', u'\\bot':u'⊥',
u'\\bowtie':u'⋈', u'\\box':u'▫', u'\\boxast':u'⧆', u'\\boxbar':u'◫',
u'\\boxbox':u'⧈', u'\\boxbslash':u'⧅', u'\\boxcircle':u'⧇',
u'\\boxdot':u'⊡', u'\\boxminus':u'⊟', u'\\boxplus':u'⊞',
u'\\boxslash':u'⧄', u'\\boxtimes':u'⊠', u'\\bullet':u'•',
u'\\bumpeq':u'≏', u'\\cancer':u'♋', u'\\cap':u'∩', u'\\capricornus':u'♑',
u'\\cat':u'⁀', u'\\cdot':u'⋅', u'\\cdots':u'⋯', u'\\cent':u'¢',
u'\\centerdot':u'∙', u'\\checkmark':u'✓', u'\\chi':u'χ', u'\\circ':u'∘',
u'\\circeq':u'≗', u'\\circlearrowleft':u'↺', u'\\circlearrowright':u'↻',
u'\\circledR':u'®', u'\\circledast':u'⊛', u'\\circledbslash':u'⦸',
u'\\circledcirc':u'⊚', u'\\circleddash':u'⊝', u'\\circledgtr':u'⧁',
u'\\circledless':u'⧀', u'\\clubsuit':u'♣', u'\\colon':u': ', u'\\coloneqq':u'≔',
u'\\complement':u'∁', u'\\cong':u'≅', u'\\coprod':u'∐',
u'\\copyright':u'©', u'\\cos':u'cos', u'\\cosh':u'cosh', u'\\cot':u'cot',
u'\\coth':u'coth', u'\\csc':u'csc', u'\\cup':u'∪', u'\\curlyvee':u'⋎',
u'\\curlywedge':u'⋏', u'\\curvearrowleft':u'↶',
u'\\curvearrowright':u'↷', u'\\dag':u'†', u'\\dagger':u'†',
u'\\daleth':u'ℸ', u'\\dashleftarrow':u'⇠', u'\\dashv':u'⊣',
u'\\ddag':u'‡', u'\\ddagger':u'‡', u'\\ddots':u'⋱', u'\\deg':u'deg',
u'\\det':u'det', u'\\diagdown':u'╲', u'\\diagup':u'╱',
u'\\diameter':u'⌀', u'\\diamond':u'◇', u'\\diamondsuit':u'♦',
u'\\dim':u'dim', u'\\div':u'÷', u'\\divideontimes':u'⋇',
u'\\dotdiv':u'∸', u'\\doteq':u'≐', u'\\doteqdot':u'≑', u'\\dotplus':u'∔',
u'\\dots':u'…', u'\\doublebarwedge':u'⌆', u'\\downarrow':u'↓',
u'\\downdownarrows':u'⇊', u'\\downharpoonleft':u'⇃',
u'\\downharpoonright':u'⇂', u'\\dsub':u'⩤', u'\\earth':u'♁',
u'\\eighthnote':u'♪', u'\\ell':u'ℓ', u'\\emptyset':u'∅',
u'\\eqcirc':u'≖', u'\\eqcolon':u'≕', u'\\eqsim':u'≂', u'\\euro':u'€',
u'\\exists':u'∃', u'\\exp':u'exp', u'\\fallingdotseq':u'≒',
u'\\fcmp':u'⨾', u'\\female':u'♀', u'\\flat':u'♭', u'\\forall':u'∀',
u'\\fourth':u'⁗', u'\\frown':u'⌢', u'\\frownie':u'☹', u'\\gcd':u'gcd',
u'\\gemini':u'♊', u'\\geq)':u'≥', u'\\geqq':u'≧', u'\\geqslant':u'≥',
u'\\gets':u'←', u'\\gg':u'≫', u'\\ggg':u'⋙', u'\\gimel':u'ℷ',
u'\\gneqq':u'≩', u'\\gnsim':u'⋧', u'\\gtrdot':u'⋗', u'\\gtreqless':u'⋚',
u'\\gtreqqless':u'⪌', u'\\gtrless':u'≷', u'\\gtrsim':u'≳',
u'\\guillemotleft':u'«', u'\\guillemotright':u'»', u'\\hbar':u'ℏ',
u'\\heartsuit':u'♥', u'\\hfill':u' ',
u'\\hom':u'hom', u'\\hookleftarrow':u'↩', u'\\hookrightarrow':u'↪',
u'\\hslash':u'ℏ', u'\\idotsint':u'∫⋯∫',
u'\\iint':u'∬', u'\\imath':u'ı',
u'\\inf':u'inf', u'\\infty':u'∞', u'\\intercal':u'⊺',
u'\\interleave':u'⫴', u'\\invamp':u'⅋', u'\\invneg':u'⌐',
u'\\jmath':u'ȷ', u'\\jupiter':u'♃', u'\\ker':u'ker', u'\\land':u'∧',
u'\\landupint':u'∱', u'\\lang':u'⟪',
u'\\langle':u'⟨', u'\\lblot':u'⦉', u'\\lbrace':u'{', u'\\lbrace)':u'{',
u'\\lbrack':u'[', u'\\lceil':u'⌈', u'\\ldots':u'…', u'\\leadsto':u'⇝',
u'\\leftarrow)':u'←', u'\\leftarrowtail':u'↢', u'\\leftarrowtobar':u'⇤',
u'\\leftharpoondown':u'↽', u'\\leftharpoonup':u'↼',
u'\\leftleftarrows':u'⇇', u'\\leftleftharpoons':u'⥢', u'\\leftmoon':u'☾',
u'\\leftrightarrow':u'↔', u'\\leftrightarrows':u'⇆',
u'\\leftrightharpoons':u'⇋', u'\\leftthreetimes':u'⋋', u'\\leo':u'♌',
u'\\leq)':u'≤', u'\\leqq':u'≦', u'\\leqslant':u'≤', u'\\lessdot':u'⋖',
u'\\lesseqgtr':u'⋛', u'\\lesseqqgtr':u'⪋', u'\\lessgtr':u'≶',
u'\\lesssim':u'≲', u'\\lfloor':u'⌊', u'\\lg':u'lg', u'\\lgroup':u'⟮',
u'\\lhd':u'⊲', u'\\libra':u'♎', u'\\lightning':u'↯', u'\\limg':u'⦇',
u'\\liminf':u'liminf', u'\\limsup':u'limsup', u'\\ll':u'≪',
u'\\llbracket':u'⟦', u'\\llcorner':u'⌞', u'\\lll':u'⋘', u'\\ln':u'ln',
u'\\lneqq':u'≨', u'\\lnot':u'¬', u'\\lnsim':u'⋦', u'\\log':u'log',
u'\\longleftarrow':u'⟵', u'\\longleftrightarrow':u'⟷',
u'\\longmapsto':u'⟼', u'\\longrightarrow':u'⟶', u'\\looparrowleft':u'↫',
u'\\looparrowright':u'↬', u'\\lor':u'∨', u'\\lozenge':u'◊',
u'\\lrcorner':u'⌟', u'\\ltimes':u'⋉', u'\\lyxlock':u'', u'\\male':u'♂',
u'\\maltese':u'✠', u'\\mapsfrom':u'↤', u'\\mapsto':u'↦',
u'\\mathcircumflex':u'^', u'\\max':u'max', u'\\measuredangle':u'∡',
u'\\medbullet':u'⚫', u'\\medcirc':u'⚪', u'\\mercury':u'☿', u'\\mho':u'℧',
u'\\mid':u'∣', u'\\min':u'min', u'\\models':u'⊨', u'\\mp':u'∓',
u'\\multimap':u'⊸', u'\\nLeftarrow':u'⇍', u'\\nLeftrightarrow':u'⇎',
u'\\nRightarrow':u'⇏', u'\\nVDash':u'⊯', u'\\nabla':u'∇',
u'\\napprox':u'≉', u'\\natural':u'♮', u'\\ncong':u'≇', u'\\nearrow':u'↗',
u'\\neg':u'¬', u'\\neg)':u'¬', u'\\neptune':u'♆', u'\\nequiv':u'≢',
', u'\\nexists':u'∄', u'\\ngeqslant':u'≱',
u'\\ngtr':u'≯', u'\\ngtrless':u'≹', u'\\ni':u'∋', u'\\ni)':u'∋',
u'\\nleftarrow':u'↚', u'\\nleftrightarrow':u'↮', u'\\nleqslant':u'≰',
u'\\nless':u'≮', u'\\nlessgtr':u'≸', u'\\nmid':u'∤', u'\\nolimits':u'',
u'\\nonumber':u'', u'\\not':u'¬', u'\\not<':u'≮', u'\\not=':u'≠',
u'\\not>':u'≯', u'\\notbackslash':u'⍀', u'\\notin':u'∉', u'\\notni':u'∌',
u'\\notslash':u'⌿', u'\\nparallel':u'∦', u'\\nprec':u'⊀',
u'\\nrightarrow':u'↛', u'\\nsim':u'≁', u'\\nsimeq':u'≄',
u'\\nsqsubset':u'⊏̸', u'\\nsubseteq':u'⊈', u'\\nsucc':u'⊁',
u'\\nsucccurlyeq':u'⋡', u'\\nsupset':u'⊅', u'\\nsupseteq':u'⊉',
u'\\ntriangleleft':u'⋪', u'\\ntrianglelefteq':u'⋬',
u'\\ntriangleright':u'⋫', u'\\ntrianglerighteq':u'⋭', u'\\nvDash':u'⊭',
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u'\\rbrace':u'}', u'\\rbrace)':u'}', u'\\rbrack':u']', u'\\rceil':u'⌉',
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u'\\rightrightarrows':u'⇉', u'\\rightrightharpoons':u'⥤',
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u'\\rrbracket':u'⟧', u'\\rsub':u'⩥', u'\\rtimes':u'⋊',
u'\\sagittarius':u'♐', u'\\saturn':u'♄', u'\\scorpio':u'♏',
u'\\searrow':u'↘', u'\\sec':u'sec', u'\\second':u'″', u'\\setminus':u'∖',
u'\\sharp':u'♯', u'\\simeq':u'≃', u'\\sin':u'sin', u'\\sinh':u'sinh',
u'\\sixteenthnote':u'♬', u'\\skull':u'☠', u'\\slash':u'∕',
u'\\smallsetminus':u'∖', u'\\smalltriangledown':u'▿',
u'\\smalltriangleleft':u'◃', u'\\smalltriangleright':u'▹',
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u'\\sphericalangle':u'∢', u'\\spot':u'⦁', u'\\sptilde':u'~',
u'\\sqcap':u'⊓', u'\\sqcup':u'⊔', u'\\sqsubset':u'⊏',
u'\\sqsubseteq':u'⊑', u'\\sqsupset':u'⊐', u'\\sqsupseteq':u'⊒',
u'\\square':u'□', u'\\sslash':u'⫽', u'\\star':u'⋆', u'\\steaming':u'☕',
u'\\subseteqq':u'⫅', u'\\subsetneqq':u'⫋', u'\\succ':u'≻',
u'\\succcurlyeq':u'≽', u'\\succeq':u'≽', u'\\succnsim':u'⋩',
u'\\succsim':u'≿', u'\\sun':u'☼', u'\\sup':u'sup', u'\\supseteqq':u'⫆',
u'\\supsetneqq':u'⫌', u'\\surd':u'√', u'\\swarrow':u'↙',
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u'\\triangleleft':u'⊲', u'\\trianglelefteq':u'⊴', u'\\triangleq':u'≜',
u'\\triangleright':u'▷', u'\\trianglerighteq':u'⊵',
u'\\twoheadleftarrow':u'↞', u'\\twoheadrightarrow':u'↠',
u'\\twonotes':u'♫', u'\\udot':u'⊍', u'\\ulcorner':u'⌜', u'\\unlhd':u'⊴',
u'\\unrhd':u'⊵', u'\\unrhl':u'⊵', u'\\uparrow':u'↑',
u'\\updownarrow':u'↕', u'\\upharpoonleft':u'↿', u'\\upharpoonright':u'↾',
u'\\uplus':u'⊎', u'\\upuparrows':u'⇈', u'\\uranus':u'♅',
u'\\urcorner':u'⌝', u'\\vDash':u'⊨', u'\\varclubsuit':u'♧',
u'\\vardiamondsuit':u'♦', u'\\varheartsuit':u'♥', u'\\varnothing':u'∅',
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u'\\vee)':u'∨', u'\\veebar':u'⊻', u'\\vert':u'∣', u'\\virgo':u'♍',
u'\\warning':u'⚠', u'\\wasylozenge':u'⌑', u'\\wedge':u'∧',
u'\\wedge)':u'∧', u'\\wp':u'℘', u'\\wr':u'≀', u'\\yen':u'¥',
u'\\yinyang':u'☯', u'\\{':u'{', u'\\|':u'∥', u'\\}':u'}',
decoratedcommand = {
decoratingfunctions = {
u'\\overleftarrow':u'⟵', u'\\overrightarrow':u'⟶', u'\\widehat':u'^',
endings = {
u'bracket':u'}', u'complex':u'\\]', u'endafter':u'}',
u'endbefore':u'\\end{', u'squarebracket':u']',
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u'\\binom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f2{(}f0{f1{$1}f1{$2}}f2{)}',u'span class="binom"',u'span class="binomstack"',u'span class="bigsymbol"',],
u'\\boxed':[u'{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="boxed"',],
u'\\cfrac':[u'[$p!]{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f3{(}f1{$1}f3{)/(}f2{$2}f3{)}}',u'span class="fullfraction"',u'span class="numerator align-$p"',u'span class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',],
u'\\color':[u'{$p!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span style="color: $p;"',],
u'\\colorbox':[u'{$p!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="colorbox" style="background: $p;"',],
u'\\dbinom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'(f0{f1{f2{$1}}f1{f2{ }}f1{f2{$2}}})',u'span class="binomial"',u'span class="binomrow"',u'span class="binomcell"',],
u'\\dfrac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f3{(}f1{$1}f3{)/(}f2{$2}f3{)}}',u'span class="fullfraction"',u'span class="numerator"',u'span class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',],
u'\\displaystyle':[u'{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="displaystyle"',],
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u'\\frac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f3{(}f1{$1}f3{)/(}f2{$2}f3{)}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'span class="numerator"',u'span class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',],
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u'\\leftroot':[u'{$p!}',u'f0{ }',u'span class="leftroot" style="width: $p;px"',],
u'\\nicefrac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}⁄f2{$2}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'sup class="numerator"',u'sub class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',],
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u'\\sqrt':[u'[$0]{$1}',u'f0{f1{$0}f2{√}f4{(}f3{$1}f4{)}}',u'span class="sqrt"',u'sup class="root"',u'span class="radical"',u'span class="root"',u'span class="ignored"',],
u'\\stackrel':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}',u'span class="stackrel"',u'span class="upstackrel"',u'span class="downstackrel"',],
u'\\tbinom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'(f0{f1{f2{$1}}f1{f2{ }}f1{f2{$2}}})',u'span class="binomial"',u'span class="binomrow"',u'span class="binomcell"',],
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u'\\unit':[u'[$0]{$1}',u'$0f0{$1.font}',u'span class="unit"',],
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u'\\uproot':[u'{$p!}',u'f0{ }',u'span class="uproot" style="width: $p;px"',],
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u'\\binom':u'$1+$2', u'\\cfrac':u'$1+$2', u'\\dbinom':u'$1+$2+1',
u'\\dfrac':u'$1+$2', u'\\frac':u'$1+$2', u'\\tbinom':u'$1+$2+1',
labelfunctions = {
u'\\label':u'a name="#"',
limitcommands = {
u'\\biginterleave':u'⫼', u'\\bigsqcap':u'⨅', u'\\fint':u'⨏',
u'\\iiiint':u'⨌', u'\\int':u'∫', u'\\intop':u'∫', u'\\lim':u'lim',
u'\\prod':u'∏', u'\\smallint':u'∫', u'\\sqint':u'⨖', u'\\sum':u'∑',
u'\\varointclockwise':u'∲', u'\\varprod':u'⨉', u'\\zcmp':u'⨟',
u'\\zhide':u'⧹', u'\\zpipe':u'⨠', u'\\zproject':u'⨡',
misccommands = {
u'\\limits':u'LimitPreviousCommand', u'\\newcommand':u'MacroDefinition',
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u'\\tag*':u'FormulaTag', u'\\today':u'TodayCommand',
modified = {
u'\n':u'', u' ':u'', u'$':u'', u'&':u' ', u'\'':u'’', u'+':u' + ',
u',':u', ', u'-':u' − ', u'/':u' ⁄ ', u':':u' : ', u'<':u' < ',
u'=':u' = ', u'>':u' > ', u'@':u'', u'~':u'',
onefunctions = {
u'\\Big':u'span class="bigsymbol"', u'\\Bigg':u'span class="hugesymbol"',
u'\\bar':u'span class="bar"', u'\\begin{array}':u'span class="arraydef"',
u'\\big':u'span class="symbol"', u'\\bigg':u'span class="largesymbol"',
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u'\\underbrace':u'span class="underbrace"', u'\\underline':u'u',
u'\\vphantom':u'span class="phantom"',
spacedcommands = {
u'\\Bot':u'⫫', u'\\Doteq':u'≑', u'\\DownArrowBar':u'⤓',
u'\\DownLeftTeeVector':u'⥞', u'\\DownLeftVectorBar':u'⥖',
u'\\DownRightTeeVector':u'⥟', u'\\DownRightVectorBar':u'⥗',
u'\\Equal':u'⩵', u'\\LeftArrowBar':u'⇤', u'\\LeftDownTeeVector':u'⥡',
u'\\LeftDownVectorBar':u'⥙', u'\\LeftTeeVector':u'⥚',
