================================================================================ === Spring PetClinic sample application - MySQL Configuration === ================================================================================ @author Sam Brannen @author Costin Leau @author Dave Syer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download and install the MySQL database (e.g., MySQL Community Server 5.1.x), which can be found here: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/. Or run the "docker-compose.yml" from the root of the project (if you have docker installed locally): $ docker-compose up ... mysql_1_eedb4818d817 | MySQL init process done. Ready for start up. ... 2) (Once only) create the PetClinic database and user by executing the "db/mysql/user.sql" scripts. You can connect to the database running in the docker container using `mysql -u root -h localhost --protocol tcp`, but you don't need to run the script there because the petclinic user is already set up if you use the provided `docker-compose.yaml`. 3) Run the app with `spring.profiles.active=mysql` (e.g. as a System property via the command line, but any way that sets that property in a Spring Boot app should work). N.B. the "petclinic" database has to exist for the app to work with the JDBC URL value as it is configured by default. This condition is taken care of automatically by the docker-compose configuration provided, or by the `user.sql` script if you run that as root.