# Smart Territory Framework Core - STF Core
Version 1.2.0, see [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md#version-120) for all notable changes made in this version.
> :warning: **This stack is for demonstration purposes only. It exposes a public API endpoint for the STF Core. Before using in production, please consider adding a [mechanism for controlling and managing access](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/http-api-access-control.html) to this API.**
## Overview
The Smart Territory Framework – STF – is an open-source framework that makes it easier and faster to create and operate interoperable platforms. STF supports the development and integration of smart and efficient solutions across multiple domains such as Smart Cities, Campuses and Regions; Energy and Utilities; Agriculture; Smart Building and Manufacturing.
The STF complies with the [NGSI-LD](https://www.etsi.org/technologies/internet-of-things) open standard and leverages the NGSI-LD compliant [Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/) initiative that provides open-licensed data models for different [domains](https://github.com/smart-data-models/data-models/tree/master/specs) such as Smart Cities, Smart Agrifood, Smart Environment, Smart Sensoring, Smart Energy, Smart Water, Smart Destination, Smart Robotics and Smart Manufacturing.
Modular and built on open source and standards, the STF makes it easy to integrate existing solutions and add new capabilities and modules over time to its **core**. The core of the STF - STF Core - consists of two modules: the STF IoT module and the open-source FIWARE Context Broker. There are multiple implementations of the FIWARE Context Broker. As of today, STF supports the [NEC Scorpio Broker](https://github.com/ScorpioBroker/ScorpioBroker) and [Orion-LD](https://github.com/FIWARE/context.Orion-LD).
This repository contains an [AWS CDK](https://aws.amazon.com/cdk) application that enables you to deploy the STF Core stack. The STF Core stack consists of two nested stacks:
- a stack to deploy a FIWARE Context Broker,
- a stack to deploy the STF IoT module.
## Prerequisites
To deploy the STF Core stack, you need the following:
- An AWS account. If you don't have one, see [Set up an AWS account](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account/).
- An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user with administrator permissions
- AWS CDK Toolkit installed. See [Getting started with the AWS CDK](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/getting_started.html) to install it.
- Understand the NGSI-LD standard and the FIWARE Context Broker. This [blog post](https://rihab-feki.medium.com/all-you-need-to-know-to-create-your-own-ngsi-ld-data-model-e234b7ca3d22) gives a good overview of both topics.
## Table of Contents
- [The FIWARE Context Broker](#the-fiware-context-broker)
- [STF IoT](#stf-iot)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [How to use it](#how-to-use-it)
- [Building Data Producers and Data Consumers](#building-data-producers-and-data-consumers)
- [Design Considerations](#design-considerations)
- [Additional Resources](#additional-resources)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
## The FIWARE Context Broker
The Context broker is an open source component that enables the connection and integration of different systems, applications and services within an organization.
It provides geo-located query capabilities as well as a subscription mechanism enabling an independent module like a mobile application to query data filtered by geographical location but also to be notified with a given frequency or when changes on data take place (e.g., an air quality measurement is above a specified threshold value).
Among the [multiple implementations](https://www.fiware.org/developers/catalogue/) of the FIWARE Context Broker available, we have integrated the NEC Scorpio and the Orion-LD context brokers for this CDK application leveraging for both [Serverless services on AWS](https://aws.amazon.com/serverless/?nc1=h_ls) for automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model to increase agility and optimize costs.
When deploying the STF, you can select the one you want to use.
### NEC Scorpio Broker
[NEC Laboratories Europe](https://www.neclab.eu/) and AWS have [worked together]((https://neclab.eu/about-us/press-releases/detail/nec-ngsi-ld-scorpio-broker-selected-for-amazon-web-services-smart-territories-framework)) to provide a scalable and available implementation of the NEC Scorpio Broker on AWS using:
- [AWS Fargate](https://aws.amazon.com/fargate/?nc1=h_ls) to easily run and scale the [NEC Scorpio Broker container](https://gallery.ecr.aws/smart-territory-framework/scorpio).
- [Amazon RDS](https://aws.amazon.com/rds) or [Amazon Aurora Serverless](https://aws.amazon.com/rds/aurora/serverless/?nc1=h_ls) for the PostgreSQL database used by the NEC Scorpio Broker.
- [Amazon MSK](https://aws.amazon.com/msk) to make it easy to run the Apache Kafka used by the NEC Scorpio Broker.