u'\\LeftTriangleBar':u'⧏', u'\\LeftUpTeeVector':u'⥠',
u'\\LeftUpVectorBar':u'⥘', u'\\LeftVectorBar':u'⥒',
u'\\Leftrightarrow':u'⇔', u'\\Longmapsfrom':u'⟽', u'\\Longmapsto':u'⟾',
u'\\MapsDown':u'↧', u'\\MapsUp':u'↥', u'\\Nearrow':u'⇗',
u'\\NestedGreaterGreater':u'⪢', u'\\NestedLessLess':u'⪡',
u'\\NotGreaterLess':u'≹', u'\\NotGreaterTilde':u'≵',
u'\\NotLessTilde':u'≴', u'\\Nwarrow':u'⇖', u'\\Proportion':u'∷',
u'\\RightArrowBar':u'⇥', u'\\RightDownTeeVector':u'⥝',
u'\\RightDownVectorBar':u'⥕', u'\\RightTeeVector':u'⥛',
u'\\RightTriangleBar':u'⧐', u'\\RightUpTeeVector':u'⥜',
u'\\RightUpVectorBar':u'⥔', u'\\RightVectorBar':u'⥓',
u'\\Rightarrow':u'⇒', u'\\Same':u'⩶', u'\\Searrow':u'⇘',
u'\\Swarrow':u'⇙', u'\\Top':u'⫪', u'\\UpArrowBar':u'⤒', u'\\VDash':u'⊫',
u'\\approx':u'≈', u'\\approxeq':u'≊', u'\\backsim':u'∽', u'\\barin':u'⋶',
u'\\barleftharpoon':u'⥫', u'\\barrightharpoon':u'⥭', u'\\bij':u'⤖',
u'\\coloneq':u'≔', u'\\corresponds':u'≙', u'\\curlyeqprec':u'⋞',
u'\\curlyeqsucc':u'⋟', u'\\dashrightarrow':u'⇢', u'\\dlsh':u'↲',
u'\\downdownharpoons':u'⥥', u'\\downuparrows':u'⇵',
u'\\downupharpoons':u'⥯', u'\\drsh':u'↳', u'\\eqslantgtr':u'⪖',
u'\\eqslantless':u'⪕', u'\\equiv':u'≡', u'\\ffun':u'⇻', u'\\finj':u'⤕',
u'\\ge':u'≥', u'\\geq':u'≥', u'\\ggcurly':u'⪼', u'\\gnapprox':u'⪊',
u'\\gneq':u'⪈', u'\\gtrapprox':u'⪆', u'\\hash':u'⋕', u'\\iddots':u'⋰',
u'\\implies':u' ⇒ ', u'\\in':u'∈', u'\\le':u'≤', u'\\leftarrow':u'←',
u'\\leftarrowtriangle':u'⇽', u'\\leftbarharpoon':u'⥪',
u'\\leftrightarrowtriangle':u'⇿', u'\\leftrightharpoon':u'⥊',
u'\\leftrightharpoondown':u'⥐', u'\\leftrightharpoonup':u'⥎',
u'\\leftrightsquigarrow':u'↭', u'\\leftslice':u'⪦',
u'\\leftsquigarrow':u'⇜', u'\\leftupdownharpoon':u'⥑', u'\\leq':u'≤',
u'\\lessapprox':u'⪅', u'\\llcurly':u'⪻', u'\\lnapprox':u'⪉',
u'\\lneq':u'⪇', u'\\longmapsfrom':u'⟻', u'\\multimapboth':u'⧟',
u'\\multimapdotbothA':u'⊶', u'\\multimapdotbothB':u'⊷',
u'\\multimapinv':u'⟜', u'\\nVdash':u'⊮', u'\\ne':u'≠', u'\\neq':u'≠',
u'\\ngeq':u'≱', u'\\nleq':u'≰', u'\\nni':u'∌', u'\\not\\in':u'∉',
u'\\notasymp':u'≭', u'\\npreceq':u'⋠', u'\\nsqsubseteq':u'⋢',
u'\\nsqsupseteq':u'⋣', u'\\nsubset':u'⊄', u'\\nsucceq':u'⋡',
u'\\pfun':u'⇸', u'\\pinj':u'⤔', u'\\precapprox':u'⪷', u'\\preceqq':u'⪳',
u'\\precnapprox':u'⪹', u'\\precnsim':u'⋨', u'\\propto':u'∝',
u'\\psur':u'⤀', u'\\rightarrow':u'→', u'\\rightarrowtriangle':u'⇾',
u'\\rightbarharpoon':u'⥬', u'\\rightleftharpoon':u'⥋',
u'\\rightslice':u'⪧', u'\\rightsquigarrow':u'⇝',
u'\\rightupdownharpoon':u'⥏', u'\\sim':u'~', u'\\strictfi':u'⥼',
u'\\strictif':u'⥽', u'\\subset':u'⊂', u'\\subseteq':u'⊆',
u'\\subsetneq':u'⊊', u'\\succapprox':u'⪸', u'\\succeqq':u'⪴',
u'\\succnapprox':u'⪺', u'\\supset':u'⊃', u'\\supseteq':u'⊇',
u'\\supsetneq':u'⊋', u'\\times':u'×', u'\\to':u'→',
u'\\updownarrows':u'⇅', u'\\updownharpoons':u'⥮', u'\\upupharpoons':u'⥣',
u'\\vartriangleleft':u'⊲', u'\\vartriangleright':u'⊳',
starts = {
u'beginafter':u'}', u'beginbefore':u'\\begin{', u'bracket':u'{',
u'command':u'\\', u'comment':u'%', u'complex':u'\\[', u'simple':u'$',
u'squarebracket':u'[', u'unnumbered':u'*',
symbolfunctions = {
u'^':u'sup', u'_':u'sub',
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u'\\mbox':u'span class="mbox"', u'\\text':u'span class="text"',
u'\\textbf':u'b', u'\\textipa':u'span class="textipa"', u'\\textit':u'i',
u'\\textnormal':u'span class="textnormal"',
u'\\textrm':u'span class="textrm"',
u'\\textsc':u'span class="versalitas"',
u'\\textsf':u'span class="textsf"', u'\\textsl':u'i', u'\\texttt':u'tt',
u'\\textup':u'span class="normal"',
unmodified = {
urls = {
class GeneralConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
version = {
u'date':u'2015-02-26', u'lyxformat':u'413', u'number':u'1.2.5',
class HeaderConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
parameters = {
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u'documentclass':u'\\textclass', u'endbranch':u'\\end_branch',
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class ImageConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
converters = {
u'imagemagick':u'convert[ -density $scale][ -define $format:use-cropbox=true] "$input" "$output"',
u'inkscape':u'inkscape "$input" --export-png="$output"',
u'lyx':u'lyx -C "$input" "$output"',
cropboxformats = {
u'.eps':u'ps', u'.pdf':u'pdf', u'.ps':u'ps',
formats = {
u'default':u'.png', u'vector':[u'.svg',u'.eps',],
class LayoutConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
groupable = {
class NewfangleConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
constants = {
u'chunkref':u'chunkref{', u'endcommand':u'}', u'endmark':u'>',
u'startcommand':u'\\', u'startmark':u'=<',
class NumberingConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
layouts = {
sequence = {
class StyleConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
hspaces = {
u'\\enskip{}':u' ', u'\\hfill{}':u' ',
u'\\hspace*{\\fill}':u' ', u'\\hspace*{}':u'', u'\\hspace{}':u' ',
u'\\negthinspace{}':u'', u'\\qquad{}':u' ', u'\\quad{}':u' ',
u'\\space{}':u' ', u'\\thinspace{}':u' ', u'~':u' ',
quotes = {
u'ald':u'»', u'als':u'›', u'ard':u'«', u'ars':u'‹', u'eld':u'“',
u'els':u'‘', u'erd':u'”', u'ers':u'’', u'fld':u'«',
u'fls':u'‹', u'frd':u'»', u'frs':u'›', u'gld':u'„', u'gls':u'‚',
u'grd':u'“', u'grs':u'‘', u'pld':u'„', u'pls':u'‚', u'prd':u'”',
u'prs':u'’', u'sld':u'”', u'srd':u'”',
referenceformats = {
u'eqref':u'(@↕)', u'formatted':u'¶↕', u'nameref':u'$↕', u'pageref':u'#↕',
u'ref':u'@↕', u'vpageref':u'on-page#↕', u'vref':u'@on-page#↕',
size = {
vspaces = {
class TOCConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
extractplain = {
u'cloned':[u'',], u'extracted':[u'',],
extracttitle = {
class TagConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
barred = {
family = {
u'sans':u'span class="sans"', u'typewriter':u'tt',
flex = {
u'CharStyle:Code':u'span class="code"',
u'CharStyle:MenuItem':u'span class="menuitem"',
u'Code':u'span class="code"', u'MenuItem':u'span class="menuitem"',
u'Noun':u'span class="noun"', u'Strong':u'span class="strong"',
group = {
layouts = {
u'Center':u'div', u'Chapter':u'h?', u'Date':u'h2', u'Paragraph':u'div',
u'Part':u'h1', u'Quotation':u'blockquote', u'Quote':u'blockquote',
u'Section':u'h?', u'Subsection':u'h?', u'Subsubsection':u'h?',
listitems = {
u'Enumerate':u'ol', u'Itemize':u'ul',
notes = {
u'Comment':u'', u'Greyedout':u'span class="greyedout"', u'Note':u'',
script = {
u'subscript':u'sub', u'superscript':u'sup',
shaped = {
u'italic':u'i', u'slanted':u'i', u'smallcaps':u'span class="versalitas"',
class TranslationConfig(object):
"Configuration class from elyxer.config file"
constants = {
u'Appendix':u'Appendix', u'Book':u'Book', u'Chapter':u'Chapter',
u'Paragraph':u'Paragraph', u'Part':u'Part', u'Section':u'Section',
u'Subsection':u'Subsection', u'Subsubsection':u'Subsubsection',
u'abstract':u'Abstract', u'bibliography':u'Bibliography',
u'figure':u'figure', u'float-algorithm':u'Algorithm ',
u'float-figure':u'Figure ', u'float-listing':u'Listing ',
u'float-table':u'Table ', u'float-tableau':u'Tableau ',
u'footnotes':u'Footnotes', u'generated-by':u'Document generated by ',
u'generated-on':u' on ', u'index':u'Index',
u'jsmath-enable':u'Please enable JavaScript on your browser.',
u'jsmath-requires':u' requires JavaScript to correctly process the mathematics on this page. ',
u'jsmath-warning':u'Warning: ', u'list-algorithm':u'List of Algorithms',
u'list-figure':u'List of Figures', u'list-table':u'List of Tables',
u'list-tableau':u'List of Tableaux', u'main-page':u'Main page',
u'next':u'Next', u'nomenclature':u'Nomenclature',
u'on-page':u' on page ', u'prev':u'Prev', u'references':u'References',
u'toc':u'Table of Contents', u'toc-for':u'Contents for ', u'up':u'Up',
languages = {
u'american':u'en', u'british':u'en', u'deutsch':u'de', u'dutch':u'nl',
u'english':u'en', u'french':u'fr', u'ngerman':u'de', u'russian':u'ru',
class CommandLineParser(object):
"A parser for runtime options"
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
def parseoptions(self, args):
"Parse command line options"
if len(args) == 0:
return None
while len(args) > 0 and args[0].startswith('--'):
key, value = self.readoption(args)
if not key:
return 'Option ' + value + ' not recognized'
if not value:
return 'Option ' + key + ' needs a value'
setattr(self.options, key, value)
return None
def readoption(self, args):
"Read the key and value for an option"
arg = args[0][2:]
del args[0]
if '=' in arg:
key = self.readequalskey(arg, args)
key = arg.replace('-', '')
if not hasattr(self.options, key):
return None, key
current = getattr(self.options, key)
if isinstance(current, bool):
return key, True
# read value
if len(args) == 0:
return key, None
if args[0].startswith('"'):
initial = args[0]
del args[0]
return key, self.readquoted(args, initial)
value = args[0].decode('utf-8')
del args[0]
if isinstance(current, list):
return key, current
return key, value
def readquoted(self, args, initial):
"Read a value between quotes"
value = initial[1:]
while len(args) > 0 and not args[0].endswith('"') and not args[0].startswith('--'):
Trace.error('Appending ' + args[0])
value += ' ' + args[0]
del args[0]
if len(args) == 0 or args[0].startswith('--'):
return None
value += ' ' + args[0:-1]
return value
def readequalskey(self, arg, args):
"Read a key using equals"
split = arg.split('=', 1)
key = split[0]
value = split[1]
args.insert(0, value)
return key
class Options(object):
"A set of runtime options"
instance = None
location = None
nocopy = False
copyright = False
debug = False
quiet = False
version = False
hardversion = False
versiondate = False
html = False
help = False
showlines = True
unicode = False
iso885915 = False
css = []
favicon = ''
title = None
directory = None
destdirectory = None
toc = False
toctarget = ''
tocfor = None
forceformat = None
lyxformat = False
target = None
splitpart = None
memory = True
lowmem = False
nobib = False
converter = 'imagemagick'
raw = False
jsmath = None
mathjax = None
nofooter = False
simplemath = False
template = None
noconvert = False
notoclabels = False
letterfoot = True
numberfoot = False
symbolfoot = False
hoverfoot = True
marginfoot = False
endfoot = False
supfoot = True
alignfoot = False
footnotes = None
imageformat = None
copyimages = False
googlecharts = False
embedcss = []
branches = dict()
def parseoptions(self, args):
"Parse command line options"
Options.location = args[0]
del args[0]
parser = CommandLineParser(Options)
result = parser.parseoptions(args)
if result:
def processoptions(self):
"Process all options parsed."
if Options.help:
if Options.version:
if Options.hardversion:
if Options.versiondate:
if Options.lyxformat:
if Options.splitpart:
Options.splitpart = int(Options.splitpart)
if Options.splitpart <= 0:
Trace.error('--splitpart requires a number bigger than zero')
Trace.error('--splitpart needs a numeric argument, not ' + Options.splitpart)
if Options.lowmem or Options.toc or Options.tocfor:
Options.memory = False
if Options.forceformat and not Options.imageformat:
Options.imageformat = Options.forceformat
if Options.imageformat == 'copy':
Options.copyimages = True
if Options.css == []:
Options.css = ['http://elyxer.nongnu.org/lyx.css']
if Options.favicon == '':
pass # no default favicon
if Options.html:
Options.simplemath = True
if Options.toc and not Options.tocfor:
Trace.error('Option --toc is deprecated; use --tocfor "page" instead')
Options.tocfor = Options.toctarget
if Options.nocopy:
Trace.error('Option --nocopy is deprecated; it is no longer needed')
if Options.jsmath:
Trace.error('Option --jsmath is deprecated; use --mathjax instead')
# set in Trace if necessary
for param in dir(Trace):
if param.endswith('mode'):
setattr(Trace, param, getattr(self, param[:-4]))
def usage(self):
"Show correct usage"
Trace.error('Usage: ' + os.path.basename(Options.location) + ' [options] [filein] [fileout]')
Trace.error('Convert LyX input file "filein" to HTML file "fileout".')
