#!/bin/bash # Define colors RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;93m' NC='\033[0m' # This is a very simples scrip that uses aws cli + jq + sed to deploy the backend of aws-simples-streaming-app. You could easly deploy the whole back end by inserting individual commands # but it would consume more of your time. The script will allow you to save time during the deployment. ################################################################################ # Help # ################################################################################ function help () { # Display Help echo -e "${GREEN}This script deploys the backend of the aws-simple-streaming app." echo echo -e "Syntax: ./install_ivs_backend.sh deploy [ all | ecr | s3 | templates | codebuild_rp | codebuild | iam | lambda | dynamodb | sg | fargate | events | logs | tasks ]${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}options:" echo -e "all Deploys the whole backend at once" echo -e "ecr Creates the ecr repository" echo -e "s3 Creates s3 bucket and upload the docker files" echo -e "templates Prepares the templates files for codebuild configuration" echo -e "codebuild_rp Prepares all roles and policies required by codebuild" echo -e "codebuild Creates the codebuild project and build the container images" echo -e "iam Prepares all roles and policies required by lambda,dynamodb and fargate" echo -e "lambda Creates the lambda function" echo -e "dynamodb Check if the dynamodb table exists and populate it with initial values" echo -e "sg Creates the segurity groups required by fargate" echo -e "fargate Configures ECS cluster, task definitions and services" echo -e "events Configures the eventbridge rules and triggers" echo -e "tasks Configures ECS service to start 2 tasks${NC}\n\n" echo -e "${GREEN}Example on how to use this script to deploy the whole backend at once" echo -e "./install_ivs_backend.sh deploy all${NC}\n\n" echo -e "${YELLOW}Case you prefer to deploy the backend step by step, deploy the each item following the order showing in this help" echo -e "Example:" echo -e "./install_ivs_backend.sh deploy ecr" echo -e "./install_ivs_backend.sh deploy s3" echo -e "./install_ivs_backend.sh deploy templates" echo -e "...and so on...${NC}\n\n" } ################################################################################ # ECR Resources # ################################################################################ function ecr_resources () { # This function will create the ECR repository required by ivs-webrtc # Test if it exists aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names ivs-webrtc > /dev/null 2>&1 && ecr='OK' || ecr='NOK' if [ $ecr = 'NOK' ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Creating ECR ivs-webrtc repository...${NC}" aws ecr create-repository --repository-name ivs-webrtc > ./temp_files/ecr_repository.txt jq '.repository.registryId' ./temp_files/ecr_repository.txt | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/accountid.txt jq '.repository.repositoryUri' ./temp_files/ecr_repository.txt | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ecr_uri.txt else echo -e "${GREEN}ECR repository already exists. Capturing the registryId...${NC}" aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names ivs-webrtc > ./temp_files/ecr_repository.txt jq '.repositories[0].registryId' ./temp_files/ecr_repository.txt | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/accountid.txt jq '.repositories[0].repositoryUri' ./temp_files/ecr_repository.txt | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ecr_uri.txt fi unset ecr } ################################################################################ # S3 Resources # ################################################################################ function s3_resources () { # This function creates a s3 bucket to store the files required by codebuild # Creates a token token=$(uuidgen | sed -n 's/.*-//;p' | sed y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ ) # Creates a bucket aws s3 mb s3://ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token} > /dev/null 2>&1 && s3='OK' || s3='NOK' copy_ready='NOK' if [ $s3 = 'NOK' ] then # Creates the S3 bucket echo -e "${GREEN}Creating S3 bucket...${NC}" token=$(uuidgen | sed -n 's/.*-//;p' | sed y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ ) aws s3 mb s3://ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token} > /dev/null 2>&1 && s3='OK' || s3='NOK' echo "ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token}" > ./temp_files/s3_bucket.txt copy_ready='OK' else # Case bucket already exists, it saves its name in ./temp_files/s3_bucket.txt echo -e "${GREEN}It seems that bucket ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token} already exists. Capturing the details...${NC}" echo "ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token}" > ./temp_files/s3_bucket.txt copy_ready='OK' fi unset s3 if [ $copy_ready = 'OK' ] then # Zip dockerfiles and dependencies and copy them to s3 bucket echo -e "${GREEN}Generating docker.zip and upload to ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token} bucket...