### Orion-LD
[Fiware Foundation](https://www.fiware.org/foundation/) and AWS have worked together to provide a scalable and available implementation of Orion-LD on AWS using:
- [AWS Fargate](https://aws.amazon.com/fargate/?nc1=h_ls) to easily run and scale the [Orion-LD container](https://gallery.ecr.aws/smart-territory-framework/orionld).
- [Amazon DocumentDB](https://aws.amazon.com/documentdb/?nc1=h_ls) (with MongoDB compatibility) for the MongoDB database used by the Orion-LD context broker.

## STF IoT
Built around the FIWARE Context Broker, the STF IoT module expands its capabilities enabling you to ingest IoT data at scale from multiple and heterogeneous sources with advanced device management capabilities like for example a registry of all your devices and sensors, regardless of the operating model, the technology or the connectivity used.
The STF IoT module offers [Digital Twin](https://www.digitaltwinconsortium.org/initiatives/the-definition-of-a-digital-twin.htm) capabilities enabling you to store and retrieve in real-time the current state of every registered device.
It also consists of an IoT data lake built on [Amazon S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/?nc1=h_ls) that you can use to store, query and generate insights about your IoT data and easily visualise them.

The STF IoT module provides a [central registry](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-thing-management.html) to store all your devices using the Smart Data Model [```Device```](https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Device/blob/master/Device/README.md).
All measurements and data produced by a device are linked to the registered device and stored in its [Device Shadows](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-device-shadows.html) using the relevant data model like for example [```AirQualityObserved```](https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Environment/blob/master/AirQualityObserved/README.md) for air quality measurements.

This gives an exhaustive view in real-time of the state of the device and its measurements providing Digital Twin capabilities. The STF IoT module is synchronized in real-time with the Context Broker so any change that occurs in the STF IoT module is replicated in the Context Broker and stored as well in the STF IoT Data Lake.
The STF IoT Data Lake is built on top of Amazon S3. A bucket named ```stf-iot-datalake-${Aws.REGION}-${Aws.ACCOUNT_ID}``` is created when this stack is deployed. You can use an existing bucket by setting the `new_bucket` property to `false` (and if not default name used, type the name of the bucket in the property `bucket_name`) in the file [```parameters.ts```](./parameters.ts). Note that if there is an existing bucket with the same name and you set the property `new_bucket` to `true`, the deployment will fail.

With a single endpoint, the STF IoT module provides an API for device management in addition to the NGSI-LD FIWARE Context Broker API.
Indeed, the STF Core provides a unified API that exposes two services:
- the NGSI-LD API to interact with the FIWARE Context Broker
- the STF IoT API to provision and manage your things in the STF IoT Registry but also query your things with all their associated entities.
See [How to use it](##how-to-use-it) section for more details on how to use the STF Core and its unified API.
## Getting started
> Note, you will incur costs for the AWS services used by this application. To track costs in your AWS account, consider using [AWS Cost Explorer](https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/aws-cost-explorer/) and [AWS Billing and Cost Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-what-is.html). You can also set up a [billing alarm](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/monitor_estimated_charges_with_cloudwatch.html) to get notified of unexpected charges.
This repository contains an AWS CDK application that enables you to deploy and provision the STF Core stack code and its supporting infrastructure. AWS CDK provisions your resources in a safe, repeatable manner through AWS CloudFormation.
The application includes a file [```parameters.ts```](./parameters.ts) in which you can select the __region in which you will deploy the stack__, which Context Broker and configure the resources that you will deploy like the type and size of instances to use for the database (and kafka for the Scorpio Broker). The default parameters will provide you with a scalable and available platform.
*You can see __estimates__ of the monthly cost of running the STF Core using [Scorpio Broker](https://calculator.aws/#/estimate?id=113cc26502b945ddaf1e2b3c6440a26d9c19fb51) and [Orion-LD](https://calculator.aws/#/estimate?id=0d99befa9d480112ec458bd9959c271c311758f2).
The AWS Pricing Calculator is an estimation tool that provides an __approximate cost__ of using AWS services based on the usage parameters that you specify. The AWS Pricing Calculator is not a quote tool, and does not guarantee the cost for your actual use of AWS services. The cost estimated by the AWS Pricing Calculator may vary from your actual costs for a number of reasons.
__These estimations do not include messaging costs.__*