Trace.error('If filein (or fileout) is not given use standard input (or output).')
Trace.error('Main program of the eLyXer package (http://elyxer.nongnu.org/).')
def parsefootnotes(self):
"Parse footnotes options."
if not Options.footnotes:
Options.marginfoot = False
Options.letterfoot = False
Options.hoverfoot = False
options = Options.footnotes.split(',')
for option in options:
footoption = option + 'foot'
if hasattr(Options, footoption):
setattr(Options, footoption, True)
Trace.error('Unknown footnotes option: ' + option)
if not Options.endfoot and not Options.marginfoot and not Options.hoverfoot:
Options.hoverfoot = True
if not Options.numberfoot and not Options.symbolfoot:
Options.letterfoot = True
def showoptions(self):
"Show all possible options"
Trace.error(' Common options:')
Trace.error(' --help: show this online help')
Trace.error(' --quiet: disables all runtime messages')
Trace.error(' Advanced options:')
Trace.error(' --debug: enable debugging messages (for developers)')
Trace.error(' --version: show version number and release date')
Trace.error(' --lyxformat: return the highest LyX version supported')
Trace.error(' Options for HTML output:')
Trace.error(' --title "title": set the generated page title')
Trace.error(' --css "file.css": use a custom CSS file')
Trace.error(' --embedcss "file.css": embed styles from a CSS file into the output')
Trace.error(' --favicon "icon.ico": insert the specified favicon in the header.')
Trace.error(' --html: output HTML 4.0 instead of the default XHTML')
Trace.error(' --unicode: full Unicode output')
Trace.error(' --iso885915: output a document with ISO-8859-15 encoding')
Trace.error(' --nofooter: remove the footer "generated by eLyXer"')
Trace.error(' --simplemath: do not generate fancy math constructions')
Trace.error(' Options for image output:')
Trace.error(' --directory "img_dir": look for images in the specified directory')
Trace.error(' --destdirectory "dest": put converted images into this directory')
Trace.error(' --imageformat ".ext": image output format, or "copy" to copy images')
Trace.error(' --noconvert: do not convert images, use in original locations')
Trace.error(' --converter "inkscape": use an alternative program to convert images')
Trace.error(' Options for footnote display:')
Trace.error(' --numberfoot: mark footnotes with numbers instead of letters')
Trace.error(' --symbolfoot: mark footnotes with symbols (*, **...)')
Trace.error(' --hoverfoot: show footnotes as hovering text (default)')
Trace.error(' --marginfoot: show footnotes on the page margin')
Trace.error(' --endfoot: show footnotes at the end of the page')
Trace.error(' --supfoot: use superscript for footnote markers (default)')
Trace.error(' --alignfoot: use aligned text for footnote markers')
Trace.error(' --footnotes "options": specify several comma-separated footnotes options')
Trace.error(' Available options are: "number", "symbol", "hover", "margin", "end",')
Trace.error(' "sup", "align"')
Trace.error(' Advanced output options:')
Trace.error(' --splitpart "depth": split the resulting webpage at the given depth')
Trace.error(' --tocfor "page": generate a TOC that points to the given page')
Trace.error(' --target "frame": make all links point to the given frame')
Trace.error(' --notoclabels: omit the part labels in the TOC, such as Chapter')
Trace.error(' --lowmem: do the conversion on the fly (conserve memory)')
Trace.error(' --raw: generate HTML without header or footer.')
Trace.error(' --mathjax remote: use MathJax remotely to display equations')
Trace.error(' --mathjax "URL": use MathJax from the given URL to display equations')
Trace.error(' --googlecharts: use Google Charts to generate formula images')
Trace.error(' --template "file": use a template, put everything in ')
Trace.error(' --copyright: add a copyright notice at the bottom')
Trace.error(' Deprecated options:')
Trace.error(' --toc: (deprecated) create a table of contents')
Trace.error(' --toctarget "page": (deprecated) generate a TOC for the given page')
Trace.error(' --nocopy: (deprecated) maintained for backwards compatibility')
Trace.error(' --jsmath "URL": use jsMath from the given URL to display equations')
def showversion(self):
"Return the current eLyXer version string"
string = 'eLyXer version ' + GeneralConfig.version['number']
string += ' (' + GeneralConfig.version['date'] + ')'
def showhardversion(self):
"Return just the version string"
def showversiondate(self):
"Return just the version dte"
def showlyxformat(self):
"Return just the lyxformat parameter"
class BranchOptions(object):
"A set of options for a branch"
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.options = {'color':'#ffffff'}
def set(self, key, value):
"Set a branch option"
if not key.startswith(ContainerConfig.string['startcommand']):
Trace.error('Invalid branch option ' + key)
key = key.replace(ContainerConfig.string['startcommand'], '')
self.options[key] = value
def isselected(self):
"Return if the branch is selected"
if not 'selected' in self.options:
return False
return self.options['selected'] == '1'
def __unicode__(self):
"String representation"
return 'options for ' + self.name + ': ' + unicode(self.options)
import urllib
class Cloner(object):
"An object used to clone other objects."
def clone(cls, original):
"Return an exact copy of an object."
"The original object must have an empty constructor."
return cls.create(original.__class__)
def create(cls, type):
"Create an object of a given class."
clone = type.__new__(type)
return clone
clone = classmethod(clone)
create = classmethod(create)
class ContainerExtractor(object):
"A class to extract certain containers."
def __init__(self, config):
"The config parameter is a map containing three lists: allowed, copied and extracted."
"Each of the three is a list of class names for containers."
"Allowed containers are included as is into the result."
"Cloned containers are cloned and placed into the result."
"Extracted containers are looked into."
"All other containers are silently ignored."
self.allowed = config['allowed']
self.cloned = config['cloned']
self.extracted = config['extracted']
def extract(self, container):
"Extract a group of selected containers from elyxer.a container."
list = []
locate = lambda c: c.__class__.__name__ in self.allowed + self.cloned
recursive = lambda c: c.__class__.__name__ in self.extracted
process = lambda c: self.process(c, list)
container.recursivesearch(locate, recursive, process)
return list
def process(self, container, list):
"Add allowed containers, clone cloned containers and add the clone."
name = container.__class__.__name__
if name in self.allowed:
elif name in self.cloned:
Trace.error('Unknown container class ' + name)
def safeclone(self, container):
"Return a new container with contents only in a safe list, recursively."
clone = Cloner.clone(container)
clone.output = container.output
clone.contents = self.extract(container)
return clone
class Parser(object):
"A generic parser"
def __init__(self):
self.begin = 0
self.parameters = dict()
def parseheader(self, reader):
"Parse the header"
header = reader.currentline().split()
self.begin = reader.linenumber
return header
def parseparameter(self, reader):
"Parse a parameter"
if reader.currentline().strip().startswith('<'):
key, value = self.parsexml(reader)
self.parameters[key] = value
split = reader.currentline().strip().split(' ', 1)
if len(split) == 0:
key = split[0]
if len(split) == 1:
self.parameters[key] = True
if not '"' in split[1]:
self.parameters[key] = split[1].strip()
doublesplit = split[1].split('"')
self.parameters[key] = doublesplit[1]
def parsexml(self, reader):
"Parse a parameter in xml form: "
strip = reader.currentline().strip()
if not strip.endswith('>'):
Trace.error('XML parameter ' + strip + ' should be <...>')
split = strip[1:-1].split()
if len(split) == 0:
Trace.error('Empty XML parameter <>')
return None, None
key = split[0]
del split[0]
if len(split) == 0:
return key, dict()
attrs = dict()
for attr in split:
if not '=' in attr:
Trace.error('Erroneous attribute for ' + key + ': ' + attr)
attr += '="0"'
parts = attr.split('=')
attrkey = parts[0]
value = parts[1].split('"')[1]
attrs[attrkey] = value
return key, attrs
def parseending(self, reader, process):
"Parse until the current ending is found"
if not self.ending:
Trace.error('No ending for ' + unicode(self))
while not reader.currentline().startswith(self.ending):
def parsecontainer(self, reader, contents):
container = self.factory.createcontainer(reader)
if container:
container.parent = self.parent
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a description"
return self.__class__.__name__ + ' (' + unicode(self.begin) + ')'
class LoneCommand(Parser):
"A parser for just one command line"
def parse(self,reader):
"Read nothing"
return []
class TextParser(Parser):
"A parser for a command and a bit of text"
stack = []
def __init__(self, container):
self.ending = None
if container.__class__.__name__ in ContainerConfig.endings:
self.ending = ContainerConfig.endings[container.__class__.__name__]
self.endings = []
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse lines as long as they are text"
self.endings = TextParser.stack + [ContainerConfig.endings['Layout'],
ContainerConfig.endings['Inset'], self.ending]
contents = []
while not self.isending(reader):
self.parsecontainer(reader, contents)
return contents
def isending(self, reader):
"Check if text is ending"
current = reader.currentline().split()
if len(current) == 0:
return False
if current[0] in self.endings:
if current[0] in TextParser.stack:
TextParser.stack = []
return True
return False
class ExcludingParser(Parser):
"A parser that excludes the final line"
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse everything up to (and excluding) the final line"
contents = []
self.parseending(reader, lambda: self.parsecontainer(reader, contents))
return contents
class BoundedParser(ExcludingParser):
"A parser bound by a final line"
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse everything, including the final line"
contents = ExcludingParser.parse(self, reader)
# skip last line
return contents
class BoundedDummy(Parser):
"A bound parser that ignores everything"
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse the contents of the container"
self.parseending(reader, lambda: reader.nextline())
# skip last line
return []
class StringParser(Parser):
"Parses just a string"
def parseheader(self, reader):
"Do nothing, just take note"
self.begin = reader.linenumber + 1
return []
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse a single line"
contents = reader.currentline()
return contents
class InsetParser(BoundedParser):
"Parses a LyX inset"
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse inset parameters into a dictionary"
startcommand = ContainerConfig.string['startcommand']
while reader.currentline() != '' and not reader.currentline().startswith(startcommand):
return BoundedParser.parse(self, reader)
class ContainerOutput(object):
"The generic HTML output for a container."
def gethtml(self, container):
"Show an error."
Trace.error('gethtml() not implemented for ' + unicode(self))
def isempty(self):
"Decide if the output is empty: by default, not empty."
return False
class EmptyOutput(ContainerOutput):
def gethtml(self, container):
"Return empty HTML code."
return []
def isempty(self):
"This output is particularly empty."
return True
class FixedOutput(ContainerOutput):
"Fixed output"
def gethtml(self, container):
"Return constant HTML code"
return container.html
class ContentsOutput(ContainerOutput):
"Outputs the contents converted to HTML"
def gethtml(self, container):
"Return the HTML code"
html = []
if container.contents == None:
return html
for element in container.contents:
if not hasattr(element, 'gethtml'):
Trace.error('No html in ' + element.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + unicode(element))
return html
html += element.gethtml()
return html
class TaggedOutput(ContentsOutput):
"Outputs an HTML tag surrounding the contents."
tag = None
breaklines = False
empty = False
def settag(self, tag, breaklines=False, empty=False):
"Set the value for the tag and other attributes."
self.tag = tag
if breaklines:
self.breaklines = breaklines
if empty:
self.empty = empty
return self
def setbreaklines(self, breaklines):
"Set the value for breaklines."
self.breaklines = breaklines
return self
def gethtml(self, container):
"Return the HTML code."
if self.empty:
return [self.selfclosing(container)]
html = [self.open(container)]
html += ContentsOutput.gethtml(self, container)
return html
def open(self, container):
"Get opening line."
if not self.checktag():
return ''
open = '<' + self.tag + '>'
if self.breaklines:
return open + '\n'
return open
def close(self, container):
"Get closing line."
if not self.checktag():
return ''
close = '' + self.tag.split()[0] + '>'
if self.breaklines:
return '\n' + close + '\n'
return close
def selfclosing(self, container):
"Get self-closing line."
if not self.checktag():
return ''
selfclosing = '<' + self.tag + '/>'
if self.breaklines:
return selfclosing + '\n'
return selfclosing
def checktag(self):
"Check that the tag is valid."
if not self.tag:
Trace.error('No tag in ' + unicode(container))
return False
if self.tag == '':
return False
return True
class FilteredOutput(ContentsOutput):
"Returns the output in the contents, but filtered:"
"some strings are replaced by others."
def __init__(self):
"Initialize the filters."
self.filters = []
def addfilter(self, original, replacement):
"Add a new filter: replace the original by the replacement."
self.filters.append((original, replacement))
def gethtml(self, container):
"Return the HTML code"
result = []
html = ContentsOutput.gethtml(self, container)
for line in html:
return result
def filter(self, line):
"Filter a single line with all available filters."
for original, replacement in self.filters:
if original in line:
line = line.replace(original, replacement)
return line
class StringOutput(ContainerOutput):
"Returns a bare string as output"
def gethtml(self, container):
"Return a bare string"
return [container.string]
import sys
import codecs
class LineReader(object):
"Reads a file line by line"
def __init__(self, filename):
if isinstance(filename, file):
self.file = filename
self.file = codecs.open(filename, 'rU', 'utf-8')
self.linenumber = 1
self.lastline = None
self.current = None
self.mustread = True
self.depleted = False
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# try compressed file
import gzip
self.file = gzip.open(filename, 'rb')
def setstart(self, firstline):
"Set the first line to read."
for i in range(firstline):
self.linenumber = firstline
def setend(self, lastline):
"Set the last line to read."
self.lastline = lastline
def currentline(self):
"Get the current line"
if self.mustread:
return self.current
def nextline(self):
"Go to next line"
if self.depleted:
Trace.fatal('Read beyond file end')
self.mustread = True
def readline(self):
"Read a line from elyxer.file"
self.current = self.file.readline()
if not isinstance(self.file, codecs.StreamReaderWriter):
self.current = self.current.decode('utf-8')
if len(self.current) == 0:
self.depleted = True
self.current = self.current.rstrip('\n\r')
self.linenumber += 1
self.mustread = False
Trace.prefix = 'Line ' + unicode(self.linenumber) + ': '
if self.linenumber % 1000 == 0:
def finished(self):
"Find out if the file is finished"
if self.lastline and self.linenumber == self.lastline:
return True
if self.mustread:
return self.depleted
def close(self):
class LineWriter(object):
"Writes a file as a series of lists"
file = False
def __init__(self, filename):
if isinstance(filename, file):
self.file = filename
self.filename = None
self.filename = filename
def write(self, strings):
"Write a list of strings"
for string in strings:
if not isinstance(string, basestring):
Trace.error('Not a string: ' + unicode(string) + ' in ' + unicode(strings))
def writestring(self, string):
"Write a string"
if not self.file:
self.file = codecs.open(self.filename, 'w', "utf-8")
if self.file == sys.stdout and sys.version_info < (3,0):
string = string.encode('utf-8')
def writeline(self, line):
"Write a line to file"
self.writestring(line + '\n')
def close(self):
class Globable(object):
"""A bit of text which can be globbed (lumped together in bits).
Methods current(), skipcurrent(), checkfor() and isout() have to be
implemented by subclasses."""
leavepending = False
def __init__(self):
self.endinglist = EndingList()
def checkbytemark(self):
"Check for a Unicode byte mark and skip it."
if self.finished():
if ord(self.current()) == 0xfeff:
def isout(self):
"Find out if we are out of the position yet."
Trace.error('Unimplemented isout()')
return True
def current(self):
"Return the current character."
Trace.error('Unimplemented current()')
return ''
def checkfor(self, string):
"Check for the given string in the current position."
Trace.error('Unimplemented checkfor()')
return False
def finished(self):
"Find out if the current text has finished."
if self.isout():
if not self.leavepending:
return True
return self.endinglist.checkin(self)
def skipcurrent(self):
"Return the current character and skip it."
