Metadata: License: Apache-2.0 Description: "This template launches and configures all of the terraform reference architecture’s resources without the need for manual intervention. This template generates a TerraformLaunchLambda, TerraformLaunchRole and TerraformResourceCreationRole roles, and a TerraformLaunchGroup to provision Terraform products. This template also generates an AutoScalingGroup with a Terraform Wrapper Server instance that is configured to receive and execute Terraform commands. (fdp-1pahse215)" Parameters: Vpc: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The VPC to use for the TerraformWrapperServer. A VPC will be created if this parameter is left empty. Subnet: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The subnet to use for the TerraformWrapperServer. A subnet will be created if this parameter is left empty. UsePrivateSubnet: Type: String AllowedValues: ["true", "false"] Default: "true" Description: Create a private subnet for the TerraformWrapperServer to prevent the internet from initiating connections to the instances. This parameter is ignored if the Vpc parameter is non-empty. UseDedicatedInstance: Type: String AllowedValues: ["true", "false"] Default: "false" Description: Use a dedicated instance for the TerraformWrapperServer. Dedicated instance is more secure, but has added cost. SshAccessKeyName: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The name of the EC2 key pair to use for authorizing access to the Terraform Wrapper Server. SshInboundIpRange: Type: String MinLength: 9 MaxLength: 18 Default: AllowedPattern: "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})" ConstraintDescription: 'must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x.' Description : (Optional) The IP address range that can be used to SSH to the TerraformWrapperServer BucketEncryptionKeyId: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The name of the KMS key to use for the ServerSideEncryption of Terraform-related S3 buckets. By default an S3 managed key is used. TerraformVersion: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The version of the terraform binary to use (ex. 1.0.10). By default, the latest version will be used. WrapperScriptBucket: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The name of the S3 bucket containing the script that will be used by the Terraform Wrapper Server to download Terraform configurations and apply tags to resources. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. WrapperScriptKey: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The key of the S3 object containing the script that will be used by the Terraform Wrapper Server to download Terraform configurations and apply tags to resources. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. LambdaJarBucket: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The name of the S3 bucket containing the code for the terraform command handler lambda function that sends commands to the TerraformWrapperServer. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. LambdaJarKey: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The key of the S3 object containing the code for the terraform command handler lambda function that sends commands to the TerraformWrapperServer. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. SshIdentitySecret: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The Id of the SecretString containing the private RSA key that should be used for the Terraform Wrapper Server's SSH identity file. For details about how to generate a SecretString, see SshKnownHostsSecret: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The Id of the SecretString containing the hashed known_hosts file that should be used by the TerraformWrapperServer. For details about how to generate a SecretString, see SshSecretEncryptionKey: Type: String Default: "" Description: (Optional) The Id of the customer master key used to encrypt your SshIdentitySecret and SshKnownHostsSecret. If your account's default encryption key was used, this parameter should not be specified. WrapperServerCount: Type: Number Default: 1 MinValue: 1 MaxValue: 20 Description: (Optional) The number of wrapper server instances to create. TerraformFulfillmentServerTemplateUrl: Type: String Default: '' Description: (Optional) The URL of a template that specifies the terraform-fulfillment-server.yaml template that generates an AutoScalingGroup with a Terraform Wrapper Server instance that is configured to receive and execute Terraform commands. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. TerraformSpokePrincipalsTemplateUrl: Type: String Default: '' Description: (Optional) The URL of a template that specifies the terraform-spoke-principals.yaml template that generates TerraformLaunchRole and TerraformResourceCreationRole roles, and a TerraformLaunchGroup to provision Terraform products. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. TerraformLaunchLambdaTemplateUrl: Type: String Default: '' Description: (Optional) The URL of a template that specifies the terraform-launch-lambda.yaml template that generates a TerraformLaunchLambda is used to append send commands to the fulfillment hub account. Defaults to the S3 location of the reference implementation provided by Service Catalog. Conditions: defaultffurl: !Equals [!Ref TerraformFulfillmentServerTemplateUrl, ""] defaultspurl: !Equals [!Ref TerraformSpokePrincipalsTemplateUrl, ""] defaultllurl: !Equals [!Ref TerraformLaunchLambdaTemplateUrl, ""] Resources: TerraformFulfillmentServer: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: Parameters: Vpc: !Ref Vpc Subnet: !Ref Subnet UsePrivateSubnet: !Ref UsePrivateSubnet UseDedicatedInstance: !Ref UseDedicatedInstance SshAccessKeyName: !Ref SshAccessKeyName SshInboundIpRange: !Ref SshInboundIpRange BucketEncryptionKeyId: !Ref BucketEncryptionKeyId TerraformVersion: !Ref TerraformVersion WrapperScriptBucket: !Ref WrapperScriptBucket WrapperScriptKey: !Ref WrapperScriptKey LambdaJarBucket: !Ref LambdaJarBucket LambdaJarKey: !Ref LambdaJarKey SshIdentitySecret: !Ref SshIdentitySecret SshKnownHostsSecret: !Ref SshKnownHostsSecret SshSecretEncryptionKey: !Ref SshSecretEncryptionKey WrapperServerCount: !Ref WrapperServerCount TemplateURL: !If - defaultffurl - !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}/TerraformScripts/cloudformation-templates/terraform-fulfillment-server.yaml" - !Ref TerraformFulfillmentServerTemplateUrl TerraformSpokePrincipals: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: TerraformFulfillmentServer Properties: Parameters: FulfillmentHubAccountId: !Ref AWS::AccountId FulfillmentRegion: !Ref AWS::Region TemplateURL: !If - defaultspurl - !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}/TerraformScripts/cloudformation-templates/terraform-spoke-principals.yaml" - !Ref TerraformSpokePrincipalsTemplateUrl TerraformLaunchLambda: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: [TerraformFulfillmentServer,TerraformSpokePrincipals] Properties: Parameters: FulfillmentHubAccountId: !Ref AWS::AccountId LambdaJarBucket: !Ref LambdaJarBucket LambdaJarKey: !Ref LambdaJarKey FulfillmentRegion: !Ref AWS::Region TemplateURL: !If - defaultllurl - !Sub "${AWS::AccountId}/TerraformScripts/cloudformation-templates/terraform-launch-lambda.yaml" - !Ref TerraformLaunchLambdaTemplateUrl TerraformSNSPolicy: Type: AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy DependsOn: [TerraformFulfillmentServer,TerraformSpokePrincipals,TerraformLaunchLambda] Properties: Topics: - !GetAtt TerraformFulfillmentServer.Outputs.TerraformLambdaSnsTopic PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Id: '__default_policy_ID' Statement: - Sid: TerraformCommandStatement Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: !GetAtt TerraformSpokePrincipals.Outputs.TerraformLaunchLambdaRoleArn Action: 'SNS:Publish' Resource: !GetAtt TerraformFulfillmentServer.Outputs.TerraformLambdaSnsTopic