> Make sure that all the AWS services used in this stack are available in the region you deploy in. You can check [here](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/).
Once the Context Broker selected and the configuration parameters checked, you can deploy the application using the following commands:
npm install
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy
> The deployment of the STF Core stack can take up to an hour.
Once the STF Core stack is deployed, you will find in the output all the information needed to operate and connect your smart solutions using the STF including:
- The STF unified API endpoint ```StfCoreEndpoint```. This endpoint is a unified API that exposes two services: The NGSI-LD FIWARE Context Broker API (that fully complies with the [NGSI-LD API](https://forge.etsi.org/swagger/ui/?url=https://forge.etsi.org/rep/NGSI-LD/NGSI-LD/raw/master/spec/updated/generated/full_api.json)) and the STF IoT API that you can use to provision and manage your things in the central and unified STF registry. __Before using this stack in production, please consider adding a [mechanism for controlling and managing access](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/http-api-access-control.html) to the ```StfCoreEndpoint```.__
- The ARN of the Amazon SQS Queue of the STF IoT module ```StfCoreIotQueueArn```. The default value of the ARN of the queue is `arn:aws:sqs:${Aws.REGION}:${Aws.ACCOUNT_ID}:StfIoTQueue-${Aws.REGION}`.
This queue is the single entry point for all data producers. Usually, the data producer transforms the source data format into the data model relevant to the use case and then publishes the transformed data into the queue. See [Building Data Producers and Data Consumers ](#building-data-producers-and-data-consumers) section for more details.

> See [How to use it](#how-to-use-it) section for more details.
You can also find this information in the [AWS CloudFormation console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/) in the **Outputs** tab after selecting the STF Core Stack.

## How to use it
Now that the STF Core is up and running you can innovate at a fast pace. You can easily add new modules and capabilities, new data producers and consumers over time. you can integrate your existing applications and legacy systems.
### Checking that the Context Broker is running
Before this, let's check that the FIWARE Context Broker is up and running. You can send an HTTP GET to `{StfCoreEndpoint}/actuator/info` for the Scorpio Broker or to `{StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/ex/v1/version` for Orion-LD.
In the example below with the Scorpio Broker, I use the [CURL](https://curl.se/) tool in my terminal but you can paste the URL into any web browser.
curl https://abcde5678.execute-api.aws-region.amazonaws.com/actuator/info
The response is:
"artifact": "AllInOneRunner",
__If you are familiar with the FIWARE Context Broker and the NGSI-LD specification, you can skip the next section an go directly to [Register and manage your things using the STF IoT API](#register-and-manage-your-things-using-the-stf-iot-api).__
### Understanding the NGSI-LD Information Model
Before you build solutions and start ingesting data using the STF Core, you need to understand the NGSI-LD Information model and the [design considerations](#design-considerations) for builing a Smart Territory Platform using the STF.
The NGSI-LD specification provides an [open API](https://forge.etsi.org/swagger/ui/?url=https://forge.etsi.org/rep/NGSI-LD/NGSI-LD/raw/master/spec/updated/generated/full_api.json) for managing and requesting information and an underlying information model based on **Entities** that are digital representations of real-world objects having Properties and Relationships with other entities.
**Every information stored in the Context Broker and in the STF IoT module is an NGSI-LD entity.**

