# Define this so we don't resolve to the wrong setuptools 'test' entrypoint when # invoking brazil-build test. [aliases] test=brazil_test # Configuration for pytest; enable coverage for sc_terraform_wrapper, emit # XML, HTML, and terminal reports. [tool:pytest] addopts = --verbose --ignore=build/private --doctest-modules --cov sc_terraform_wrapper --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html:build/brazil-documentation/coverage --cov-report xml:build/brazil-documentation/coverage/coverage.xml # Uncomment to enforce a minimum code coverage threshold. # --cov-fail-under 50 test # Additional coverage.py settings. The parallel flag and source values are # necessary so that pytest-cov knows to alias the brazil build artifact absolute # paths to the relative ones from your package source. [coverage:run] branch = true parallel = true [coverage:paths] source = src/ build/lib/*/site-packages/ [coverage:html] directory = build/brazil-documentation/coverage [coverage:xml] output = build/brazil-documentation/coverage/coverage.xml