Trace.error('Unimplemented skipcurrent()')
return ''
def glob(self, currentcheck):
"Glob a bit of text that satisfies a check on the current char."
glob = ''
while not self.finished() and currentcheck():
glob += self.skipcurrent()
return glob
def globalpha(self):
"Glob a bit of alpha text"
return self.glob(lambda: self.current().isalpha())
def globnumber(self):
"Glob a row of digits."
return self.glob(lambda: self.current().isdigit())
def isidentifier(self):
"Return if the current character is alphanumeric or _."
if self.current().isalnum() or self.current() == '_':
return True
return False
def globidentifier(self):
"Glob alphanumeric and _ symbols."
return self.glob(self.isidentifier)
def isvalue(self):
"Return if the current character is a value character:"
"not a bracket or a space."
if self.current().isspace():
return False
if self.current() in '{}()':
return False
return True
def globvalue(self):
"Glob a value: any symbols but brackets."
return self.glob(self.isvalue)
def skipspace(self):
"Skip all whitespace at current position."
return self.glob(lambda: self.current().isspace())
def globincluding(self, magicchar):
"Glob a bit of text up to (including) the magic char."
glob = self.glob(lambda: self.current() != magicchar) + magicchar
return glob
def globexcluding(self, excluded):
"Glob a bit of text up until (excluding) any excluded character."
return self.glob(lambda: self.current() not in excluded)
def pushending(self, ending, optional = False):
"Push a new ending to the bottom"
self.endinglist.add(ending, optional)
def popending(self, expected = None):
"Pop the ending found at the current position"
if self.isout() and self.leavepending:
return expected
ending = self.endinglist.pop(self)
if expected and expected != ending:
Trace.error('Expected ending ' + expected + ', got ' + ending)
return ending
def nextending(self):
"Return the next ending in the queue."
nextending = self.endinglist.findending(self)
if not nextending:
return None
return nextending.ending
class EndingList(object):
"A list of position endings"
def __init__(self):
self.endings = []
def add(self, ending, optional = False):
"Add a new ending to the list"
self.endings.append(PositionEnding(ending, optional))
def pickpending(self, pos):
"Pick any pending endings from a parse position."
self.endings += pos.endinglist.endings
def checkin(self, pos):
"Search for an ending"
if self.findending(pos):
return True
return False
def pop(self, pos):
"Remove the ending at the current position"
if pos.isout():
Trace.error('No ending out of bounds')
return ''
ending = self.findending(pos)
if not ending:
Trace.error('No ending at ' + pos.current())
return ''
for each in reversed(self.endings):
if each == ending:
return each.ending
elif not each.optional:
Trace.error('Removed non-optional ending ' + each)
Trace.error('No endings left')
return ''
def findending(self, pos):
"Find the ending at the current position"
if len(self.endings) == 0:
return None
for index, ending in enumerate(reversed(self.endings)):
if ending.checkin(pos):
return ending
if not ending.optional:
return None
return None
def checkpending(self):
"Check if there are any pending endings"
if len(self.endings) != 0:
Trace.error('Pending ' + unicode(self) + ' left open')
def __unicode__(self):
"Printable representation"
string = 'endings ['
for ending in self.endings:
string += unicode(ending) + ','
if len(self.endings) > 0:
string = string[:-1]
return string + ']'
class PositionEnding(object):
"An ending for a parsing position"
def __init__(self, ending, optional):
self.ending = ending
self.optional = optional
def checkin(self, pos):
"Check for the ending"
return pos.checkfor(self.ending)
def __unicode__(self):
"Printable representation"
string = 'Ending ' + self.ending
if self.optional:
string += ' (optional)'
return string
class Position(Globable):
"""A position in a text to parse.
Including those in Globable, functions to implement by subclasses are:
skip(), identifier(), extract(), isout() and current()."""
def __init__(self):
def skip(self, string):
"Skip a string"
Trace.error('Unimplemented skip()')
def identifier(self):
"Return an identifier for the current position."
Trace.error('Unimplemented identifier()')
return 'Error'
def extract(self, length):
"Extract the next string of the given length, or None if not enough text,"
"without advancing the parse position."
Trace.error('Unimplemented extract()')
return None
def checkfor(self, string):
"Check for a string at the given position."
return string == self.extract(len(string))
def checkforlower(self, string):
"Check for a string in lower case."
extracted = self.extract(len(string))
if not extracted:
return False
return string.lower() == self.extract(len(string)).lower()
def skipcurrent(self):
"Return the current character and skip it."
current = self.current()
return current
def next(self):
"Advance the position and return the next character."
return self.current()
def checkskip(self, string):
"Check for a string at the given position; if there, skip it"
if not self.checkfor(string):
return False
return True
def error(self, message):
"Show an error message and the position identifier."
Trace.error(message + ': ' + self.identifier())
class TextPosition(Position):
"A parse position based on a raw text."
def __init__(self, text):
"Create the position from elyxer.some text."
self.pos = 0
self.text = text
def skip(self, string):
"Skip a string of characters."
self.pos += len(string)
def identifier(self):
"Return a sample of the remaining text."
length = 30
if self.pos + length > len(self.text):
length = len(self.text) - self.pos
return '*' + self.text[self.pos:self.pos + length] + '*'
def isout(self):
"Find out if we are out of the text yet."
return self.pos >= len(self.text)
def current(self):
"Return the current character, assuming we are not out."
return self.text[self.pos]
def extract(self, length):
"Extract the next string of the given length, or None if not enough text."
if self.pos + length > len(self.text):
return None
return self.text[self.pos : self.pos + length]
class FilePosition(Position):
"A parse position based on an underlying file."
def __init__(self, filename):
"Create the position from a file."
self.reader = LineReader(filename)
self.pos = 0
def skip(self, string):
"Skip a string of characters."
length = len(string)
while self.pos + length > len(self.reader.currentline()):
length -= len(self.reader.currentline()) - self.pos + 1
self.pos += length
def currentline(self):
"Get the current line of the underlying file."
return self.reader.currentline()
def nextline(self):
"Go to the next line."
self.pos = 0
def linenumber(self):
"Return the line number of the file."
return self.reader.linenumber + 1
def identifier(self):
"Return the current line and line number in the file."
before = self.reader.currentline()[:self.pos - 1]
after = self.reader.currentline()[self.pos:]
return 'line ' + unicode(self.getlinenumber()) + ': ' + before + '*' + after
def isout(self):
"Find out if we are out of the text yet."
if self.pos > len(self.reader.currentline()):
if self.pos > len(self.reader.currentline()) + 1:
Trace.error('Out of the line ' + self.reader.currentline() + ': ' + unicode(self.pos))
return self.reader.finished()
def current(self):
"Return the current character, assuming we are not out."
if self.pos == len(self.reader.currentline()):
return '\n'
if self.pos > len(self.reader.currentline()):
Trace.error('Out of the line ' + self.reader.currentline() + ': ' + unicode(self.pos))
return '*'
return self.reader.currentline()[self.pos]
def extract(self, length):
"Extract the next string of the given length, or None if not enough text."
if self.pos + length > len(self.reader.currentline()):
return None
return self.reader.currentline()[self.pos : self.pos + length]
class Container(object):
"A container for text and objects in a lyx file"
partkey = None
parent = None
begin = None
def __init__(self):
self.contents = list()
def process(self):
"Process contents"
def gethtml(self):
"Get the resulting HTML"
html = self.output.gethtml(self)
if isinstance(html, basestring):
Trace.error('Raw string ' + html)
html = [html]
return self.escapeall(html)
def escapeall(self, lines):
"Escape all lines in an array according to the output options."
result = []
for line in lines:
if Options.html:
line = self.escape(line, EscapeConfig.html)
if Options.iso885915:
line = self.escape(line, EscapeConfig.iso885915)
line = self.escapeentities(line)
elif not Options.unicode:
line = self.escape(line, EscapeConfig.nonunicode)
return result
def escape(self, line, replacements = EscapeConfig.entities):
"Escape a line with replacements from elyxer.a map"
pieces = replacements.keys()
# do them in order
for piece in pieces:
if piece in line:
line = line.replace(piece, replacements[piece])
return line
def escapeentities(self, line):
"Escape all Unicode characters to HTML entities."
result = ''
pos = TextPosition(line)
while not pos.finished():
if ord(pos.current()) > 128:
codepoint = hex(ord(pos.current()))
if codepoint == '0xd835':
codepoint = hex(ord(pos.next()) + 0xf800)
result += '' + codepoint[1:] + ';'
result += pos.current()
return result
def searchall(self, type):
"Search for all embedded containers of a given type"
list = []
self.searchprocess(type, lambda container: list.append(container))
return list
def searchremove(self, type):
"Search for all containers of a type and remove them"
list = self.searchall(type)
for container in list:
return list
def searchprocess(self, type, process):
"Search for elements of a given type and process them"
self.locateprocess(lambda container: isinstance(container, type), process)
def locateprocess(self, locate, process):
"Search for all embedded containers and process them"
for container in self.contents:
container.locateprocess(locate, process)
if locate(container):
def recursivesearch(self, locate, recursive, process):
"Perform a recursive search in the container."
for container in self.contents:
if recursive(container):
container.recursivesearch(locate, recursive, process)
if locate(container):
def extracttext(self):
"Extract all text from elyxer.allowed containers."
result = ''
constants = ContainerExtractor(ContainerConfig.extracttext).extract(self)
for constant in constants:
result += constant.string
return result
def group(self, index, group, isingroup):
"Group some adjoining elements into a group"
if index >= len(self.contents):
if hasattr(self.contents[index], 'grouped'):
while index < len(self.contents) and isingroup(self.contents[index]):
self.contents[index].grouped = True
self.contents.insert(index, group)
def remove(self, index):
"Remove a container but leave its contents"
container = self.contents[index]
while len(container.contents) > 0:
self.contents.insert(index, container.contents.pop())
def tree(self, level = 0):
"Show in a tree"
Trace.debug(" " * level + unicode(self))
for container in self.contents:
container.tree(level + 1)
def getparameter(self, name):
"Get the value of a parameter, if present."
if not name in self.parameters:
return None
return self.parameters[name]
def getparameterlist(self, name):
"Get the value of a comma-separated parameter as a list."
paramtext = self.getparameter(name)
if not paramtext:
return []
return paramtext.split(',')
def hasemptyoutput(self):
"Check if the parent's output is empty."
current = self.parent
while current:
if current.output.isempty():
return True
current = current.parent
return False
def __unicode__(self):
"Get a description"
if not self.begin:
return self.__class__.__name__
return self.__class__.__name__ + '@' + unicode(self.begin)
class BlackBox(Container):
"A container that does not output anything"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = LoneCommand()
self.output = EmptyOutput()
self.contents = []
class LyXFormat(BlackBox):
"Read the lyxformat command"
def process(self):
"Show warning if version < 276"
version = int(self.header[1])
if version < 276:
Trace.error('Warning: unsupported old format version ' + str(version))
if version > int(GeneralConfig.version['lyxformat']):
Trace.error('Warning: unsupported new format version ' + str(version))
class StringContainer(Container):
"A container for a single string"
parsed = None
def __init__(self):
self.parser = StringParser()
self.output = StringOutput()
self.string = ''
def process(self):
"Replace special chars from elyxer.the contents."
if self.parsed:
self.string = self.replacespecial(self.parsed)
self.parsed = None
def replacespecial(self, line):
"Replace all special chars from elyxer.a line"
replaced = self.escape(line, EscapeConfig.entities)
replaced = self.changeline(replaced)
if ContainerConfig.string['startcommand'] in replaced and len(replaced) > 1:
# unprocessed commands
if self.begin:
message = 'Unknown command at ' + unicode(self.begin) + ': '
message = 'Unknown command: '
Trace.error(message + replaced.strip())
return replaced
def changeline(self, line):
line = self.escape(line, EscapeConfig.chars)
if not ContainerConfig.string['startcommand'] in line:
return line
line = self.escape(line, EscapeConfig.commands)
return line
def extracttext(self):
"Return all text."
return self.string
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
result = 'StringContainer'
if self.begin:
result += '@' + unicode(self.begin)
ellipsis = '...'
if len(self.string.strip()) <= 15:
ellipsis = ''
return result + ' (' + self.string.strip()[:15] + ellipsis + ')'
class Constant(StringContainer):
"A constant string"
def __init__(self, text):
self.contents = []
self.string = text
self.output = StringOutput()
def __unicode__(self):
return 'Constant: ' + self.string
class TaggedText(Container):
"Text inside a tag"
output = None
def __init__(self):
self.parser = TextParser(self)
self.output = TaggedOutput()
def complete(self, contents, tag, breaklines=False):
"Complete the tagged text and return it"
self.contents = contents
self.output.tag = tag
self.output.breaklines = breaklines
return self
def constant(self, text, tag, breaklines=False):
"Complete the tagged text with a constant"
constant = Constant(text)
return self.complete([constant], tag, breaklines)
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
if not hasattr(self.output, 'tag'):
return 'Emtpy tagged text'
if not self.output.tag:
return 'Tagged '
return 'Tagged <' + self.output.tag + '>'
class DocumentParameters(object):
"Global parameters for the document."
pdftitle = None
indentstandard = False
tocdepth = 10
startinglevel = 0
maxdepth = 10
language = None
bibliography = None
outputchanges = False
displaymode = False
class FormulaParser(Parser):
"Parses a formula"
def parseheader(self, reader):
"See if the formula is inlined"
self.begin = reader.linenumber + 1
type = self.parsetype(reader)
if not type:
type = self.parsetype(reader)
if not type:
Trace.error('Unknown formula type in ' + reader.currentline().strip())
return ['unknown']
return [type]
def parsetype(self, reader):
"Get the formula type from the first line."
if reader.currentline().find(FormulaConfig.starts['simple']) >= 0:
return 'inline'
if reader.currentline().find(FormulaConfig.starts['complex']) >= 0:
return 'block'
if reader.currentline().find(FormulaConfig.starts['unnumbered']) >= 0:
return 'block'
if reader.currentline().find(FormulaConfig.starts['beginbefore']) >= 0:
return 'numbered'
return None
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse the formula until the end"
formula = self.parseformula(reader)
while not reader.currentline().startswith(self.ending):
stripped = reader.currentline().strip()
if len(stripped) > 0:
Trace.error('Unparsed formula line ' + stripped)
return formula
def parseformula(self, reader):
"Parse the formula contents"
simple = FormulaConfig.starts['simple']
if simple in reader.currentline():
rest = reader.currentline().split(simple, 1)[1]
if simple in rest:
# formula is $...$
return self.parsesingleliner(reader, simple, simple)
# formula is multiline $...$
return self.parsemultiliner(reader, simple, simple)
if FormulaConfig.starts['complex'] in reader.currentline():
# formula of the form \[...\]
return self.parsemultiliner(reader, FormulaConfig.starts['complex'],
beginbefore = FormulaConfig.starts['beginbefore']
beginafter = FormulaConfig.starts['beginafter']
if beginbefore in reader.currentline():
if reader.currentline().strip().endswith(beginafter):
current = reader.currentline().strip()
endsplit = current.split(beginbefore)[1].split(beginafter)
startpiece = beginbefore + endsplit[0] + beginafter
endbefore = FormulaConfig.endings['endbefore']
endafter = FormulaConfig.endings['endafter']
endpiece = endbefore + endsplit[0] + endafter
return startpiece + self.parsemultiliner(reader, startpiece, endpiece) + endpiece
Trace.error('Missing ' + beginafter + ' in ' + reader.currentline())
return ''
begincommand = FormulaConfig.starts['command']
beginbracket = FormulaConfig.starts['bracket']
if begincommand in reader.currentline() and beginbracket in reader.currentline():
endbracket = FormulaConfig.endings['bracket']
return self.parsemultiliner(reader, beginbracket, endbracket)
Trace.error('Formula beginning ' + reader.currentline() + ' is unknown')
return ''
def parsesingleliner(self, reader, start, ending):
"Parse a formula in one line"
line = reader.currentline().strip()
if not start in line:
Trace.error('Line ' + line + ' does not contain formula start ' + start)
return ''
if not line.endswith(ending):
Trace.error('Formula ' + line + ' does not end with ' + ending)
return ''
index = line.index(start)
rest = line[index + len(start):-len(ending)]
return rest
def parsemultiliner(self, reader, start, ending):
"Parse a formula in multiple lines"
formula = ''
line = reader.currentline()
if not start in line:
Trace.error('Line ' + line.strip() + ' does not contain formula start ' + start)
return ''
index = line.index(start)
line = line[index + len(start):].strip()
while not line.endswith(ending):
formula += line + '\n'
line = reader.currentline()
formula += line[:-len(ending)]
return formula
class MacroParser(FormulaParser):
"A parser for a formula macro."