Since NGSI-LD is based on [JSON-LD](https://json-ld.org/), Entities are stored with their [context](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#the-context).
Below an extract of the definition of the [context](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#the-context) from the JSON-LD specification:
_When two people communicate with one another, the conversation takes place in a shared environment, typically called "the context of the conversation". This shared context allows the individuals to use shortcut terms, like the first name of a mutual friend, to communicate more quickly but without losing accuracy. A context in JSON-LD works in the same way. It allows two applications to use shortcut terms to communicate with one another more efficiently, but without losing accuracy. Simply speaking, a [context](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#dfn-context) is used to map [terms](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/#dfn-term) to [IRIs](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3987#section-2)._
A context is basically a list of key-values defining aliases (shortcut terms) for longer terms (IRIs).
"@context": {
"temperature": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/terms.jsonld#/definitions/temperature",
"co2": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/terms.jsonld#/definitions/co2"
See [Understanding @context](https://ngsi-ld-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/understanding-%40context.html) to learn more about JSON-LD context.
Alongside the built-in [NGSI-LD default context](https://uri.etsi.org/ngsi-ld/v1/ngsi-ld-core-context.jsonld), the STF leverages the Smart Data Models and its [context](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/data-models/master/context.jsonld). The URL of the Smart Data Models context is provided in the file [```parameters.ts```](./parameters.ts).
Before creating or updating an entity in the Context Broker, the STF IoT will provide this context in the request so the Context Broker can store the corresponding expanded form of the entity.
For example, below an entity of type `Device` in its compacted form using the Smart Data Models context.
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:MyFirstDevice",
"type": "Device",
"serialNumber": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "49206C6F766520796F752042617961"
"@context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/data-models/master/context.jsonld"
The Context Broker will store it in its expanded form (using the context provided) as below:
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:MyFirstDevice",
"type": "https://uri.fiware.org/ns/data-models#Device",
"https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/terms.jsonld#/definitions/serialNumber": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "49206C6F766520796F752042617961"
To get the entity in its compacted form, the `GET` request sent to the Context Broker must include the Smart Data Models context or any context defining the compacted term for each property.
If you need to change compacted terms for translation purposes for example, when requesting the Context Broker, you can provide a custom context defining the terms you want. See the example below for a context that maps the IRI of the initial property `serialNumber` to a new term `NumeroSerie`.
"@context": {
"NumeroSerie": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/terms.jsonld#/definitions/serialNumber"
That being said, you are ready to create your first entity.
### Create your first entity in the Context Broker
In this section, you will use the tool [Postman](https://www.postman.com/product/what-is-postman/) to test the Context Broker API.
You will use the Context Broker service of the STF Core unified API to create your first entity in the Context Broker.
For CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on entities, the endpoint `{StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/v1/entities` is used (See [NGSI-LD API definition](https://forge.etsi.org/swagger/ui/?url=https://forge.etsi.org/rep/NGSI-LD/NGSI-LD/raw/master/spec/updated/generated/full_api.json)).
When using the `POST` method, you can provide the `@context` in the payload, as shown above, or in the HTTP headers:
Link: ; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context"; type="application/ld+json"
For the `GET` method, you can only use the HTTP headers to pass the context. In this section, you will use the HTTP headers to provide the context.
In Postman, select the `POST` method. Enter the `{StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/v1/entities` endpoint.
In the tab **Headers**, provide the context as shown below:

In the tab **Body**, select **raw**. Then, in the drop-down menu, select **JSON** (instead of **Text**). Finally enter the payload below:
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:MyFirstDevice",
"type": "Device",
"serialNumber": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "49206C6F766520796F752042617961"
_As you can see, here you don't need to provide the `@context` as it is provided in the headers._
Then choose **Send** to create your first entity. The response code should be `201` if the operation succeeds.

You can check that the entity is stored by sending a `GET` request to the endpoint `{StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/urn:ngsi-ld:Device:MyFirstDevice`

_If you still provide the context in the header, the entity will be compacted._
You can now delete this entity by sending a `DELETE` request to the endpoint `{StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/urn:ngsi-ld:Device:MyFirstDevice`

Now, you can start provision your things and ingesting data using the STF IoT Service API.
### Register and manage your things using the STF IoT API
Implementing smart and efficient solutions using the STF requires some design considerations. While some of them will be discussed in this section, a whole section is dedicated to these [design considerations](#design-considerations).
In this section, you will use the STF IoT service of the STF Core unified API to register a thing in the central IoT registry and then check that its entity of type `Device` is stored in its shadow named `Stf-Device` and in the Context Broker. You will then explore the capabilities of the STF IoT API.
You use the tool [Postman](https://www.postman.com/product/what-is-postman/) to send a `POST` request to the `{StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things` endpoint with the following body:
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc",
"type": "Device",
"thingGroups": {
"type": "Property",
"value": ["ParkingSpot", "LoRaWAN"]
"location": {
"type": "GeoProperty",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
The property `thingGroups` __is not part of the data model__ and is removed before updating the Device Shadow. You can use this property to add your thing in up to 10 [Thing Groups](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/thing-groups.html). In the example above, the thing is added to the groups `ParkingSpot` and `LoRaWAN`.