${NC}" cd ./docker_files/ echo -e "${GREEN}Compacting files into docker.zip...${NC}" zip -r docker.zip * cd .. echo -e "${GREEN}Uploading docker.zip to ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token} bucket...${NC}" aws s3 cp ./docker_files/docker.zip s3://ivs-webrtc-codebuild-${token} fi } ################################################################################ # Codebuild Templates # ################################################################################ function codebuild_adjust_templates () { # This function adjust the json_model templates required by codebuild deployment # Capture the subnet that will be used by codebuild project replace_subnets=($(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[] | select(.IsDefault)' | jq '.VpcId' | sed 's/"//g') --query 'Subnets[?MapPublicIpOnLaunch==`true`].SubnetId' | sed -e 's/\[//g;s/\]//g;s/ //g;s/"//g;s/,//g;1d;$ d' | sed -e :a -e ';$!N;s/\n/ /;ta')) > ./temp_files/codebuild_subnets.txt sleep 2 ### BEGIN - EXEMPTION THIS SHOULD BE HERE # Test if exists aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role > /dev/null 2>&1 && codebuild='OK' || codebuild='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $codebuild = 'NOK' ] then # Create the AWS Codebuild role that will be used on our Codebuild Project echo -e "${GREEN}Creating AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam create-role --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --assume-role-policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_webrtc_codebuild_trust_policy.json | jq '.Role.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_webrtc_codebuild_role_arn.txt sleep 2 else # If Codebuild role exist already, save its Arn in ./temp_files/ivs_webrtc_codebuild_role_arn.txt aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role | jq '.Role.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_webrtc_codebuild_role_arn.txt sleep 2 fi unset codebuild ### BEGIN - EXEMPTION THIS SHOULD BE HERE # Variables that will be used to replace the values in json_model templates replace_accountid=$(cat ./temp_files/accountid.txt) replace_location=$(cat ./temp_files/s3_bucket.txt)/docker.zip replace_bucket=$(cat ./temp_files/s3_bucket.txt) replace_kms="arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:${replace_accountid}:alias/aws/s3" replace_role=$(cat ./temp_files/ivs_webrtc_codebuild_role_arn.txt) # This will generate the ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild.json from the template ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_model.json jq --arg a "$replace_accountid" --arg l "$replace_location" --arg r "$replace_role" --arg k "$replace_kms" '.environment.environmentVariables[1].value = $a | .source.location = $l | .serviceRole = $r | .encryptionKey = $k ' ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild.json # This will generate the ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_base_policy.json from the template ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_base_policy_model.json sed -e "s/REPLACE_ACCOUNTID/$replace_accountid/g" ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_base_policy_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_base_policy.json # This will generate the ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_s3_policy.json from the template ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_s3_policy_model.json sed -e "s/REPLACE_BUCKET/$replace_bucket/g" ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_s3_policy_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_s3_policy.json # This will generate the ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_log_policy.json from the template ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_log_policy_model.json sed -e "s/REPLACE_ACCOUNTID/$replace_accountid/g" ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_log_policy_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_log_policy.json # This will generate the sed -e "s/REPLACE_ACCOUNTID/$replace_accountid/g;s/REPLACE_SUBNET0/${replace_subnets[0]}/g;s/REPLACE_SUBNET1/${replace_subnets[1]}/g;s/REPLACE_SUBNET2/${replace_subnets[2]}/g;" ./json_models/ivs_codebuild_vpc_policy_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_codebuild_vpc_policy.json } ################################################################################ # Codebuild Roles and Policies # ################################################################################ function codebuild_iam () { # Test if exists codebuild=$(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_codebuild_ecr")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') sleep 2 # If the policy do not exist, it should be created..Otherwise, it will just attach the policy if [ ! $codebuild ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_ecr policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam create-policy --policy-name ivs_codebuild_ecr --policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_codebuild_ecr_policy.json | jq '.Policy.