def parseheader(self, reader):
"See if the formula is inlined"
self.begin = reader.linenumber + 1
return ['inline']
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse the formula until the end"
formula = self.parsemultiliner(reader, self.parent.start, self.ending)
return formula
class FormulaBit(Container):
"A bit of a formula"
type = None
size = 1
original = ''
def __init__(self):
"The formula bit type can be 'alpha', 'number', 'font'."
self.contents = []
self.output = ContentsOutput()
def setfactory(self, factory):
"Set the internal formula factory."
self.factory = factory
return self
def add(self, bit):
"Add any kind of formula bit already processed"
self.original += bit.original
bit.parent = self
def skiporiginal(self, string, pos):
"Skip a string and add it to the original formula"
self.original += string
if not pos.checkskip(string):
Trace.error('String ' + string + ' not at ' + pos.identifier())
def computesize(self):
"Compute the size of the bit as the max of the sizes of all contents."
if len(self.contents) == 0:
return 1
self.size = max([element.size for element in self.contents])
return self.size
def clone(self):
"Return a copy of itself."
return self.factory.parseformula(self.original)
def __unicode__(self):
"Get a string representation"
return self.__class__.__name__ + ' read in ' + self.original
class TaggedBit(FormulaBit):
"A tagged string in a formula"
def constant(self, constant, tag):
"Set the constant and the tag"
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag(tag)
return self
def complete(self, contents, tag, breaklines = False):
"Set the constant and the tag"
self.contents = contents
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag(tag, breaklines)
return self
def selfcomplete(self, tag):
"Set the self-closing tag, no contents (as in
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag(tag, empty = True)
return self
class FormulaConstant(Constant):
"A constant string in a formula"
def __init__(self, string):
"Set the constant string"
Constant.__init__(self, string)
self.original = string
self.size = 1
self.type = None
def computesize(self):
"Compute the size of the constant: always 1."
return self.size
def clone(self):
"Return a copy of itself."
return FormulaConstant(self.original)
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
return 'Formula constant: ' + self.string
class RawText(FormulaBit):
"A bit of text inside a formula"
def detect(self, pos):
"Detect a bit of raw text"
return pos.current().isalpha()
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse alphabetic text"
alpha = pos.globalpha()
self.type = 'alpha'
class FormulaSymbol(FormulaBit):
"A symbol inside a formula"
modified = FormulaConfig.modified
unmodified = FormulaConfig.unmodified['characters']
def detect(self, pos):
"Detect a symbol"
if pos.current() in FormulaSymbol.unmodified:
return True
if pos.current() in FormulaSymbol.modified:
return True
return False
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the symbol"
if pos.current() in FormulaSymbol.unmodified:
self.addsymbol(pos.current(), pos)
if pos.current() in FormulaSymbol.modified:
self.addsymbol(FormulaSymbol.modified[pos.current()], pos)
Trace.error('Symbol ' + pos.current() + ' not found')
def addsymbol(self, symbol, pos):
"Add a symbol"
self.skiporiginal(pos.current(), pos)
class FormulaNumber(FormulaBit):
"A string of digits in a formula"
def detect(self, pos):
"Detect a digit"
return pos.current().isdigit()
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a bunch of digits"
digits = pos.glob(lambda: pos.current().isdigit())
self.type = 'number'
class Comment(FormulaBit):
"A LaTeX comment: % to the end of the line."
start = FormulaConfig.starts['comment']
def detect(self, pos):
"Detect the %."
return pos.current() == self.start
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse to the end of the line."
self.original += pos.globincluding('\n')
class WhiteSpace(FormulaBit):
"Some white space inside a formula."
def detect(self, pos):
"Detect the white space."
return pos.current().isspace()
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse all whitespace."
self.original += pos.skipspace()
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
return 'Whitespace: *' + self.original + '*'
class Bracket(FormulaBit):
"A {} bracket inside a formula"
start = FormulaConfig.starts['bracket']
ending = FormulaConfig.endings['bracket']
def __init__(self):
"Create a (possibly literal) new bracket"
self.inner = None
def detect(self, pos):
"Detect the start of a bracket"
return pos.checkfor(self.start)
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the bracket"
self.parsecomplete(pos, self.innerformula)
return self
def parsetext(self, pos):
"Parse a text bracket"
self.parsecomplete(pos, self.innertext)
return self
def parseliteral(self, pos):
"Parse a literal bracket"
self.parsecomplete(pos, self.innerliteral)
return self
def parsecomplete(self, pos, innerparser):
"Parse the start and end marks"
if not pos.checkfor(self.start):
Trace.error('Bracket should start with ' + self.start + ' at ' + pos.identifier())
return None
self.skiporiginal(self.start, pos)
self.original += pos.popending(self.ending)
def innerformula(self, pos):
"Parse a whole formula inside the bracket"
while not pos.finished():
def innertext(self, pos):
"Parse some text inside the bracket, following textual rules."
specialchars = FormulaConfig.symbolfunctions.keys()
while not pos.finished():
if pos.current() in specialchars:
if pos.checkskip(' '):
self.original += ' '
def innerliteral(self, pos):
"Parse a literal inside the bracket, which does not generate HTML."
self.literal = ''
while not pos.finished() and not pos.current() == self.ending:
if pos.current() == self.start:
self.literal += pos.skipcurrent()
self.original += self.literal
class SquareBracket(Bracket):
"A [] bracket inside a formula"
start = FormulaConfig.starts['squarebracket']
ending = FormulaConfig.endings['squarebracket']
def clone(self):
"Return a new square bracket with the same contents."
bracket = SquareBracket()
bracket.contents = self.contents
return bracket
class MathsProcessor(object):
"A processor for a maths construction inside the FormulaProcessor."
def process(self, contents, index):
"Process an element inside a formula."
Trace.error('Unimplemented process() in ' + unicode(self))
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable description."
return 'Maths processor ' + self.__class__.__name__
class FormulaProcessor(object):
"A processor specifically for formulas."
processors = []
def process(self, bit):
"Process the contents of every formula bit, recursively."
def processcontents(self, bit):
"Process the contents of a formula bit."
if not isinstance(bit, FormulaBit):
for element in bit.contents:
def processinsides(self, bit):
"Process the insides (limits, brackets) in a formula bit."
if not isinstance(bit, FormulaBit):
for index, element in enumerate(bit.contents):
for processor in self.processors:
processor.process(bit.contents, index)
# continue with recursive processing
def traversewhole(self, formula):
"Traverse over the contents to alter variables and space units."
last = None
for bit, contents in self.traverse(formula):
if bit.type == 'alpha':
self.italicize(bit, contents)
elif bit.type == 'font' and last and last.type == 'number':
bit.contents.insert(0, FormulaConstant(u' '))
last = bit
def traverse(self, bit):
"Traverse a formula and yield a flattened structure of (bit, list) pairs."
for element in bit.contents:
if hasattr(element, 'type') and element.type:
yield (element, bit.contents)
elif isinstance(element, FormulaBit):
for pair in self.traverse(element):
yield pair
def italicize(self, bit, contents):
"Italicize the given bit of text."
index = contents.index(bit)
contents[index] = TaggedBit().complete([bit], 'i')
class Formula(Container):
"A LaTeX formula"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = FormulaParser()
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="formula"')
def process(self):
"Convert the formula to tags"
if self.header[0] == 'inline':
DocumentParameters.displaymode = False
DocumentParameters.displaymode = True
self.output.settag('div class="formula"', True)
if Options.jsmath:
elif Options.mathjax:
elif Options.googlecharts:
def jsmath(self):
"Make the contents for jsMath."
if self.header[0] != 'inline':
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('div class="math"')
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="math"')
self.contents = [Constant(self.parsed)]
def mathjax(self):
"Make the contents for MathJax."
self.output.tag = 'span class="MathJax_Preview"'
tag = 'script type="math/tex'
if self.header[0] != 'inline':
tag += ';mode=display'
self.contents = [TaggedText().constant(self.parsed, tag + '"', True)]
def googlecharts(self):
"Make the contents using Google Charts http://code.google.com/apis/chart/."
url = FormulaConfig.urls['googlecharts'] + urllib.quote_plus(self.parsed)
img = '
self.contents = [Constant(img)]
def classic(self):
"Make the contents using classic output generation with XHTML and CSS."
whole = FormulaFactory().parseformula(self.parsed)
whole.parent = self
self.contents = [whole]
def parse(self, pos):
"Parse using a parse position instead of self.parser."
if pos.checkskip('$$'):
elif pos.checkskip('$'):
elif pos.checkskip('\\('):
self.parseinlineto(pos, '\\)')
elif pos.checkskip('\\['):
self.parseblockto(pos, '\\]')
pos.error('Unparseable formula')
return self
def parsedollarinline(self, pos):
"Parse a $...$ formula."
self.header = ['inline']
def parsedollarblock(self, pos):
"Parse a $$...$$ formula."
self.header = ['block']
if not pos.checkskip('$'):
pos.error('Formula should be $$...$$, but last $ is missing.')
def parsedollar(self, pos):
"Parse to the next $."
self.parsed = pos.globexcluding('$')
def parseinlineto(self, pos, limit):
"Parse a \\(...\\) formula."
self.header = ['inline']
self.parseupto(pos, limit)
def parseblockto(self, pos, limit):
"Parse a \\[...\\] formula."
self.header = ['block']
self.parseupto(pos, limit)
def parseupto(self, pos, limit):
"Parse a formula that ends with the given command."
self.parsed = pos.glob(lambda: True)
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
if self.partkey and self.partkey.number:
return 'Formula (' + self.partkey.number + ')'
return 'Unnumbered formula'
class WholeFormula(FormulaBit):
"Parse a whole formula"
def detect(self, pos):
"Not outside the formula is enough."
return not pos.finished()
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse with any formula bit"
while not pos.finished():
class FormulaFactory(object):
"Construct bits of formula"
# bit types will be appended later
types = [FormulaSymbol, RawText, FormulaNumber, Bracket, Comment, WhiteSpace]
skippedtypes = [Comment, WhiteSpace]
defining = False
def __init__(self):
"Initialize the map of instances."
self.instances = dict()
def detecttype(self, type, pos):
"Detect a bit of a given type."
if pos.finished():
return False
return self.instance(type).detect(pos)
def instance(self, type):
"Get an instance of the given type."
if not type in self.instances or not self.instances[type]:
self.instances[type] = self.create(type)
return self.instances[type]
def create(self, type):
"Create a new formula bit of the given type."
return Cloner.create(type).setfactory(self)
def clearskipped(self, pos):
"Clear any skipped types."
while not pos.finished():
if not self.skipany(pos):
def skipany(self, pos):
"Skip any skipped types."
for type in self.skippedtypes:
if self.instance(type).detect(pos):
return self.parsetype(type, pos)
return None
def parseany(self, pos):
"Parse any formula bit at the current location."
for type in self.types + self.skippedtypes:
if self.detecttype(type, pos):
return self.parsetype(type, pos)
Trace.error('Unrecognized formula at ' + pos.identifier())
return FormulaConstant(pos.skipcurrent())
def parsetype(self, type, pos):
"Parse the given type and return it."
bit = self.instance(type)
self.instances[type] = None
returnedbit = bit.parsebit(pos)
if returnedbit:
return returnedbit.setfactory(self)
return bit
def parseformula(self, formula):
"Parse a string of text that contains a whole formula."
pos = TextPosition(formula)
whole = self.create(WholeFormula)
if whole.detect(pos):
return whole
# no formula found
if not pos.finished():
Trace.error('Unknown formula at: ' + pos.identifier())
whole.add(TaggedBit().constant(formula, 'span class="unknown"'))
return whole
import unicodedata
import gettext
class Translator(object):
"Reads the configuration file and tries to find a translation."
"Otherwise falls back to the messages in the config file."
instance = None
def translate(cls, key):
"Get the translated message for a key."
return cls.instance.getmessage(key)
translate = classmethod(translate)
def __init__(self):
self.translation = None
self.first = True
def findtranslation(self):
"Find the translation for the document language."
self.langcodes = None
if not DocumentParameters.language:
Trace.error('No language in document')
if not DocumentParameters.language in TranslationConfig.languages:
Trace.error('Unknown language ' + DocumentParameters.language)
if TranslationConfig.languages[DocumentParameters.language] == 'en':
langcodes = [TranslationConfig.languages[DocumentParameters.language]]
self.translation = gettext.translation('elyxer', None, langcodes)
except IOError:
Trace.error('No translation for ' + unicode(langcodes))
def getmessage(self, key):
"Get the translated message for the given key."
if self.first:
self.first = False
message = self.getuntranslated(key)
if not self.translation:
return message
message = self.translation.ugettext(message)
except IOError:
return message
def getuntranslated(self, key):
"Get the untranslated message."
if not key in TranslationConfig.constants:
Trace.error('Cannot translate ' + key)
return key
return TranslationConfig.constants[key]
Translator.instance = Translator()
class NumberCounter(object):
"A counter for numbers (by default)."
"The type can be changed to return letters, roman numbers..."
name = None
value = None
mode = None
master = None
symbols = NumberingConfig.sequence['symbols']
romannumerals = [
('M', 1000), ('CM', 900), ('D', 500), ('CD', 400), ('C', 100),
('XC', 90), ('L', 50), ('XL', 40), ('X', 10), ('IX', 9), ('V', 5),
('IV', 4), ('I', 1)
def __init__(self, name):
"Give a name to the counter."
self.name = name
def setmode(self, mode):
"Set the counter mode. Can be changed at runtime."
self.mode = mode
return self
def init(self, value):
"Set an initial value."
self.value = value
def gettext(self):
"Get the next value as a text string."
return unicode(self.value)
def getletter(self):
"Get the next value as a letter."
return self.getsequence(self.letters)
def getsymbol(self):
"Get the next value as a symbol."
return self.getsequence(self.symbols)
def getsequence(self, sequence):
"Get the next value from elyxer.a sequence."
return sequence[(self.value - 1) % len(sequence)]
def getroman(self):
"Get the next value as a roman number."
result = ''
number = self.value
for numeral, value in self.romannumerals:
if number >= value:
result += numeral * (number / value)
number = number % value
return result
def getvalue(self):
"Get the current value as configured in the current mode."
if not self.mode or self.mode in ['text', '1']:
return self.gettext()
if self.mode == 'A':
return self.getletter()
if self.mode == 'a':
return self.getletter().lower()
if self.mode == 'I':
return self.getroman()
if self.mode == '*':
return self.getsymbol()
Trace.error('Unknown counter mode ' + self.mode)
return self.gettext()
def getnext(self):
"Increase the current value and get the next value as configured."
if not self.value:
self.value = 0
self.value += 1
return self.getvalue()
def reset(self):
"Reset the counter."
self.value = 0
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
result = 'Counter ' + self.name
if self.mode:
result += ' in mode ' + self.mode
return result
class DependentCounter(NumberCounter):
"A counter which depends on another one (the master)."
def setmaster(self, master):
"Set the master counter."
self.master = master
self.last = self.master.getvalue()
return self
def getnext(self):
"Increase or, if the master counter has changed, restart."
if self.last != self.master.getvalue():
value = NumberCounter.getnext(self)
self.last = self.master.getvalue()
return value
def getvalue(self):
"Get the value of the combined counter: master.dependent."
return self.master.getvalue() + '.' + NumberCounter.getvalue(self)
class NumberGenerator(object):
"A number generator for unique sequences and hierarchical structures. Used in:"
" * ordered part numbers: Chapter 3, Section 5.3."
" * unique part numbers: Footnote 15, Bibliography cite [15]."
" * chaptered part numbers: Figure 3.15, Equation (8.3)."
