#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # :Id: $Id: tex2mathml_extern.py 7861 2015-04-10 23:48:51Z milde $ # :Copyright: © 2015 Günter Milde. # :License: Released under the terms of the `2-Clause BSD license`_, in short: # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. # This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. # # .. _2-Clause BSD license: http://www.spdx.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause # Wrappers for TeX->MathML conversion by external tools # ===================================================== import subprocess document_template = r"""\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} %s \end{document} """ def latexml(math_code, reporter=None): """Convert LaTeX math code to MathML with LaTeXML_ .. _LaTeXML: http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ """ p = subprocess.Popen(['latexml', '-', # read from stdin # '--preload=amsmath', '--inputencoding=utf8', ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) p.stdin.write((document_template % math_code).encode('utf8')) p.stdin.close() latexml_code = p.stdout.read() latexml_err = p.stderr.read().decode('utf8') if reporter and latexml_err.find('Error') >= 0 or not latexml_code: reporter.error(latexml_err) post_p = subprocess.Popen(['latexmlpost', '-', '--nonumbersections', '--format=xhtml', # '--linelength=78', # experimental '--' ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) post_p.stdin.write(latexml_code) post_p.stdin.close() result = post_p.stdout.read().decode('utf8') post_p_err = post_p.stderr.read().decode('utf8') if reporter and post_p_err.find('Error') >= 0 or not result: reporter.error(post_p_err) # extract MathML code: start,end = result.find('')+7 result = result[start:end] if 'class="ltx_ERROR' in result: raise SyntaxError(result) return result def ttm(math_code, reporter=None): """Convert LaTeX math code to MathML with TtM_ .. _TtM: http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/mml/ """ p = subprocess.Popen(['ttm', # '-i', # italic font for equations. Default roman. '-u', # unicode character encoding. (Default iso-8859-1). '-r', # output raw MathML (no preamble or postlude) ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) p.stdin.write((document_template % math_code).encode('utf8')) p.stdin.close() result = p.stdout.read() err = p.stderr.read().decode('utf8') if err.find('**** Unknown') >= 0: msg = '\n'.join([line for line in err.splitlines() if line.startswith('****')]) raise SyntaxError('\nMessage from external converter TtM:\n'+ msg) if reporter and err.find('**** Error') >= 0 or not result: reporter.error(err) start,end = result.find('')+7 result = result[start:end] return result def blahtexml(math_code, inline=True, reporter=None): """Convert LaTeX math code to MathML with blahtexml_ .. _blahtexml: http://gva.noekeon.org/blahtexml/ """ options = ['--mathml', '--indented', '--spacing', 'moderate', '--mathml-encoding', 'raw', '--other-encoding', 'raw', '--doctype-xhtml+mathml', '--annotate-TeX', ] if inline: mathmode_arg = '' else: mathmode_arg = 'mode="display"' options.append('--displaymath') p = subprocess.Popen(['blahtexml']+options, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) p.stdin.write(math_code.encode('utf8')) p.stdin.close() result = p.stdout.read().decode('utf8') err = p.stderr.read().decode('utf8') print err if result.find('') >= 0: raise SyntaxError('\nMessage from external converter blahtexml:\n' +result[result.find('')+9:result.find('')]) if reporter and (err.find('**** Error') >= 0 or not result): reporter.error(err) start,end = result.find('')+9, result.find('') result = ('\n' '%s\n') % (mathmode_arg, result[start:end]) return result # self-test if __name__ == "__main__": example = ur'\frac{\partial \sin^2(\alpha)}{\partial \vec r} \varpi \, \text{Grüße}' # print latexml(example).encode('utf8') # print ttm(example)#.encode('utf8') print blahtexml(example).encode('utf8')