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_ecr_arn.txt sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_ecr_arn.txt) sleep 2 else echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_ecr policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $codebuild sleep 2 fi unset codebuild # Test if exists codebuild=$(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_codebuild_base")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') sleep 2 # If the policy do not exist, it should be created..Otherwise, it will just attach the policy if [ ! $codebuild ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_base policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam create-policy --policy-name ivs_codebuild_base --policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_codebuild_base_policy.json | jq '.Policy.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_base_arn.txt sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_base_arn.txt) sleep 2 else echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_base policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $codebuild sleep 2 fi unset codebuild # Test if exists codebuild=$(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_codebuild_vpc")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') sleep 2 # If the policy do not exist, it should be created..Otherwise, it will just attach the policy if [ ! $codebuild ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_vpc policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam create-policy --policy-name ivs_codebuild_vpc --policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_codebuild_vpc_policy.json | jq '.Policy.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_vpc_arn.txt sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_vpc_arn.txt) sleep 2 else echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_vpc policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $codebuild sleep 2 fi unset codebuild # Test if exists codebuild=$(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_codebuild_s3")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') sleep 2 # If the policy do not exist, it should be created..Otherwise, it will just attach the policy if [ ! $codebuild ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_s3 policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam create-policy --policy-name ivs_codebuild_s3 --policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_codebuild_s3_policy.json | jq '.Policy.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_s3_arn.txt sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_s3_arn.txt) sleep 2 else echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_s3 policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $codebuild sleep 2 fi unset codebuild # Test if exists codebuild=$(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_codebuild_log")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') sleep 2 # If the policy do not exist, it should be created..Otherwise, it will just attach the policy if [ ! $codebuild ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_log policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam create-policy --policy-name ivs_codebuild_log --policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_codebuild_log_policy.json | jq '.Policy.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_log_arn.txt sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_log_arn.txt) sleep 2 else echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_codebuild_log policy to AWS Codebuild role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-webrtc-codebuild-role --policy-arn $codebuild sleep 2 fi unset codebuild } ################################################################################ # Progress bar # ################################################################################ function print_progress () { # Print # on screen for i in {0..7} do sleep 2 echo -n "#" done } ################################################################################ # Codebuild Resources # ################################################################################ function codebuild_resources () { # Create codebuild project aws codebuild create-project --name ivs-webrtc --cli-input-json file://json_configs/ivs_codebuild.json > /dev/null 2>&1 build_current_phase='NOT_STARTED' aws codebuild start-build --project-name ivs-webrtc > ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_build.json ivs_build=$(jq '.build.id' ./temp_files/ivs_codebuild_build.json | sed 's/"//g') echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the container image${NC}" print_progress while true do build_status=$(aws codebuild batch-get-builds --ids $ivs_build | jq '.builds[0].currentPhase' | sed 's/"//g') if [ $build_status = 'PROVISIONING' ] then echo -e "${YELLOW}${build_status}${NC}" print_progress elif [ $build_status = 'PRE_BUILD' ] then echo -e "${YELLOW}${build_status}${NC}" print_progress elif [ $build_status = 'BUILD' ] then echo -e "${YELLOW}${build_status}${NC}" print_progress elif [ $build_status = 'POST_BUILD' ] then echo -e "${YELLOW}${build_status}${NC}" print_progress elif [ $build_status = 'FINALIZING' ] then echo -e "${YELLOW}${build_status}${NC}" print_progress elif [ $build_status = 'COMPLETED' ] then phase_status=$(aws codebuild batch-get-builds --ids $ivs_build | jq '.builds[0].currentPhase' | sed 's/"//g') if [ $phase_status = 'FAILED' ] then echo -e "${RED}${phase_status}!!!