" * unique roman part numbers: Part I, Book IV."
chaptered = None
generator = None
romanlayouts = [x.lower() for x in NumberingConfig.layouts['roman']]
orderedlayouts = [x.lower() for x in NumberingConfig.layouts['ordered']]
counters = dict()
appendix = None
def deasterisk(self, type):
"Remove the possible asterisk in a layout type."
return type.replace('*', '')
def isunique(self, type):
"Find out if the layout type corresponds to a unique part."
return self.isroman(type)
def isroman(self, type):
"Find out if the layout type should have roman numeration."
return self.deasterisk(type).lower() in self.romanlayouts
def isinordered(self, type):
"Find out if the layout type corresponds to an (un)ordered part."
return self.deasterisk(type).lower() in self.orderedlayouts
def isnumbered(self, type):
"Find out if the type for a layout corresponds to a numbered layout."
if '*' in type:
return False
if self.isroman(type):
return True
if not self.isinordered(type):
return False
if self.getlevel(type) > DocumentParameters.maxdepth:
return False
return True
def isunordered(self, type):
"Find out if the type contains an asterisk, basically."
return '*' in type
def getlevel(self, type):
"Get the level that corresponds to a layout type."
if self.isunique(type):
return 0
if not self.isinordered(type):
Trace.error('Unknown layout type ' + type)
return 0
type = self.deasterisk(type).lower()
level = self.orderedlayouts.index(type) + 1
return level - DocumentParameters.startinglevel
def getparttype(self, type):
"Obtain the type for the part: without the asterisk, "
"and switched to Appendix if necessary."
if NumberGenerator.appendix and self.getlevel(type) == 1:
return 'Appendix'
return self.deasterisk(type)
def generate(self, type):
"Generate a number for a layout type."
"Unique part types such as Part or Book generate roman numbers: Part I."
"Ordered part types return dot-separated tuples: Chapter 5, Subsection 2.3.5."
"Everything else generates unique numbers: Bibliography [1]."
"Each invocation results in a new number."
return self.getcounter(type).getnext()
def getcounter(self, type):
"Get the counter for the given type."
type = type.lower()
if not type in self.counters:
self.counters[type] = self.create(type)
return self.counters[type]
def create(self, type):
"Create a counter for the given type."
if self.isnumbered(type) and self.getlevel(type) > 1:
index = self.orderedlayouts.index(type)
above = self.orderedlayouts[index - 1]
master = self.getcounter(above)
return self.createdependent(type, master)
counter = NumberCounter(type)
if self.isroman(type):
return counter
def getdependentcounter(self, type, master):
"Get (or create) a counter of the given type that depends on another."
if not type in self.counters or not self.counters[type].master:
self.counters[type] = self.createdependent(type, master)
return self.counters[type]
def createdependent(self, type, master):
"Create a dependent counter given the master."
return DependentCounter(type).setmaster(master)
def startappendix(self):
"Start appendices here."
firsttype = self.orderedlayouts[DocumentParameters.startinglevel]
counter = self.getcounter(firsttype)
NumberGenerator.appendix = True
class ChapteredGenerator(NumberGenerator):
"Generate chaptered numbers, as in Chapter.Number."
"Used in equations, figures: Equation (5.3), figure 8.15."
def generate(self, type):
"Generate a number which goes with first-level numbers (chapters). "
"For the article classes a unique number is generated."
if DocumentParameters.startinglevel > 0:
return NumberGenerator.generator.generate(type)
chapter = self.getcounter('Chapter')
return self.getdependentcounter(type, chapter).getnext()
NumberGenerator.chaptered = ChapteredGenerator()
NumberGenerator.generator = NumberGenerator()
class ContainerSize(object):
"The size of a container."
width = None
height = None
maxwidth = None
maxheight = None
scale = None
def set(self, width = None, height = None):
"Set the proper size with width and height."
self.setvalue('width', width)
self.setvalue('height', height)
return self
def setmax(self, maxwidth = None, maxheight = None):
"Set max width and/or height."
self.setvalue('maxwidth', maxwidth)
self.setvalue('maxheight', maxheight)
return self
def readparameters(self, container):
"Read some size parameters off a container."
self.setparameter(container, 'width')
self.setparameter(container, 'height')
self.setparameter(container, 'scale')
return self
def setparameter(self, container, name):
"Read a size parameter off a container, and set it if present."
value = container.getparameter(name)
self.setvalue(name, value)
def setvalue(self, name, value):
"Set the value of a parameter name, only if it's valid."
value = self.processparameter(value)
if value:
setattr(self, name, value)
def checkvalidheight(self, container):
"Check if the height parameter is valid; otherwise erase it."
heightspecial = container.getparameter('height_special')
if self.height and self.extractnumber(self.height) == '1' and heightspecial == 'totalheight':
self.height = None
def processparameter(self, value):
"Do the full processing on a parameter."
if not value:
return None
if self.extractnumber(value) == '0':
return None
for ignored in StyleConfig.size['ignoredtexts']:
if ignored in value:
value = value.replace(ignored, '')
return value
def extractnumber(self, text):
"Extract the first number in the given text."
result = ''
decimal = False
for char in text:
if char.isdigit():
result += char
elif char == '.' and not decimal:
result += char
decimal = True
return result
return result
def checkimage(self, width, height):
"Check image dimensions, set them if possible."
if width:
self.maxwidth = unicode(width) + 'px'
if self.scale and not self.width:
self.width = self.scalevalue(width)
if height:
self.maxheight = unicode(height) + 'px'
if self.scale and not self.height:
self.height = self.scalevalue(height)
if self.width and not self.height:
self.height = 'auto'
if self.height and not self.width:
self.width = 'auto'
def scalevalue(self, value):
"Scale the value according to the image scale and return it as unicode."
scaled = value * int(self.scale) / 100
return unicode(int(scaled)) + 'px'
def removepercentwidth(self):
"Remove percent width if present, to set it at the figure level."
if not self.width:
return None
if not '%' in self.width:
return None
width = self.width
self.width = None
if self.height == 'auto':
self.height = None
return width
def addstyle(self, container):
"Add the proper style attribute to the output tag."
if not isinstance(container.output, TaggedOutput):
Trace.error('No tag to add style, in ' + unicode(container))
if not self.width and not self.height and not self.maxwidth and not self.maxheight:
# nothing to see here; move along
tag = ' style="'
tag += self.styleparameter('width')
tag += self.styleparameter('maxwidth')
tag += self.styleparameter('height')
tag += self.styleparameter('maxheight')
if tag[-1] == ' ':
tag = tag[:-1]
tag += '"'
container.output.tag += tag
def styleparameter(self, name):
"Get the style for a single parameter."
value = getattr(self, name)
if value:
return name.replace('max', 'max-') + ': ' + value + '; '
return ''
class QuoteContainer(Container):
"A container for a pretty quote"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = BoundedParser()
self.output = FixedOutput()
def process(self):
"Process contents"
self.type = self.header[2]
if not self.type in StyleConfig.quotes:
Trace.error('Quote type ' + self.type + ' not found')
self.html = ['"']
self.html = [StyleConfig.quotes[self.type]]
class LyXLine(Container):
"A Lyx line"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = LoneCommand()
self.output = FixedOutput()
def process(self):
self.html = ['
class EmphaticText(TaggedText):
"Text with emphatic mode"
def process(self):
self.output.tag = 'i'
class ShapedText(TaggedText):
"Text shaped (italic, slanted)"
def process(self):
self.type = self.header[1]
if not self.type in TagConfig.shaped:
Trace.error('Unrecognized shape ' + self.header[1])
self.output.tag = 'span'
self.output.tag = TagConfig.shaped[self.type]
class VersalitasText(TaggedText):
"Text in versalitas"
def process(self):
self.output.tag = 'span class="versalitas"'
class ColorText(TaggedText):
"Colored text"
def process(self):
self.color = self.header[1]
self.output.tag = 'span class="' + self.color + '"'
class SizeText(TaggedText):
"Sized text"
def process(self):
self.size = self.header[1]
self.output.tag = 'span class="' + self.size + '"'
class BoldText(TaggedText):
"Bold text"
def process(self):
self.output.tag = 'b'
class TextFamily(TaggedText):
"A bit of text from elyxer.a different family"
def process(self):
"Parse the type of family"
self.type = self.header[1]
if not self.type in TagConfig.family:
Trace.error('Unrecognized family ' + type)
self.output.tag = 'span'
self.output.tag = TagConfig.family[self.type]
class Hfill(TaggedText):
"Horizontall fill"
def process(self):
self.output.tag = 'span class="hfill"'
class BarredText(TaggedText):
"Text with a bar somewhere"
def process(self):
"Parse the type of bar"
self.type = self.header[1]
if not self.type in TagConfig.barred:
Trace.error('Unknown bar type ' + self.type)
self.output.tag = 'span'
self.output.tag = TagConfig.barred[self.type]
class LangLine(TaggedText):
"A line with language information"
def process(self):
"Only generate a span with lang info when the language is recognized."
lang = self.header[1]
if not lang in TranslationConfig.languages:
self.output = ContentsOutput()
isolang = TranslationConfig.languages[lang]
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span lang="' + isolang + '"', False)
class InsetLength(BlackBox):
"A length measure inside an inset."
def process(self):
self.length = self.header[1]
class Space(Container):
"A space of several types"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = InsetParser()
self.output = FixedOutput()
def process(self):
self.type = self.header[2]
if self.type not in StyleConfig.hspaces:
Trace.error('Unknown space type ' + self.type)
self.html = [' ']
self.html = [StyleConfig.hspaces[self.type]]
length = self.getlength()
if not length:
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="hspace"', False)
def getlength(self):
"Get the space length from elyxer.the contents or parameters."
if len(self.contents) == 0 or not isinstance(self.contents[0], InsetLength):
return None
return self.contents[0].length
class VerticalSpace(Container):
"An inset that contains a vertical space."
def __init__(self):
self.parser = InsetParser()
self.output = FixedOutput()
def process(self):
"Set the correct tag"
self.type = self.header[2]
if self.type not in StyleConfig.vspaces:
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('div class="vspace" style="height: ' + self.type + ';"', True)
self.html = [StyleConfig.vspaces[self.type]]
class Align(Container):
"Bit of aligned text"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = ExcludingParser()
self.output = TaggedOutput().setbreaklines(True)
def process(self):
self.output.tag = 'div class="' + self.header[1] + '"'
class Newline(Container):
"A newline"
def __init__(self):
self.parser = LoneCommand()
self.output = FixedOutput()
def process(self):
"Process contents"
self.html = ['
class NewPage(Newline):
"A new page"
def process(self):
"Process contents"
self.html = ['
class Separator(Container):
"A separator string which is not extracted by extracttext()."
def __init__(self, constant):
self.output = FixedOutput()
self.contents = []
self.html = [constant]
class StrikeOut(TaggedText):
"Striken out text."
def process(self):
"Set the output tag to strike."
self.output.tag = 'strike'
class StartAppendix(BlackBox):
"Mark to start an appendix here."
"From this point on, all chapters become appendices."
def process(self):
"Activate the special numbering scheme for appendices, using letters."
class Link(Container):
"A link to another part of the document"
anchor = None
url = None
type = None
page = None
target = None
destination = None
title = None
def __init__(self):
"Initialize the link, add target if configured."
self.contents = []
self.parser = InsetParser()
self.output = LinkOutput()
if Options.target:
self.target = Options.target
def complete(self, text, anchor = None, url = None, type = None, title = None):
"Complete the link."
self.contents = [Constant(text)]
if anchor:
self.anchor = anchor
if url:
self.url = url
if type:
self.type = type
if title:
self.title = title
return self
def computedestination(self):
"Use the destination link to fill in the destination URL."
if not self.destination:
self.url = ''
if self.destination.anchor:
self.url = '#' + self.destination.anchor
if self.destination.page:
self.url = self.destination.page + self.url
def setmutualdestination(self, destination):
"Set another link as destination, and set its destination to this one."
self.destination = destination
destination.destination = self
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
result = 'Link'
if self.anchor:
result += ' #' + self.anchor
if self.url:
result += ' to ' + self.url
return result
class URL(Link):
"A clickable URL"
def process(self):
"Read URL from elyxer.parameters"
target = self.escape(self.getparameter('target'))
self.url = target
type = self.getparameter('type')
if type:
self.url = self.escape(type) + target
name = self.getparameter('name')
if not name:
name = target
self.contents = [Constant(name)]
class FlexURL(URL):
"A flexible URL"
def process(self):
"Read URL from elyxer.contents"
self.url = self.extracttext()
class LinkOutput(ContainerOutput):
"A link pointing to some destination"
"Or an anchor (destination)"
def gethtml(self, link):
"Get the HTML code for the link"
type = link.__class__.__name__
if link.type:
type = link.type
tag = 'a class="' + type + '"'
if link.anchor:
tag += ' name="' + link.anchor + '"'
if link.destination:
if link.url:
tag += ' href="' + link.url + '"'
if link.target:
tag += ' target="' + link.target + '"'
if link.title:
tag += ' title="' + link.title + '"'
return TaggedOutput().settag(tag).gethtml(link)
class Postprocessor(object):
"Postprocess a container keeping some context"
stages = []
def __init__(self):
self.stages = StageDict(Postprocessor.stages, self)
self.current = None
self.last = None
def postprocess(self, next):
"Postprocess a container and its contents."
result = self.postcurrent(next)
self.last = self.current
self.current = next
return result
def postrecursive(self, container):
"Postprocess the container contents recursively"
if not hasattr(container, 'contents'):
if len(container.contents) == 0:
if hasattr(container, 'postprocess'):
if not container.postprocess:
postprocessor = Postprocessor()
contents = []
for element in container.contents:
post = postprocessor.postprocess(element)
if post:
# two rounds to empty the pipeline
for i in range(2):
post = postprocessor.postprocess(None)
if post:
container.contents = contents
def postcurrent(self, next):
"Postprocess the current element taking into account next and last."
stage = self.stages.getstage(self.current)
if not stage:
return self.current
return stage.postprocess(self.last, self.current, next)
class StageDict(object):
"A dictionary of stages corresponding to classes"
def __init__(self, classes, postprocessor):
"Instantiate an element from elyxer.each class and store as a dictionary"
instances = self.instantiate(classes, postprocessor)
self.stagedict = dict([(x.processedclass, x) for x in instances])
def instantiate(self, classes, postprocessor):
"Instantiate an element from elyxer.each class"
stages = [x.__new__(x) for x in classes]
for element in stages:
element.postprocessor = postprocessor
return stages
def getstage(self, element):
"Get the stage for a given element, if the type is in the dict"
if not element.__class__ in self.stagedict:
return None
return self.stagedict[element.__class__]
class Label(Link):
"A label to be referenced"
names = dict()
lastlayout = None
def __init__(self):
self.lastnumbered = None
def process(self):
"Process a label container."
key = self.getparameter('name')
self.create(' ', key)
self.lastnumbered = Label.lastlayout
def create(self, text, key, type = 'Label'):
"Create the label for a given key."
self.key = key
self.complete(text, anchor = key, type = type)
Label.names[key] = self
if key in Reference.references:
for reference in Reference.references[key]:
reference.destination = self
return self
def findpartkey(self):
"Get the part key for the latest numbered container seen."
numbered = self.numbered(self)
if numbered and numbered.partkey:
return numbered.partkey
return ''
def numbered(self, container):
"Get the numbered container for the label."
if container.partkey:
return container
if not container.parent:
if self.lastnumbered:
return self.lastnumbered
return None
return self.numbered(container.parent)
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
if not hasattr(self, 'key'):
return 'Unnamed label'
return 'Label ' + self.key
class Reference(Link):
"A reference to a label."
references = dict()
key = 'none'
def process(self):
"Read the reference and set the arrow."
self.key = self.getparameter('reference')
if self.key in Label.names:
self.direction = u'↑'
label = Label.names[self.key]
self.direction = u'↓'
label = Label().complete(' ', self.key, 'preref')
self.destination = label
if not self.key in Reference.references:
Reference.references[self.key] = []
def formatcontents(self):
"Format the reference contents."
formatkey = self.getparameter('LatexCommand')
if not formatkey:
formatkey = 'ref'
self.formatted = u'↕'
if formatkey in StyleConfig.referenceformats:
self.formatted = StyleConfig.referenceformats[formatkey]
Trace.error('Unknown reference format ' + formatkey)
self.replace(u'↕', self.direction)
self.replace('#', '1')
self.replace('on-page', Translator.translate('on-page'))
partkey = self.destination.findpartkey()
# only if partkey and partkey.number are not null, send partkey.number
self.replace('@', partkey and partkey.number)
self.replace(u'¶', partkey and partkey.tocentry)
if not '$' in self.formatted or not partkey or not partkey.titlecontents:
# there is a $ left, but it should go away on preprocessing
self.contents = [Constant(self.formatted)]
pieces = self.formatted.split('$')
self.contents = [Constant(pieces[0])]
for piece in pieces[1:]:
self.contents += partkey.titlecontents
def replace(self, key, value):
"Replace a key in the format template with a value."
if not key in self.formatted:
if not value:
value = ''
self.formatted = self.formatted.replace(key, value)
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
return 'Reference ' + self.key
class FormulaCommand(FormulaBit):
"A LaTeX command inside a formula"
types = []
start = FormulaConfig.starts['command']
commandmap = None
def detect(self, pos):
"Find the current command."
return pos.checkfor(FormulaCommand.start)
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the command."
command = self.extractcommand(pos)
bit = self.parsewithcommand(command, pos)
if bit:
return bit
if command.startswith('\\up') or command.startswith('\\Up'):
upgreek = self.parseupgreek(command, pos)
if upgreek:
return upgreek
if not self.factory.defining:
Trace.error('Unknown command ' + command)
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="unknown"')
return None
def parsewithcommand(self, command, pos):
"Parse the command type once we have the command."
for type in FormulaCommand.types:
if command in type.commandmap:
return self.parsecommandtype(command, type, pos)
return None
def parsecommandtype(self, command, type, pos):
"Parse a given command type."
bit = self.factory.create(type)
returned = bit.parsebit(pos)
if returned:
return returned
return bit
def extractcommand(self, pos):
"Extract the command from elyxer.the current position."
if not pos.checkskip(FormulaCommand.start):
pos.error('Missing command start ' + FormulaCommand.start)
if pos.finished():
return self.emptycommand(pos)
if pos.current().isalpha():
# alpha command
command = FormulaCommand.start + pos.globalpha()
# skip mark of short command
return command
# symbol command
return FormulaCommand.start + pos.skipcurrent()
def emptycommand(self, pos):
"""Check for an empty command: look for command disguised as ending.