This will create a thing named `SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc` in the [AWS IoT Core Things Registry](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/thing-registry.html) and create or update its shadow named `Stf-Device` with the payload above.
Now you can check that this entity has been created in the Context Broker as well by sending a `GET` request to `{StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/urn:ngsi-ld:Device:SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc`.
> See [Design consideration](#design-considerations) section to learn more about the naming conventions for things in the registry.

*You can see in the screenshot above that the `Fleet indexing status` of the named shadow `Stf-Device` is `indexed`. Before version [1.1.O](./CHANGELOG.md#version-110), [Fleet Indexing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-indexing.html) of the named shadows `Stf-Device`was enabled by default so when you listed all the things registered in the registry, you also got their named shadow `Stf-Device`. Now, it is disabled by default, so querying the list would only give you the list of things registered and not their entities. You can get the list of all entities of type `Device` directly from the Context Broker with the request `/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/?type=Device&limit=1000&offset=0`. If you need Fleet Indexing of named shadows, you can set the property `shadow_indexing`to true in the file [```parameters.ts```](./parameters.ts). Fleet Indexing will incur [costs](https://aws.amazon.com/iot-device-management/pricing/).*
You can query `{StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things` to get the list of all the things registered in the IoT Core Registry. If Fleet Indexing is enabled, this includes their named shadow `Stf-Device` in the property `entity`.

If Fleet Indexing is not enabled, the property `entity` will be an empty object.
With the single query `{StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things/{thingName}`, you can also get all the entities associated to the thing.

Above, the array `entities` only contains the entity `Stf-Device` as this is the only one associated to the thing so far.
But when the sensor produces data, you will see all the entities associated in the array (see [Building Data Producers and Data Consumers](#building-data-producers-and-data-consumers) section).
You can filter the associated entities you want to retrieve with the parameter `shadows` and the type of the entities to retrieve separated with a comma.
You can for example only gets the entity of type `ParkingSpot` with the query `GET` `{StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things/{thingName}?shadows=ParkingSpot`.
If you want to retrieve the entities of type `Device` and `ParkingSpot`, the query is `GET` `{StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things/{thingName}?shadows=ParkingSpot,Device`.
Finally, with the STF IoT API you can also delete your things in the STF IoT Registry with the request `DELETE` `{StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things/{thingName}`. The deletion of a thing in the STF IoT Registry will lead to the deletion of the associated entity of type `Device` in both the STF IoT Registry and the Context Broker but will keep its other associated entities. If you want to delete the things and all its associated entities in the STF IoT Registry and in the Context Broker, you can use the parameter `recursive` with the value `true`: `DELETE {StfCoreEndpoint}/iot/things/{thingName}?recursive=true`

The entities published into the STF IoT are stored in the STF IoT DataLake via Kinesis Data Firehose using [Dynamic Partitioning](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/firehose/latest/dev/dynamic-partitioning.html). Dynamic partitioning enables you to continuously partition streaming data in Kinesis Data Firehose by using keys within data (for example the type of the entity) and then deliver the data grouped by these keys into corresponding Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) prefixes.
Entities stored in the STF IoT Datalake are partitioned by `type` and time (`yyyy-MM-dd-HH`).

This makes it easier to run high performance, cost-efficient analytics on streaming data in Amazon S3 using various services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon QuickSight.

### Geospatial capabilities
The FIWARE Context Broker offers geospatial capabilities. You can perform geospatial queries to filter entities based on the distance of a geospatial point. For example, you can query all entities of specified type(s) that are located 200 meters radius from coordinates using the query:
`GET {StfCoreEndpoint}/ngsi-ld/v1/entities?type=BikeHireDockingStation&georel=near;maxDistance==200&geometry=Point&coordinates=[-0.1094022, 51.5172398]`
The query above is an example from a demo fetching every minute all bike docking stations and their status in London. The result of this query is a list a docking stations and their status that are located in less 200 meters from [60 Holborn Viaduct in London](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60+Holborn+Viaduct,+London+EC1A+2FD,+UK/@51.5172398,-0.1094022,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x48761b528be20ebd:0x7517627a4449b2a6!8m2!3d51.5172399!4d-0.1045313!16s%2Fg%2F11c2f43d_8).