${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Please, have a look at cloudwatch logs to understand why the codebuild failed, fix it and re-run the deployment.${NC}" break else echo -e "${YELLOW}${build_status}${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}${phase_status}${NC}" break fi elif [ $build_status = 'FALIED' ] then echo -e "${RED}${build_status}!!!${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Please, have a look at cloudwatch logs to understand why the codebuild failed, fix it and re-run the deployment.${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}${build_status}!!!${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Something went wrong...Please hava a look at cloudwatchlogs to understand what happened.${NC}" break fi done } ################################################################################ # IAM Roles and Policies - ECS/LAMBDA/DYNAMODB # ################################################################################ function iam_resources () { # This function will create all IAM resources required by ivs-webrtc # Test if exists aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-ecs-execution-role > /dev/null 2>&1 && iam='OK' || iam='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $iam = 'NOK' ] then # Create the Amazon ECS execution role that will be used on our ECS Container. echo -e "${GREEN}Creating Amazon ECS execution role...${NC}" aws iam create-role --role-name ivs-ecs-execution-role --assume-role-policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_ecs_trust_policy.json \ | jq '.Role.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_ecs_execution_role_arn.txt sleep 2 else aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-ecs-execution-role | jq '.Role.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_ecs_execution_role_arn.txt sleep 2 fi unset iam # Attach the required policies to Amazon ECS execution role you just created. echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching the required policies to Amazon ECS execution role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-ecs-execution-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-ecs-execution-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSOpsWorksCloudWatchLogs sleep 2 # Test if exists aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-lambda-role > /dev/null 2>&1 && iam='OK' || iam='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $iam = 'NOK' ] then # Create the AWS Lambda execution role that will allow lambda to access the required AWS resources. echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the AWS Lambda execution role that will allow lambda to access the required AWS resources${NC}" aws iam create-role --role-name ivs-lambda-role --assume-role-policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_lambda_trust_policy.json > /dev/null sleep 2 fi unset iam # Attach the required policies to AWS Lambda execution role you just created. echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole policy to AWS Lambda execution role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-lambda-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole sleep 2 echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy to AWS Lambda execution role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-lambda-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess sleep 2 iam=$(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_dynamodb")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') # If the policy do not exist, it should be created..Otherwise, it will just attach the policy if [ ! $iam ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_dynamodb policy to AWS Lambda execution role...${NC}" aws iam create-policy --policy-name ivs_dynamodb --policy-document file://json_configs/ivs_lambda_dynamodb_policy.json | jq '.Policy.Arn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/lambda_policy_arn.txt sleep 2 aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-lambda-role --policy-arn $(cat ./temp_files/lambda_policy_arn.txt) sleep 2 else echo -e "${GREEN}Attaching ivs_dynamodb policy to AWS Lambda execution role...${NC}" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name ivs-lambda-role --policy-arn $(aws iam list-policies --scope Local | jq '.Policies[] | select(.PolicyName=="ivs_dynamodb")' | jq '.