using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Amazon.Sqs.Wrapper.Interfaces
/// Interface to provide SQS Operations
public interface IMessageQueue
/// Creates a Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// Name of SQS Queue
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns an int containing HttpStatusCode returned from Amazon SQS
Task CreateQueueAsync(string queueName, CancellationToken ct = default);
/// Deletes a Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// Name of SQS Queue
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns an int containing HttpStatusCode returned from Amazon SQS
Task DeleteQueueAsync(string queueName, CancellationToken ct = default);
/// Sends a message to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// Generic message type containing message to be sent to SQS
/// Optional queueUrl
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns a tuple containing message id and int containing HttpStatusCode returned from Amazon SQS
Task<(string, int)> SendMessageAsync(TMessage message, string queueUrl = default, CancellationToken ct = default);
/// Sends a message to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// Generic message type containing message to be sent to SQS
/// Message Group Id for FIFO queues
/// deduplicationId for FIFO queues
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns a tuple containing message id and int containing HttpStatusCode returned from Amazon SQS
Task<(string, int)> SendMessageAsync(TMessage message, string messageGroupId, string deduplicationId = default, CancellationToken ct = default);
/// Receive one or more messages from Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// Delegate to process the message once its received
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
Task ReceiveMessageAsync(Func, Task> messageProcessor, CancellationToken ct = default);
/// Receive one or more messages from Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns a list of IMessage received from Amazon SQS
Task> ReceiveMessageAsync(CancellationToken ct = default);
/// Deletes a Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue.
/// receiptHandle of message to be deleted from SQS Queue
/// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive
/// notice of cancellation.
/// Returns an int containing HttpStatusCode returned from Amazon SQS
Task DeleteMessageAsync(string receiptHandle, CancellationToken ct = default);