You can also subscribe to events (entities changes) filter by their geographical location using NGSI-LD Subscriptions.
### NGSI-LD Subscriptions
NGSI-LD offers an asynchronous notification mechanism based on subscriptions. You can create subscriptions to be notified with a given frequency or when changes on data take place (e.g., an air quality measurement is above a specified threshold value).
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Subscription:mySubscription",
"type": "Subscription",
"entities": [
"type": "Vehicle"
"watchedAttributes": ["speed"],
"q": "speed>50",
"geoQ": {
"georel": "near;maxDistance==2000",
"geometry": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.1094022, 51.5172398]
"notification": {
"attributes": ["speed"],
"format": "keyValues",
"endpoint": {
"uri": "http://my.endpoint.org/notify",
"accept": "application/json"
"@context": [
In the example above, the subscription will trigger a notification every time an entity of type `Vehicle` located in 2000 meters radius of the specified [location](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51%C2%B031'02.1%22N+0%C2%B006'33.9%22W/@51.5177302,-0.1100436,18.88z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d51.5172398!4d-0.1094022) is measured with a speed greater than 50. Every time the speed (watched Attribute) of a concerned vehicle, changes, a new notification (including the new speed value) will be received in the specified endpoint.
You are ready now to start building your data producers and data consumers.
## Building Data Producers and Data Consumers
When using the STF, Data Producers are decoupled from Data Consumers. You can build each of both independently as the information model is standardized and known in advance.
You can for example build a [Grafana dashboard](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/grafana/latest/userguide/what-is-Amazon-Managed-Service-Grafana.html) to visualise your data [using Amazon Athena](https://aws.amazon.com/athena/) to query your IoT Data Lake.
You can build your Data Producers within hours as the only process needed to integrate a new source of data, is to transform the source data format into the data model relevant to the use case before sending the data to the STF IoT module.
Same for Data Consumers. the STF Core offers multiple ways to consume the data: directly from the Context Broker, from the STF IoT Registry or from the STF IoT Data Lake. You can also subscribe to all changes of named shadows making it easy to build real-time applications. Finally you can create subscriptions in the Context Broker to notify independent systems and applications
You can combine all theses capabilities to build comprehensive and scalable solutions easily, iterate and innovate at a fast pace.
The following video guides you through the implementation of a comprehensive solution using the STF including Data Producers and Data Consumers.
[](https://youtu.be/iSFtl46h6Vw "Build a Digital Twin using the Smart Territory Framework and AWS IoT TwinMaker")
Below a reference architecture with examples of Data Producers and Data Consumers using AWS services.