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') sleep 2 fi } ################################################################################ # Lambda Resources # ################################################################################ function lambda_resources () { unset lambda # This function will create all lambda resources required by ivs-webrtc #Test if exists aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-lambda-role > /dev/null 2>&1 && lambda='OK' || lambda='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $lambda = 'OK' ] then #Creates lambda.json with our lambda configuration echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the lambda.json with our lambda configuration...${NC}" lambda_role_arn=$(aws iam get-role --role-name ivs-lambda-role | jq '.Role.Arn' | sed 's/"//g') jq --arg v "$lambda_role_arn" '. |= . + {"Role":$v}' ./json_models/lambda_model.json > ./json_configs/lambda.json sleep 2 else error_exit 'The ivs-lambda-role was not found! Please re-run ./deployment.sh deploy iam' fi unset lambda sleep 10 #Test if exists aws lambda get-function --function-name ivs-ip-register > /dev/null 2>&1 && lambda='OK' || lambda='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $lambda = 'NOK' ] then #Creates the ivs-ip-register lambda function echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the the ivs-ip-register lambda function...${NC}" zip lambda.zip lambda_function.py aws lambda create-function --cli-input-json file://json_configs/lambda.json --zip-file fileb://lambda.zip > /dev/null sleep 2 fi } ################################################################################ # DynamoDB Resources # ################################################################################ function dynamodb_resources () { # Ths function will create all dynamodb resources required by ivs-webrtc table=$(aws dynamodb list-tables | sed -n -e '/.*ivs/p' | sed -e 's/ //g;s/"//g;s/,//g') sleep 2 if [ ! -z $table ] then #Creates the Amazon DynamoDB ISS-task-dns-track-dev table echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the Amazon DynamoDB ISS-task-dns-track-dev table...${NC}" aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://json_configs/dynamodb_table.json > /dev/null sleep 2 aws dynamodb wait table-exists --table-name ISS-task-dns-track-dev #Populates the Amazon DynamoDB ISS-task-dns-track-dev table with the initial values echo -e "${GREEN}Populating the Amazon DynamoDB ISS-task-dns-track-dev table...${NC}" aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://json_configs/ivs_dynamodb_populate.json > /dev/null sleep 2 else #Populates the Amazon DynamoDB ISS-task-dns-track-dev table with the initial values echo -e "${GREEN}Populating the Amazon DynamoDB ISS-task-dns-track-dev table...${NC}" aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://json_configs/ivs_dynamodb_populate.json > /dev/null sleep 2 fi } ################################################################################ # Security Groups # ################################################################################ function vpc_resources () { # This function will create the security group required by ivs-webrtc unset sg # Test if exists aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name ivs-sg --description "IVS WetRTC Security Group" --vpc-id $(aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[] | select(.IsDefault)' | jq '.VpcId' | sed 's/"//g') > /dev/null 2>&1 && sg='OK' || sg='NOK' sleep 2 if [ sg = 'NOK' ] then #The Security Group' echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the ivs-sg security group...${NC}" aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name ivs-sg --description "IVS WetRTC Security Group" --vpc-id $(aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[] | select(.IsDefault)' | jq '.VpcId' | sed 's/"//g') | jq '.GroupId' | sed 's/"//g' sleep 2 aws ec2 describe-security-groups | jq '.SecurityGroups[] | select(.GroupName=="ivs-sg")' | jq '.GroupId' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_sg.txt sleep 2 echo -e "${GREEN}Configuring ivs-sg security group...${NC}" while read line; do aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_sg.txt) --protocol tcp --port $line --cidr; done < ./json_models/ivs_ports.txt else aws ec2 describe-security-groups | jq '.SecurityGroups[] | select(.GroupName=="ivs-sg")' | jq '.GroupId' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_sg.txt sleep 2 echo -e "${GREEN}Applying HTTP rule to ivs-sg security group...${NC}" aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_sg.txt) --protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr sleep 2 echo -e "${GREEN}Applying HTTPS rule to ivs-sg security group...${NC}" aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $(cat ./temp_files/ivs_sg.txt) --protocol tcp --port 443 --cidr sleep 2 fi } ################################################################################ # ECS Resources # ################################################################################ function fargate_resources () { # This function will create all fargate resources required by ivs-webrtc unset ivs_service #Creates the Amazon ECS Cluster named ivs echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the Amazon ECS Cluster named ivs...