# Simplifying live streaming contribution - Create a Amazon IVS Channel ## [Optional] Channel Creation and Application Configuration We provide a shell script to create your Amazon IVS Channel, you can use [this guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/userguide/getting-started.html) if you prefer to create it using the AWS Console. Create a Channel on Amazon Interactive Video Service: ```sh cd simple-streaming-webapp/backend ./create_ivs_channel.sh ivs-webrtc ``` ## Copy and save the ingestEndpoint, streamKey value and playbackUrl ``` Copy EndPoint: rtmps://6f0eda55d6df.global-contribute.live-video.net:443/app/ Copy StreamKey: sk_us-east-1_siFTKMADpmqe_dzUYPKAZjbE1lcrbQdudLAxyzw Copy playbackUrl: https://8f97718d90a0.us-east-1.playback.live-video.net/api/video/v1/us-east-1.098435415742.channel.cxyzwe.m3u8 ``` **Save the params and add to your user interface** Application Auth