Special case against '{ \\{ \\} }' situation."""
command = ''
if not pos.isout():
ending = pos.nextending()
if ending and pos.checkskip(ending):
command = ending
return FormulaCommand.start + command
def parseupgreek(self, command, pos):
"Parse the Greek \\up command.."
if len(command) < 4:
return None
if command.startswith('\\up'):
upcommand = '\\' + command[3:]
elif pos.checkskip('\\Up'):
upcommand = '\\' + command[3:4].upper() + command[4:]
Trace.error('Impossible upgreek command: ' + command)
upgreek = self.parsewithcommand(upcommand, pos)
if upgreek:
upgreek.type = 'font'
return upgreek
class CommandBit(FormulaCommand):
"A formula bit that includes a command"
def setcommand(self, command):
"Set the command in the bit"
self.command = command
if self.commandmap:
self.original += command
self.translated = self.commandmap[self.command]
def parseparameter(self, pos):
"Parse a parameter at the current position"
if pos.finished():
return None
parameter = self.factory.parseany(pos)
return parameter
def parsesquare(self, pos):
"Parse a square bracket"
if not self.factory.detecttype(SquareBracket, pos):
return None
bracket = self.factory.parsetype(SquareBracket, pos)
return bracket
def parseliteral(self, pos):
"Parse a literal bracket."
if not self.factory.detecttype(Bracket, pos):
if not pos.isvalue():
Trace.error('No literal parameter found at: ' + pos.identifier())
return None
return pos.globvalue()
bracket = Bracket().setfactory(self.factory)
return bracket.literal
def parsesquareliteral(self, pos):
"Parse a square bracket literally."
if not self.factory.detecttype(SquareBracket, pos):
return None
bracket = SquareBracket().setfactory(self.factory)
return bracket.literal
def parsetext(self, pos):
"Parse a text parameter."
if not self.factory.detecttype(Bracket, pos):
Trace.error('No text parameter for ' + self.command)
return None
bracket = Bracket().setfactory(self.factory).parsetext(pos)
return bracket
class EmptyCommand(CommandBit):
"An empty command (without parameters)"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.commands
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a command without parameters"
self.contents = [FormulaConstant(self.translated)]
class SpacedCommand(CommandBit):
"An empty command which should have math spacing in formulas."
commandmap = FormulaConfig.spacedcommands
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Place as contents the command translated and spaced."
self.contents = [FormulaConstant(u' ' + self.translated + u' ')]
class AlphaCommand(EmptyCommand):
"A command without paramters whose result is alphabetical"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.alphacommands
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the command and set type to alpha"
EmptyCommand.parsebit(self, pos)
self.type = 'alpha'
class OneParamFunction(CommandBit):
"A function of one parameter"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.onefunctions
simplified = False
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a function with one parameter"
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag(self.translated)
def simplifyifpossible(self):
"Try to simplify to a single character."
if self.original in self.commandmap:
self.output = FixedOutput()
self.html = [self.commandmap[self.original]]
self.simplified = True
class SymbolFunction(CommandBit):
"Find a function which is represented by a symbol (like _ or ^)"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.symbolfunctions
def detect(self, pos):
"Find the symbol"
return pos.current() in SymbolFunction.commandmap
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the symbol"
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag(self.translated)
class TextFunction(CommandBit):
"A function where parameters are read as text."
commandmap = FormulaConfig.textfunctions
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a text parameter"
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag(self.translated)
def process(self):
"Set the type to font"
self.type = 'font'
class LabelFunction(CommandBit):
"A function that acts as a label"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.labelfunctions
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a literal parameter"
self.key = self.parseliteral(pos)
def process(self):
"Add an anchor with the label contents."
self.type = 'font'
self.label = Label().create(' ', self.key, type = 'eqnumber')
self.contents = [self.label]
# store as a Label so we know it's been seen
Label.names[self.key] = self.label
class FontFunction(OneParamFunction):
"A function of one parameter that changes the font"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.fontfunctions
def process(self):
"Simplify if possible using a single character."
self.type = 'font'
FormulaFactory.types += [FormulaCommand, SymbolFunction]
FormulaCommand.types = [
AlphaCommand, EmptyCommand, OneParamFunction, FontFunction, LabelFunction,
TextFunction, SpacedCommand,
class BigSymbol(object):
"A big symbol generator."
symbols = FormulaConfig.bigsymbols
def __init__(self, symbol):
"Create the big symbol."
self.symbol = symbol
def getpieces(self):
"Get an array with all pieces."
if not self.symbol in self.symbols:
return [self.symbol]
if self.smalllimit():
return [self.symbol]
return self.symbols[self.symbol]
def smalllimit(self):
"Decide if the limit should be a small, one-line symbol."
if not DocumentParameters.displaymode:
return True
if len(self.symbols[self.symbol]) == 1:
return True
return Options.simplemath
class BigBracket(BigSymbol):
"A big bracket generator."
def __init__(self, size, bracket, alignment='l'):
"Set the size and symbol for the bracket."
self.size = size
self.original = bracket
self.alignment = alignment
self.pieces = None
if bracket in FormulaConfig.bigbrackets:
self.pieces = FormulaConfig.bigbrackets[bracket]
def getpiece(self, index):
"Return the nth piece for the bracket."
function = getattr(self, 'getpiece' + unicode(len(self.pieces)))
return function(index)
def getpiece1(self, index):
"Return the only piece for a single-piece bracket."
return self.pieces[0]
def getpiece3(self, index):
"Get the nth piece for a 3-piece bracket: parenthesis or square bracket."
if index == 0:
return self.pieces[0]
if index == self.size - 1:
return self.pieces[-1]
return self.pieces[1]
def getpiece4(self, index):
"Get the nth piece for a 4-piece bracket: curly bracket."
if index == 0:
return self.pieces[0]
if index == self.size - 1:
return self.pieces[3]
if index == (self.size - 1)/2:
return self.pieces[2]
return self.pieces[1]
def getcell(self, index):
"Get the bracket piece as an array cell."
piece = self.getpiece(index)
span = 'span class="bracket align-' + self.alignment + '"'
return TaggedBit().constant(piece, span)
def getcontents(self):
"Get the bracket as an array or as a single bracket."
if self.size == 1 or not self.pieces:
return self.getsinglebracket()
rows = []
for index in range(self.size):
cell = self.getcell(index)
rows.append(TaggedBit().complete([cell], 'span class="arrayrow"'))
return [TaggedBit().complete(rows, 'span class="array"')]
def getsinglebracket(self):
"Return the bracket as a single sign."
if self.original == '.':
return [TaggedBit().constant('', 'span class="emptydot"')]
return [TaggedBit().constant(self.original, 'span class="symbol"')]
class FormulaEquation(CommandBit):
"A simple numbered equation."
piece = 'equation'
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the array"
self.output = ContentsOutput()
self.add(self.factory.parsetype(WholeFormula, pos))
class FormulaCell(FormulaCommand):
"An array cell inside a row"
def setalignment(self, alignment):
self.alignment = alignment
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="arraycell align-' + alignment +'"', True)
return self
def parsebit(self, pos):
if pos.finished():
self.add(self.factory.parsetype(WholeFormula, pos))
class FormulaRow(FormulaCommand):
"An array row inside an array"
cellseparator = FormulaConfig.array['cellseparator']
def setalignments(self, alignments):
self.alignments = alignments
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="arrayrow"', True)
return self
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a whole row"
index = 0
pos.pushending(self.cellseparator, optional=True)
while not pos.finished():
cell = self.createcell(index)
index += 1
if len(self.contents) == 0:
self.output = EmptyOutput()
def createcell(self, index):
"Create the cell that corresponds to the given index."
alignment = self.alignments[index % len(self.alignments)]
return self.factory.create(FormulaCell).setalignment(alignment)
class MultiRowFormula(CommandBit):
"A formula with multiple rows."
def parserows(self, pos):
"Parse all rows, finish when no more row ends"
self.rows = []
first = True
for row in self.iteraterows(pos):
if first:
first = False
# intersparse empty rows
self.size = len(self.rows)
def iteraterows(self, pos):
"Iterate over all rows, end when no more row ends"
rowseparator = FormulaConfig.array['rowseparator']
while True:
pos.pushending(rowseparator, True)
row = self.factory.create(FormulaRow)
yield row.setalignments(self.alignments)
if pos.checkfor(rowseparator):
self.original += pos.popending(rowseparator)
def addempty(self):
"Add an empty row."
row = self.factory.create(FormulaRow).setalignments(self.alignments)
for index, originalcell in enumerate(self.rows[-1].contents):
cell = row.createcell(index)
cell.add(FormulaConstant(u' '))
def addrow(self, row):
"Add a row to the contents and to the list of rows."
class FormulaArray(MultiRowFormula):
"An array within a formula"
piece = 'array'
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the array"
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="array"', False)
def parsealignments(self, pos):
"Parse the different alignments"
# vertical
self.valign = 'c'
literal = self.parsesquareliteral(pos)
if literal:
self.valign = literal
# horizontal
literal = self.parseliteral(pos)
self.alignments = []
for l in literal:
class FormulaMatrix(MultiRowFormula):
"A matrix (array with center alignment)."
piece = 'matrix'
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the matrix, set alignments to 'c'."
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="array"', False)
self.valign = 'c'
self.alignments = ['c']
class FormulaCases(MultiRowFormula):
"A cases statement"
piece = 'cases'
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the cases"
self.output = ContentsOutput()
self.alignments = ['l', 'l']
for row in self.contents:
for cell in row.contents:
cell.output.settag('span class="case align-l"', True)
cell.contents.append(FormulaConstant(u' '))
array = TaggedBit().complete(self.contents, 'span class="bracketcases"', True)
brace = BigBracket(len(self.contents), '{', 'l')
self.contents = brace.getcontents() + [array]
class EquationEnvironment(MultiRowFormula):
"A \\begin{}...\\end equation environment with rows and cells."
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the whole environment."
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="environment"', False)
environment = self.piece.replace('*', '')
if environment in FormulaConfig.environments:
self.alignments = FormulaConfig.environments[environment]
Trace.error('Unknown equation environment ' + self.piece)
self.alignments = ['l']
class BeginCommand(CommandBit):
"A \\begin{}...\\end command and what it entails (array, cases, aligned)"
commandmap = {FormulaConfig.array['begin']:''}
types = [FormulaEquation, FormulaArray, FormulaCases, FormulaMatrix]
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the begin command"
command = self.parseliteral(pos)
bit = self.findbit(command)
ending = FormulaConfig.array['end'] + '{' + command + '}'
self.original += pos.popending(ending)
self.size = bit.size
def findbit(self, piece):
"Find the command bit corresponding to the \\begin{piece}"
for type in BeginCommand.types:
if piece.replace('*', '') == type.piece:
return self.factory.create(type)
bit = self.factory.create(EquationEnvironment)
bit.piece = piece
return bit
FormulaCommand.types += [BeginCommand]
import datetime
class CombiningFunction(OneParamFunction):
commandmap = FormulaConfig.combiningfunctions
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a combining function."
self.type = 'alpha'
combining = self.translated
parameter = self.parsesingleparameter(pos)
if not parameter:
Trace.error('Empty parameter for combining function ' + self.command)
elif len(parameter.extracttext()) != 1:
Trace.error('Applying combining function ' + self.command + ' to invalid string "' + parameter.extracttext() + '"')
def parsesingleparameter(self, pos):
"Parse a parameter, or a single letter."
if pos.finished():
Trace.error('Error while parsing single parameter at ' + pos.identifier())
return None
if self.factory.detecttype(Bracket, pos) \
or self.factory.detecttype(FormulaCommand, pos):
return self.parseparameter(pos)
letter = FormulaConstant(pos.skipcurrent())
return letter
class DecoratingFunction(OneParamFunction):
"A function that decorates some bit of text"
commandmap = FormulaConfig.decoratingfunctions
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a decorating function"
self.type = 'alpha'
symbol = self.translated
self.symbol = TaggedBit().constant(symbol, 'span class="symbolover"')
self.parameter = self.parseparameter(pos)
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="withsymbol"')
self.contents.insert(0, self.symbol)
self.parameter.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="undersymbol"')
class LimitCommand(EmptyCommand):
"A command which accepts limits above and below, in display mode."
commandmap = FormulaConfig.limitcommands
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a limit command."
pieces = BigSymbol(self.translated).getpieces()
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="limits"')
for piece in pieces:
self.contents.append(TaggedBit().constant(piece, 'span class="limit"'))
class LimitPreviousCommand(LimitCommand):
"A command to limit the previous command."
commandmap = None
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Do nothing."
self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="limits"')
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
return 'Limit previous command'
class LimitsProcessor(MathsProcessor):
"A processor for limits inside an element."
def process(self, contents, index):
"Process the limits for an element."
if Options.simplemath:
if self.checklimits(contents, index):
self.modifylimits(contents, index)
if self.checkscript(contents, index) and self.checkscript(contents, index + 1):
self.modifyscripts(contents, index)
def checklimits(self, contents, index):
"Check if the current position has a limits command."
if not DocumentParameters.displaymode:
return False
if self.checkcommand(contents, index + 1, LimitPreviousCommand):
self.limitsahead(contents, index)
return False
if not isinstance(contents[index], LimitCommand):
return False
return self.checkscript(contents, index + 1)
def limitsahead(self, contents, index):
"Limit the current element based on the next."
contents[index + 1].add(contents[index].clone())
contents[index].output = EmptyOutput()
def modifylimits(self, contents, index):
"Modify a limits commands so that the limits appear above and below."
limited = contents[index]
subscript = self.getlimit(contents, index + 1)
if self.checkscript(contents, index + 1):
superscript = self.getlimit(contents, index + 1)
superscript = TaggedBit().constant(u' ', 'sup class="limit"')
limited.contents.insert(0, superscript)
def getlimit(self, contents, index):
"Get the limit for a limits command."
limit = self.getscript(contents, index)
limit.output.tag = limit.output.tag.replace('script', 'limit')
return limit
def modifyscripts(self, contents, index):
"Modify the super- and subscript to appear vertically aligned."
subscript = self.getscript(contents, index)
# subscript removed so instead of index + 1 we get index again
superscript = self.getscript(contents, index)
scripts = TaggedBit().complete([superscript, subscript], 'span class="scripts"')
contents.insert(index, scripts)
def checkscript(self, contents, index):
"Check if the current element is a sub- or superscript."
return self.checkcommand(contents, index, SymbolFunction)
def checkcommand(self, contents, index, type):
"Check for the given type as the current element."
if len(contents) <= index:
return False
return isinstance(contents[index], type)
def getscript(self, contents, index):
"Get the sub- or superscript."
bit = contents[index]
bit.output.tag += ' class="script"'
del contents[index]
return bit
class BracketCommand(OneParamFunction):
"A command which defines a bracket."
commandmap = FormulaConfig.bracketcommands
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the bracket."