${NC}" aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name ivs | jq '.cluster.clusterArn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ecs_cluster_arn.txt sleep 2 #Configures the ivs_task_definition.json file with the correct Amazon ECS execution previously created echo -e "${GREEN}Configuring the ivs_task_definition.json file with the correct Amazon ECS execution...${NC}" ecs_role_arn=$(cat ./temp_files/ivs_ecs_execution_role_arn.txt) ecr_uri=$(cat ./temp_files/ecr_uri.txt)":latest" jq --arg v "$ecs_role_arn" --arg f "$ecr_uri" '.taskRoleArn = $v | .executionRoleArn = $v | .containerDefinitions[0].image = $f' ./json_models/ivs_task_definition_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_task_definition.json #Creates Amazon ECS Task Definition named ivs-webrtc echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the Amazon ECS Task Definition named ivs-webrtc...${NC}" aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://json_configs/ivs_task_definition.json > /dev/null sleep 2 #Select the proper subnets from your default vpc to be used by Amazon ECS Service echo -e "${GREEN}Selecting the proper subnets from your default vpc to be used by Amazon ECS Service...${NC}" aws ec2 describe-subnets --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[] | select(.IsDefault)' | jq '.VpcId' | sed 's/"//g') \ --query 'Subnets[?MapPublicIpOnLaunch==`true`].SubnetId' | sed -e '/^$/d;:a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g;s/ //g;s/[][]//g;s/.$//;s/^.//' > ./temp_files/my_subnets.txt sleep 2 ivs_service=$(aws ecs list-services --cluster ivs | sed -n -e '/.*ivs/p' | sed -e 's/ //g;s/"//g;s/,//g') sleep 2 if [ ! $ivs_service ] then #Creates the template ivs_ecs_service.json to be used by the Amazon ECS Server echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the template ivs_ecs_service.json to be used by the Amazon ECS Server...${NC}" store_sgid=$(cat ./temp_files/ivs_sg.txt) store_subnets=$(sed -e 'N;s/\n//;N;s/\n//;N;s/\n//' ./temp_files/my_subnets.txt | sed -e 'N;s/\n//;s/ //g;s/[][]//g;s/^"//g;s/"$//g') jq --arg v "$store_subnets" '.networkConfiguration.awsvpcConfiguration |= . + {"subnets":[$v]}' \ ./json_models/ecs_services_model.json | jq --arg v "$store_sgid" '.networkConfiguration.awsvpcConfiguration |= . + {"securityGroups":[$v]}' \ | sed -e 's/\\//g' > ./json_configs/ivs_ecs_service.json #Creates the Amazon ECS service named ivs-webrtc echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the Amazon ECS service named ivs-webrtc...${NC}" aws ecs create-service --cli-input-json file://json_configs/ivs_ecs_service.json > /dev/null sleep 2 else error_exit "The ivs-webrtc does exist and cannot be automatically replaced! Try to delete it mannually and re-run this script." fi } ################################################################################ # EventBridge Resources # ################################################################################ function eventbridge_resources () { # This function will create all eventbridge resources required by ivs-webrtc unset lambda # Test if exists aws lambda get-function --function-name ivs-ip-register > /dev/null 2>&1 && lambda='OK' || lambda='NOK' sleep 2 #Configures the ivs_events_rule.json with the correct ivs service configured in Amazon ECS Cluster echo -e "${GREEN}Configuring the ivs_events_rule.json with the correct ivs service configured in Amazon ECS Cluster...${NC}" ecs_arn=$(cat ./temp_files/ecs_cluster_arn.txt) sed -e "s@ARN_HERE@${ecs_arn}\\\@g" json_models/ivs_events_rule_model.json > ./json_configs/ivs_events_rule.json #Create the Amazon EventBridge rule named ip-register echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the Amazon EventBridge rule named ip-register...${NC}" aws events put-rule --cli-input-json file://json_configs/ivs_events_rule.json | jq '.RuleArn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_event_rule_arn.txt sleep 2 if [ $lambda = 'OK' ] then unset lambda #Creating the resource policy template echo -e "${GREEN}Creating the resource policy template...${NC}" aws lambda get-function --function-name ivs-ip-register | jq '.Configuration.FunctionArn' | sed 's/"//g' > ./temp_files/ivs_lambda_function_arn.txt sleep 2 #Adding permission to ip-register rule invoke lambda funtion ivs-ip-register echo -e "${GREEN}Adding permission to ip-register rule invoke lambda funtion ivs-ip-register...${NC}" aws lambda add-permission --function-name ivs-ip-register --action lambda:InvokeFunction --statement-id events --principal events.amazonaws.com --source-arn=$(cat ./temp_files/ivs_event_rule_arn.txt) > /dev/null 2>&1 && lambda='OK' || lambda='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $lambda = 'NOK' ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Permission was already in place!