using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Amazon.DynamoDb.Wrapper.Interfaces
/// Interface to provide DynamoDB Operations. This uses object persistence model that enables you to map your client-side classes to Amazon DynamoDB tables
public interface IDynamoDBGenericRepository where TEntity : class
/// Retrieves an item from a table. It uses the primary key made up of Partition key
///The method requires only the primary key of the item you want to retrieve.
/// partitionKey of the item to be retrieved
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns the entity retrieved from Amazon DynamoDB
Task GetByPrimaryKeyAsync(object partitionKey);
/// Retrieves an item from a table. It uses the primary key made up of Partition key and sort key
///The method requires only the primary key of the item you want to retrieve.
/// partitionKey of the item to be retrieved
/// sortKey of the item to be retrieved
/// Returns the entity retrieved from Amazon DynamoDB
Task GetByPrimaryKeyAsync(object partitionKey, object sortKey);
/// Saves the specified object in the table
/// If the primary key specified in the input object doesn't exist in the table, the method adds a new item to the table.
/// entity to be created/updated in the table
Task SaveAsync(TEntity entity);
/// Deletes an item from the table
/// The method requires the primary key of the item in the entity object you want to delete.
/// entity to be created/updated in the table
Task DeleteAsync(TEntity entity);
/// Deletes an item from the table
/// partition key of the item to be deleted
Task DeleteAsync(object partitionKey);
/// Deletes an item from the table
/// partitionKey of the item to be deleted
/// sortKey of the item to be deleted
Task DeleteAsync(object partitionKey, object sortKey);
/// Saves the specified object to the Amazon DynamoDB table
/// Queries a table based on query parameters you provide.
/// You can query a table only if it has a composite primary key (partition key and sort key).
/// When querying, you must specify a partition key and a condition that applies to the sort key.
/// queryOperationConfig object containing QueryFilter and/or Expression to be used for querying the table
/// Returns the IEnumerable containing one or more entities retrieved from DynamoDB
Task> QueryAsync(QueryOperationConfig queryOperationConfig);
/// Saves the specified object to the Amazon DynamoDB table
/// Queries a table based on query parameters you provide.
/// You can query a table only if it has a composite primary key (partition key and sort key).
/// When querying, you must specify a partition key and a condition that applies to the sort key.
/// QueryFilter object containing QueryFilter to be used for querying the table
/// Flag to signal if the search needs to traverse backwards
/// Optional index name if search needs to be against the index
/// Optional list of attributesToGet
/// Returns the IEnumerable containing one or more entities retrieved from DynamoDB
Task> QueryAsync(QueryFilter filter, bool backwardSearch = false, string indexName = "", List? attributesToGet = null);
/// Performs an entire table scan.
// You can filter scan results by specifying a scan condition.
//The condition can be evaluated on any attributes in the table.
/// filter to be used for scan
/// Optional list of attributesToGet
/// Returns the IEnumerable containing one or more entities retrieved from DynamoDB
Task> ScanAsync(ScanFilter filter, List? attributesToGet = null);
/// Gets the items from the table in a batch.
/// A batch get operation can not return more than 100 items in a request, otherwise DynamoDB will reject entire batch operation.
/// List of partitionKeys of the items to be retrieved
/// Returns the IEnumerable containing one or more entities retrieved from DynamoDB
Task> BatchGetAsync(List