--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: ServiceCatalog Resource provisioning template for Serverless application (fdp-1p5rtpgld) Parameters: ProductId: Type: String ProvisioningArtifactName: Type: String Description: The product's version name Default: v1.0 LambdaName: Type: String LambdaStage: Type: String Description: test, dev, prod, ... S3Bucket: Type: String S3Key: Type: String Description: The full key of the lambda package path in S3 without the bucket name. Handler: Type: String Default: wsgi.handler Runtime: Type: String Default: python3.8 AllowedValues: - nodejs12.x - nodejs14.x - java8 - java11 - python2.7 - python3.8 - python3.7 - python3.6 - dotnetcore2.1 - go1.x - ruby2.5 MemorySize: Type: Number Default: 1024 Timeout: Type: Number Default: 5 Resources: SCprovisionServerless: Type: AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct Properties: ProvisioningParameters: - Key: S3Bucket Value: Ref: S3Bucket - Key: S3Key Value: Ref: S3Key - Key: LambdaName Value: Ref: LambdaName - Key: LambdaStage Value: Ref: LambdaStage - Key: Handler Value: Ref: Handler - Key: Runtime Value: Ref: Runtime - Key: MemorySize Value: Ref: MemorySize - Key: Timeout Value: Ref: Timeout ProductId: Ref: ProductId ProvisionedProductName: Fn::Sub: provisionServerless-${LambdaName} Outputs: CloudformationStackArn: Description: The Cloudformation stack that was created for the product Value: Fn::GetAtt: - SCprovisionServerless - CloudformationStackArn ProvisionedProductID: Description: Provisioned product ID Value: Ref: SCprovisionServerless