${NC}" fi #Add lambda function ivs-ip-register as a target to the event rule ip-register echo -e "${GREEN}Adding lambda function ivs-ip-register as a target to the event rule ip-register...${NC}" aws events remove-targets --rule ip-register --ids "1" > /dev/null sleep 2 aws events put-targets --rule ip-register --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="$(cat ./temp_files/ivs_lambda_function_arn.txt)" > /dev/null sleep 2 else error_exit 'Lambda ivs-ip-register not found! Please re-run ./backend deploy lambda' fi } ################################################################################ # CloudWatch Resources # ################################################################################ function cloudwatchlogs_resources () { # This function create all cloudwatchlogs resources required by ivs-webrtc unset logs #Creating cloudwatch log group name for ivs-webrtc tasks echo -e "${GREEN}Creating cloudwatch log group name for ivs-webrtc tasks...${NC}" aws logs create-log-group --log-group-name /ecs/ivs-webrtc > /dev/null 2>&1 && logs='OK' || logs='NOK' sleep 2 if [ $logs = 'NOK' ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Log Group /ecs/ivs-webrtc OK!${NC}" fi } ################################################################################ # Adjust Fargate Tasks # ################################################################################ function fargate_adjust_service () { # This function will adjust the fargate service ivs-webrtc from 0 to 2 tasks echo -e "${GREEN}Adjusting fargate service to 2 tasks...${NC}" aws ecs update-service --cluster ivs --service ivs-webrtc --desired-count 2 > /dev/null sleep 2 } ################################################################################ # Error messages # ################################################################################ function error_exit () { echo -e "${RED}$1${NC}" 1>&2 exit 1 } ################################################################################ # Options to deploy the backend # ################################################################################ function deploy () { # This function will receive a argument from the command line to start the cleaning process # It will be possible to uninstall everything or just pontual services option=$1 case $option in all) ecr_resources || { error_exit 'ecr deployment failed!'; } s3_resources || { error_exit 's3 deployment failed!'; } codebuild_adjust_templates || { error_exit 'coldbuild templates adjustment failed!'; } codebuild_iam || { error_exit 'coldbuild roles and policies failed'; } codebuild_resources || { error_exit 'codebuild deployment failed!'; } iam_resources || { error_exit 'iam roles deployment failed!'; } lambda_resources || { error_exit 'lambda function deployment failed!'; } dynamodb_resources || { error_exit 'dynamodb table deployment failed!'; } vpc_resources || { error_exit 'security group deployment failed!'; } fargate_resources || { error_exit 'fargate deployment failed!'; } eventbridge_resources || { error_exit 'events deployment failed!'; } cloudwatchlogs_resources || { error_exit 'logs deployment failed!'; } fargate_adjust_service || { error_exit 'tasks deployment failed!'; } ;; iam) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying iam ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" iam_resources ;; lambda) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying lambda ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" lambda_resources ;; dynamodb) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying dynamodb ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" dynamodb_resources ;; sg) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying security group ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" vpc_resources ;; fargate) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying fargate ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" fargate_resources ;; events) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying eventbridge ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" eventbridge_resources ;; logs) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying cloudwatchlogs ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" cloudwatchlogs_resources ;; tasks) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying tasks ivs-webrtc resources###${NC}" fargate_adjust_service ;; ecr) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying ecr resources###${NC}" ecr_resources ;; s3) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying s3 resources###${NC}" s3_resources ;; templates) echo -e "${GREEN}###Adjusting codebuild templates###${NC}" codebuild_adjust_templates ;; codebuild_rp) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying codebuild roles and policies###${NC}" codebuild_iam ;; codebuild) echo -e "${GREEN}###Deploying codebuild resources###${NC}" codebuild_resources ;; *) echo -e "${RED}This option is not valid!${NC}" ;; esac } # Enables script arguments "$@" # Prints help in case of calling the script without arguments if [ -z $1 ] then help fi