For each Data Producer, it is about using the right tool to ingest the data and route it to a [Lambda function](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/welcome.html) that will transform the source data format into an NGSI-LD entity before publishing it into the STF IoT Queue.
For example, the steps to build a Data Producer that ingests data from LoRaWAN Parking Lot sensors using a private LoRaWAN Network managed by [AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN](https://youtu.be/6-ZrdRjqdTk) are:
- [Register](#register-your-first-thing-using-the-stf-iot-device-api) your parking lot sensors in the central registry using the STF IoT Service API following the [naming conventions](#naming-conventions).
- [Onboard](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/connect-iot-lorawan-onboard-end-devices.html) your parking lot sensors to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN.
- Create a Lambda function that will decode the payload and transform it into an NGSI-LD entity and publish it into the STF IoT Queue.
- Assign a LoRaWAN destination to your LoRaWAN Parking lot sensors. The destination will route the messages to an AWS IoT Rule that will route the messages to the Lambda Function.
Below an example of the code of a Lambda function that decodes and transforms the payload received from AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN for the Bosch PLS sensor:
const STF_IOT_SQS_URL = process.env.STF_IOT_SQS_URL
const THING_PREFIX = process.env.THING_PREFIX
const aws = require('aws-sdk')
const sqs = new aws.SQS({})
exports.handler = async (event) => {
try {
const { PayloadData, WirelessMetadata: { LoRaWAN : {FPort, DevEui, Timestamp} }} = event
const bf = Buffer.from(PayloadData, 'base64')
console.log(`From ${DevEui}: ${bf.toString('hex')}`)
let entity = {}
let thingName
entity.type = `ParkingSpot`
entity.id = `urn:ngsi-ld:${entity.type}:${THING_PREFIX}-${DevEui}`
entity.status = {
type: "Property",
observedAt: Timestamp,
providedBy: {
type: 'Relationship',
object: `urn:ngsi-ld:Device:${THING_PREFIX}-${DevEui}`
switch (FPort) {
//Uplink message
case 1:
entity.status.value = bf.readUInt8(0) == 0 ? "free" : "occupied"
//Heartbeat message
case 2:
entity.status.value = bf.readUInt8(0) == 0 ? "free" : "occupied"
//Startup message
case 3:
entity.status.value = bf.readUInt8(16) == 0 ? "free" : "occupied"
let send = await sqs.sendMessage({
MessageBody: JSON.stringify(entity)
} catch (e) {
You can find a list of Data Producers and Data Consumers in the [STF Catalog](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-stf) on GitHub.
## Design Considerations
The STF is designed to be flexible and efficient. It uses the following design guidelines to provide advanced device management capabilities and efficient data ingestion using naming conventions.
### Naming conventions
The STF IoT module provides a central registry in which you can store all your devices and sensors, regardless the operating model, the technology and the connectivity used. For all types of sensors and devices, the first step is to [register a thing](#register-your-first-thing-using-the-stf-iot-device-api) using the STF IoT service API.
To link the data produced by a device to its thing in the registry, there are some naming conventions to follow.
First, we recommend using a prefix containing the application (or the type) and the device or sensor model. This enables easy filtering and searching your index. You will be able for example to create an IoT Rule that only listens to changes of shadows of things which have a name starting with a specific prefix.
To continue with our Smart Parking example, using the LoRaWAN Parking lot sensor [Bosch PLS](https://www.bosch-connectivity.com/media/product_detail_pls/parking_lot_sensor_pls_datasheet_2020_12_04_en.pdf), the prefix would be `SmartParking-BoschPLS-`.
Then, what comes after the prefix must be a unique id that enables the link between the incoming messages and the thing. For example, for LoRaWAN devices, we recommend using the DevEUI of the device (as it is part of the [uplink message](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/connect-iot-lorawan-uplink-metadata-format.html#connect-iot-lorawan-uplink-metadata-example) received in AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN). So for the example above, the name of these things in the registry would be `SmartParking-BoschPLS-{DevEUI}`.
When receiving messages from these sensors, the Lambda Function in charge of creating the entity of type `ParkingSpot` only needs to add the static prefix `SmartParking-BoschPLS-` to the DevEUI to get the name of the thing that it needs to update the device shadow.
Depending the connectivity and the operating model, you will need to onboard your device to the service or platform used.
For example if using AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, you will need to [onboard]((https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/connect-iot-lorawan-onboard-end-devices.html)) your LoRaWAN device to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN in addition to the central registry.
If using AWS IoT Core to connect using MQTT with a X.509 certificate, then you will need to [attach a certificate and a policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/create-iot-resources.html) to the thing registered in the IoT registry.
### NGSI-LD entities
NGSI-LD entitites are digital representations of real-world objects having Properties and Relationships with other entities. Each entity is uniquely identified by an `id` which is the URI of the entity and characterized, by reference in the field `type`, to one NGSI-LD Entity Type.
__These two fields `id` and `type` are mandatory.__
Using the STF, the `id` of an entity must follow this pattern `urn:ngsi-ld:{Type}:{thingName}` in which `{Type}` is the type of the entity and `{thingName}` is the name of the thing registered in the STF IoT central registry (using the [AWS IoT Core Things registry](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/thing-registry.html)). The `type` must be the name of the Data Model used.
For example, for a thing named `SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc`, the entity that defines the attributes of this device will be:
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc",
"type": "Device",
"location": {
"type": "GeoProperty",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
When publishing an entity into the STF IoT, a mechanism will extract the `thingName` from the `id` and create or update the [named shadow](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-device-shadows.html) `Stf-{type}` of the thing.
In the example above, a shadow named `Stf-Device` will be created or updated for the thing named `SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc`.

This shadow contains the entity `urn:ngsi-ld:Device:SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc` as shown above in its `reported` state.