OneParamFunction.parsebit(self, pos)
def create(self, direction, character):
"Create the bracket for the given character."
self.original = character
self.command = '\\' + direction
self.contents = [FormulaConstant(character)]
return self
class BracketProcessor(MathsProcessor):
"A processor for bracket commands."
def process(self, contents, index):
"Convert the bracket using Unicode pieces, if possible."
if Options.simplemath:
if self.checkleft(contents, index):
return self.processleft(contents, index)
def processleft(self, contents, index):
"Process a left bracket."
rightindex = self.findright(contents, index + 1)
if not rightindex:
size = self.findmax(contents, index, rightindex)
self.resize(contents[index], size)
self.resize(contents[rightindex], size)
def checkleft(self, contents, index):
"Check if the command at the given index is left."
return self.checkdirection(contents[index], '\\left')
def checkright(self, contents, index):
"Check if the command at the given index is right."
return self.checkdirection(contents[index], '\\right')
def checkdirection(self, bit, command):
"Check if the given bit is the desired bracket command."
if not isinstance(bit, BracketCommand):
return False
return bit.command == command
def findright(self, contents, index):
"Find the right bracket starting at the given index, or 0."
depth = 1
while index < len(contents):
if self.checkleft(contents, index):
depth += 1
if self.checkright(contents, index):
depth -= 1
if depth == 0:
return index
index += 1
return None
def findmax(self, contents, leftindex, rightindex):
"Find the max size of the contents between the two given indices."
sliced = contents[leftindex:rightindex]
return max([element.size for element in sliced])
def resize(self, command, size):
"Resize a bracket command to the given size."
character = command.extracttext()
alignment = command.command.replace('\\', '')
bracket = BigBracket(size, character, alignment)
command.output = ContentsOutput()
command.contents = bracket.getcontents()
class TodayCommand(EmptyCommand):
"Shows today's date."
commandmap = None
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a command without parameters"
self.output = FixedOutput()
self.html = [datetime.date.today().strftime('%b %d, %Y')]
FormulaCommand.types += [
DecoratingFunction, CombiningFunction, LimitCommand, BracketCommand,
FormulaProcessor.processors += [
LimitsProcessor(), BracketProcessor(),
class ParameterDefinition(object):
"The definition of a parameter in a hybrid function."
"[] parameters are optional, {} parameters are mandatory."
"Each parameter has a one-character name, like {$1} or {$p}."
"A parameter that ends in ! like {$p!} is a literal."
"Example: [$1]{$p!} reads an optional parameter $1 and a literal mandatory parameter p."
parambrackets = [('[', ']'), ('{', '}')]
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.literal = False
self.optional = False
self.value = None
self.literalvalue = None
def parse(self, pos):
"Parse a parameter definition: [$0], {$x}, {$1!}..."
for (opening, closing) in ParameterDefinition.parambrackets:
if pos.checkskip(opening):
if opening == '[':
self.optional = True
if not pos.checkskip('$'):
Trace.error('Wrong parameter name, did you mean $' + pos.current() + '?')
return None
self.name = pos.skipcurrent()
if pos.checkskip('!'):
self.literal = True
if not pos.checkskip(closing):
Trace.error('Wrong parameter closing ' + pos.skipcurrent())
return None
return self
Trace.error('Wrong character in parameter template: ' + pos.skipcurrent())
return None
def read(self, pos, function):
"Read the parameter itself using the definition."
if self.literal:
if self.optional:
self.literalvalue = function.parsesquareliteral(pos)
self.literalvalue = function.parseliteral(pos)
if self.literalvalue:
self.value = FormulaConstant(self.literalvalue)
elif self.optional:
self.value = function.parsesquare(pos)
self.value = function.parseparameter(pos)
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
result = 'param ' + self.name
if self.value:
result += ': ' + unicode(self.value)
result += ' (empty)'
return result
class ParameterFunction(CommandBit):
"A function with a variable number of parameters defined in a template."
"The parameters are defined as a parameter definition."
def readparams(self, readtemplate, pos):
"Read the params according to the template."
self.params = dict()
for paramdef in self.paramdefs(readtemplate):
paramdef.read(pos, self)
self.params['$' + paramdef.name] = paramdef
def paramdefs(self, readtemplate):
"Read each param definition in the template"
pos = TextPosition(readtemplate)
while not pos.finished():
paramdef = ParameterDefinition().parse(pos)
if paramdef:
yield paramdef
def getparam(self, name):
"Get a parameter as parsed."
if not name in self.params:
return None
return self.params[name]
def getvalue(self, name):
"Get the value of a parameter."
return self.getparam(name).value
def getliteralvalue(self, name):
"Get the literal value of a parameter."
param = self.getparam(name)
if not param or not param.literalvalue:
return None
return param.literalvalue
class HybridFunction(ParameterFunction):
A parameter function where the output is also defined using a template.
The template can use a number of functions; each function has an associated
Example: [f0{$1},span class="fbox"] defines a function f0 which corresponds
to a span of class fbox, yielding $1.
Literal parameters can be used in tags definitions:
[f0{$1},span style="color: $p;"]
yields $1, where $p is a literal parameter.
Sizes can be specified in hybridsizes, e.g. adding parameter sizes. By
default the resulting size is the max of all arguments. Sizes are used
to generate the right parameters.
A function followed by a single / is output as a self-closing XHTML tag:
will generate
commandmap = FormulaConfig.hybridfunctions
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a function with [] and {} parameters"
readtemplate = self.translated[0]
writetemplate = self.translated[1]
self.readparams(readtemplate, pos)
self.contents = self.writeparams(writetemplate)
def writeparams(self, writetemplate):
"Write all params according to the template"
return self.writepos(TextPosition(writetemplate))
def writepos(self, pos):
"Write all params as read in the parse position."
result = []
while not pos.finished():
if pos.checkskip('$'):
param = self.writeparam(pos)
if param:
elif pos.checkskip('f'):
function = self.writefunction(pos)
if function:
function.type = None
elif pos.checkskip('('):
result.append(self.writebracket('left', '('))
elif pos.checkskip(')'):
result.append(self.writebracket('right', ')'))
return result
def writeparam(self, pos):
"Write a single param of the form $0, $x..."
name = '$' + pos.skipcurrent()
if not name in self.params:
Trace.error('Unknown parameter ' + name)
return None
if not self.params[name]:
return None
if pos.checkskip('.'):
self.params[name].value.type = pos.globalpha()
return self.params[name].value
def writefunction(self, pos):
"Write a single function f0,...,fn."
tag = self.readtag(pos)
if not tag:
return None
if pos.checkskip('/'):
# self-closing XHTML tag, such as
return TaggedBit().selfcomplete(tag)
if not pos.checkskip('{'):
Trace.error('Function should be defined in {}')
return None
contents = self.writepos(pos)
if len(contents) == 0:
return None
return TaggedBit().complete(contents, tag)
def readtag(self, pos):
"Get the tag corresponding to the given index. Does parameter substitution."
if not pos.current().isdigit():
Trace.error('Function should be f0,...,f9: f' + pos.current())
return None
index = int(pos.skipcurrent())
if 2 + index > len(self.translated):
Trace.error('Function f' + unicode(index) + ' is not defined')
return None
tag = self.translated[2 + index]
if not '$' in tag:
return tag
for variable in self.params:
if variable in tag:
param = self.params[variable]
if not param.literal:
Trace.error('Parameters in tag ' + tag + ' should be literal: {' + variable + '!}')
if param.literalvalue:
value = param.literalvalue
value = ''
tag = tag.replace(variable, value)
return tag
def writebracket(self, direction, character):
"Return a new bracket looking at the given direction."
return self.factory.create(BracketCommand).create(direction, character)
def computehybridsize(self):
"Compute the size of the hybrid function."
if not self.command in HybridSize.configsizes:
self.size = HybridSize().getsize(self)
# set the size in all elements at first level
for element in self.contents:
element.size = self.size
class HybridSize(object):
"The size associated with a hybrid function."
configsizes = FormulaConfig.hybridsizes
def getsize(self, function):
"Read the size for a function and parse it."
sizestring = self.configsizes[function.command]
for name in function.params:
if name in sizestring:
size = function.params[name].value.computesize()
sizestring = sizestring.replace(name, unicode(size))
if '$' in sizestring:
Trace.error('Unconverted variable in hybrid size: ' + sizestring)
return 1
return eval(sizestring)
FormulaCommand.types += [HybridFunction]
class HeaderParser(Parser):
"Parses the LyX header"
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse header parameters into a dictionary, return the preamble."
contents = []
self.parseending(reader, lambda: self.parseline(reader, contents))
# skip last line
return contents
def parseline(self, reader, contents):
"Parse a single line as a parameter or as a start"
line = reader.currentline()
if line.startswith(HeaderConfig.parameters['branch']):
elif line.startswith(HeaderConfig.parameters['lstset']):
elif line.startswith(HeaderConfig.parameters['beginpreamble']):
# no match
def parsebranch(self, reader):
"Parse all branch definitions."
branch = reader.currentline().split()[1]
subparser = HeaderParser().complete(HeaderConfig.parameters['endbranch'])
options = BranchOptions(branch)
for key in subparser.parameters:
options.set(key, subparser.parameters[key])
Options.branches[branch] = options
def complete(self, ending):
"Complete the parser with the given ending."
self.ending = ending
return self
class PreambleParser(Parser):
"A parser for the LyX preamble."
preamble = []
def parse(self, reader):
"Parse the full preamble with all statements."
self.ending = HeaderConfig.parameters['endpreamble']
self.parseending(reader, lambda: self.parsepreambleline(reader))
return []
def parsepreambleline(self, reader):
"Parse a single preamble line."
class LstParser(object):
"Parse global and local lstparams."
globalparams = dict()
def parselstset(self, reader):
"Parse a declaration of lstparams in lstset."
paramtext = self.extractlstset(reader)
if not '{' in paramtext:
Trace.error('Missing opening bracket in lstset: ' + paramtext)
lefttext = paramtext.split('{')[1]
croppedtext = lefttext[:-1]
LstParser.globalparams = self.parselstparams(croppedtext)
def extractlstset(self, reader):
"Extract the global lstset parameters."
paramtext = ''
while not reader.finished():
paramtext += reader.currentline()
if paramtext.endswith('}'):
return paramtext
Trace.error('Could not find end of \\lstset settings; aborting')
def parsecontainer(self, container):
"Parse some lstparams from elyxer.a container."
container.lstparams = LstParser.globalparams.copy()
paramlist = container.getparameterlist('lstparams')
def parselstparams(self, paramlist):
"Process a number of lstparams from elyxer.a list."
paramdict = dict()
for param in paramlist:
if not '=' in param:
if len(param.strip()) > 0:
Trace.error('Invalid listing parameter ' + param)
key, value = param.split('=', 1)
paramdict[key] = value
return paramdict
class MacroDefinition(CommandBit):
"A function that defines a new command (a macro)."
macros = dict()
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the function that defines the macro."
self.output = EmptyOutput()
self.parameternumber = 0
self.defaults = []
self.factory.defining = True
self.factory.defining = False
Trace.debug('New command ' + self.newcommand + ' (' + \
unicode(self.parameternumber) + ' parameters)')
self.macros[self.newcommand] = self
def parseparameters(self, pos):
"Parse all optional parameters (number of parameters, default values)"
"and the mandatory definition."
self.newcommand = self.parsenewcommand(pos)
# parse number of parameters
literal = self.parsesquareliteral(pos)
if literal:
self.parameternumber = int(literal)
# parse all default values
bracket = self.parsesquare(pos)
while bracket:
bracket = self.parsesquare(pos)
# parse mandatory definition
self.definition = self.parseparameter(pos)
def parsenewcommand(self, pos):
"Parse the name of the new command."
if self.factory.detecttype(Bracket, pos):
return self.parseliteral(pos)
if self.factory.detecttype(FormulaCommand, pos):
return self.factory.create(FormulaCommand).extractcommand(pos)
Trace.error('Unknown formula bit in defining function at ' + pos.identifier())
return 'unknown'
def instantiate(self):
"Return an instance of the macro."
return self.definition.clone()
class MacroParameter(FormulaBit):
"A parameter from elyxer.a macro."
def detect(self, pos):
"Find a macro parameter: #n."
return pos.checkfor('#')
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse the parameter: #n."
if not pos.checkskip('#'):
Trace.error('Missing parameter start #.')
self.number = int(pos.skipcurrent())
self.original = '#' + unicode(self.number)
self.contents = [TaggedBit().constant('#' + unicode(self.number), 'span class="unknown"')]
class MacroFunction(CommandBit):
"A function that was defined using a macro."
commandmap = MacroDefinition.macros
def parsebit(self, pos):
"Parse a number of input parameters."
self.output = FilteredOutput()
self.values = []
macro = self.translated
self.parseparameters(pos, macro)
def parseparameters(self, pos, macro):
"Parse as many parameters as are needed."
self.parseoptional(pos, list(macro.defaults))
self.parsemandatory(pos, macro.parameternumber - len(macro.defaults))
if len(self.values) < macro.parameternumber:
Trace.error('Missing parameters in macro ' + unicode(self))
def parseoptional(self, pos, defaults):
"Parse optional parameters."
optional = []
while self.factory.detecttype(SquareBracket, pos):
if len(optional) > len(defaults):
for value in optional:
default = defaults.pop()
if len(value.contents) > 0:
self.values += defaults
def parsemandatory(self, pos, number):
"Parse a number of mandatory parameters."
for index in range(number):
parameter = self.parsemacroparameter(pos, number - index)
if not parameter:
def parsemacroparameter(self, pos, remaining):
"Parse a macro parameter. Could be a bracket or a single letter."
"If there are just two values remaining and there is a running number,"
"parse as two separater numbers."
if pos.finished():
return None
if self.factory.detecttype(FormulaNumber, pos):
return self.parsenumbers(pos, remaining)
return self.parseparameter(pos)
def parsenumbers(self, pos, remaining):
"Parse the remaining parameters as a running number."
"For example, 12 would be {1}{2}."
number = self.factory.parsetype(FormulaNumber, pos)
if not len(number.original) == remaining:
return number
for digit in number.original:
value = self.factory.create(FormulaNumber)
value.type = number
return None
def completemacro(self, macro):
"Complete the macro with the parameters read."
self.contents = [macro.instantiate()]
replaced = [False] * len(self.values)
for parameter in self.searchall(MacroParameter):
index = parameter.number - 1
if index >= len(self.values):
Trace.error('Macro parameter index out of bounds: ' + unicode(index))
replaced[index] = True
parameter.contents = [self.values[index].clone()]
for index in range(len(self.values)):
if not replaced[index]:
self.addfilter(index, self.values[index])
def addfilter(self, index, value):
"Add a filter for the given parameter number and parameter value."
original = '#' + unicode(index + 1)
value = ''.join(self.values[0].gethtml())
self.output.addfilter(original, value)
class FormulaMacro(Formula):
"A math macro defined in an inset."
def __init__(self):
self.parser = MacroParser()
self.output = EmptyOutput()
def __unicode__(self):
"Return a printable representation."
return 'Math macro'
FormulaFactory.types += [ MacroParameter ]
FormulaCommand.types += [
def math2html(formula):
"Convert some TeX math to HTML."
factory = FormulaFactory()
whole = factory.parseformula(formula)
return ''.join(whole.gethtml())
def main():
"Main function, called if invoked from elyxer.the command line"
args = sys.argv
if len(args) != 1:
Trace.error('Usage: math2html.py escaped_string')
result = math2html(args[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':