When this device sends its measurements (parking space availability in that case), it will publish an entity of type ```ParkingSpot``` into the STF IoT.
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingSpot:SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc",
"type": "ParkingSpot",
"status": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "free",
"observedAt": "2022-03-15T12:05:02Z",
"providedBy": {
"type": "Relationship",
"object": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc"
This will update or create a shadow named `Stf-ParkingSpot`.

In the example above, you see that __there is no `@context` provided when interacting with the STF IoT module__. The Smart Data Models context will be added before updating the Context Broker.
### Synchronize with the FIWARE Context Broker
The Device Shadow service uses reserved MQTT topics to enable applications and devices to get, update, or delete the state information for a device (shadow). Any change of a Device Shadow is published in these reserved MQTT Topics.
An [AWS IoT Rule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-rules.html) subscribes to all these changes and route them to an AWS Lambda function that updates the Context Broker accordingly.
Below the IoT Rule that listens to changes in all named shadows starting with the prefix `Stf` and retrieves the shadow document:
SELECT current.state.reported.*
FROM '$aws/things/+/shadow/name/+/update/documents'
WHERE startswith(topic(6), 'Stf') AND NOT isUndefined(current.state.reported.type)
You can subscribe only to changes or retrieve the entire shadow document. The document contains all the properties even those that have not been updated.
In that case we retrieve the entire document to get the property `location` even if it is not part of the incoming message. It saves the API call needed to enrich the message with this property.
### Location
Although optional for an NGSI-LD entity, the property `location` is mandatory when registering a Device in the STF central registry.
The STF IoT provides a mechanism to enrich with the property `location` every message or payload coming from a device without any API call.
Indeed, most static devices might not send the information about their location in the payload. That is the case for example for LoRaWAN parking lot sensors.
However, a data consumer like a mobile application for parking space availability needs this information as well as the availability of parking spots (which would be stored in entities of type [```ParkingSpot```](https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Parking/tree/master/ParkingSpot)).
In the [Lambda function that updates the Context Broker](./lib/stacks/stf-iot/stf-iot-core/lambda/updateContextBroker/index.js), there is a mechanism that checks for every entities that are not of type `Device` if the property `location` is present.
If not it retrieves the property from the shadow `Stf-Device` of the thing, enriches the message and updates the shadow `Stf-{type}` with the property.
As we retrieve the full shadow document, next time this entity will have the property `location`.
In other words, when the device `SmartParking-BoschPLS-edd9ab00002022cc` sends its availability for the first time, it updates its shadow `Stf-parkingSpot` without providing the property `location`. When the message is routed to the Lambda Function that updates the Context Broker, the mechanism described above retrieves the property `location` from its shadow named `Stf-Device`, enriches the entity of type `ParkingSpot` with the location and updates the shadow named `Stf-ParkingSpot`.
This triggers another change in the shadow `Stf-ParkingSpot` that is routed to the same function but from now, the property `location` will always be provided as it is part of the shadow document.
Data consumers consuming the `ParkingSpot` entities from the Context Broker or from the STF IoT Data Lake won't need any additional request to get the location of the parking spot.
You can find the code of the mechanism described abobe in the [Lambda Function]((./lib/stacks/stf-iot/stf-iot-core/lambda/updateContextBroker/index.js)) that updates the Context broker.
## Additional Resources
This section provides links to additional resources that may help implement solutions based on the Smart Territory Framework:
- [FIWARE NGSI-LD Tutorial](https://ngsi-ld-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
- [JSON-LD, NGSI-LD, Digital Twins and Smart Data Models](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfigPKx99Bs)
- [Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/)
- [Scorpio Broker Doc](https://scorpio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
- [Orion-LD Doc](https://github.com/FIWARE/context.Orion-LD)
- [AWS CDK Workshop](https://cdkworkshop.com/)
- [AWS IoT Hero Workshop](https://d3ixby23wk112q.cloudfront.net/heroiot-welcome)
## Troubleshooting
- Check issues in [Scorpio Broker repository](https://github.com/ScorpioBroker/ScorpioBroker)
- View your [CloudWatch Logs data](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/using_awslogs.html#viewing_awslogs) in the CloudWatch console.
- [Elastic IP address limit](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/elastic-ip-addresses-eip.html#using-instance-addressing-limit)
## Security
See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information.
## License
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.